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please check it out and feedback is well appreciated
please check it out and feedback is well appreciated
hey guys, i have almost finished my first website and am fairly happy with it. it is for my wifes business, please take a look and let me know what you think.
Re: please check it out and feedback is well appreciated
Hi Joel,
I liked your page. Really nice?
Question: Why do you have so much white space under your bottom menu?
(home page) (fitness) (packages)..... Have you set up on 'page properties' the page height for 600?
Re: please check it out and feedback is well appreciated
On your packages, Health and aboutus pages your text is overlapping - title over body text I would think.
This may be a function of whatever font you are using - are you using a web friendly font? have a look at this.
also some of your pictures are pretty 'heavy'. Although they are small, they still have lots of weight to them. Try using an image optimizer like this one, where you can reduce them, keeping them the same size pixel wise, but getting them to load faster without sacrificing much in the way of quality.
Nice site, interesting service you offer, great idea.
Couple of other things-
Check the page lengths as mentioned above - and make sure you are making them only as long as you have 'stuff', so you can eliminate the empty space below.
I am not sure why you have a landing page - the place where 'enter' is.
I am personally not a fan of those as I find them annoying, but more than that, I suspect they hinder your ability to be 'found' by search engines.. not sure about that though.
The other thing is -- Where are you located? Probably want to mention this prominantly maybe in the header... It is a really important piece - something like "serving the areas of ......." or something like that.
I like your site, just some tweaking and you are there!
Good Luck,
Re: please check it out and feedback is well appreciated
thanks for the feedback, the only reason that the space is at the bottom of the page is that at the moment i am too lazy to crop the flowers out of the background page, thus to have the second row of flowers ( at bottom of page) i have to place another background in, and thats why the space is there. i will fix that though.
ill check about the font but it comes up fine on the 4 computers i have checked on so not sure bout that .
for the search engines instead of giving them the leader page i have entered the homepage, so hopefully this will give me better chances. if not i will have to change it.
thanks again
Re: please check it out and feedback is well appreciated
Originally posted by joel_lidder85
thanks for the feedback, the only reason that the space is at the bottom of the page is that at the moment i am too lazy to crop the flowers out of the background page, thus to have the second row of flowers ( at bottom of page) i have to place another background in, and thats why the space is there. i will fix that though.
ill check about the font but it comes up fine on the 4 computers i have checked on so not sure bout that .
for the search engines instead of giving them the leader page i have entered the homepage, so hopefully this will give me better chances. if not i will have to change it.
thanks again
What font are your using?
It will show up fine only if the computer viewing it has that font installed..that is the reason for using freindly fonts. There may be some other reason for the overlapping I saw, but the fonts are the usual suspect..
The browser bmight be another - I am using IE7, just FYI.
In any case, good luck.
Re: please check it out and feedback is well appreciated
at the moment im pretty sure the font in bank gothic. On our second computer this font is not availiable and it has changed it to times new roman. the link that was posted before for the safe font list did not go through.
Re: please check it out and feedback is well appreciated
Very nice and innovative page except for a few nitty gritty little things.
The Logo on your index page should be used on all your pages. BV has innovate the means for you to save your not so internet friendly fonts as an image. [Highlight the words and right click. select properties and click "save as an image".
The digital looking fonts on your menue button should also be replaced with a more softer and feminine font to blend with the rest of your page.
Re: please check it out and feedback is well appreciated
Since my last post i have fixed the font problem, i saved the writing as a picture file so the font is visible on all computers. i have fixed the problem of too much space at the bottom of the screen, and also have added a few more pages around the site. hope it is a little more attractive then before.
thanks for the previous feedback.
Re: please check it out and feedback is well appreciated
Hi Joel,
Just been looking through, very nice site... Im viewing with Firefox, on the fitness page the offer of the Triple trail pack isnt quite within the border the words "try our" have the border running through them, this also is the case when you go to casual rates page, the same box is there.
Also just a question, is that offer to entice people to come & try, if so should it be "Trial" rather than "trail" (which to me is a path you follow through some woods)
Re: please check it out and feedback is well appreciated
Hi guys, was just wondering if i should have a more obvious link back to my homepage. the only one at the moment is the menu at the bottom of the page. i feel it may need one near the top somewhere.
Re: please check it out and feedback is well appreciated
Hi all,
I published my site, “” and the “Action Page” does not work. I changed in the Page HTML my “actual email address” but I do not know what Brad Costello means by “the actual email subject”. I have yet to change this. Also, on the page ”prijsopgave” the “verstuur” (submit) and “reset” buttons don’t seem to work either. Anyone? Thanks. PilotBen