A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

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  • kell

    • Oct 2006
    • 15

    A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

    I am about to launch a new site, one very close to my heart and would love some feed back while it is in prelaunch mode. It's a site about destressing our lifes with easy and joyful steps. I really want the world to get this information and would appreciate all your critiques.
    Love and light,
    Be happy, relaxed and face all challenges with ease.
    Free 5min stressbuster meditation.
  • kell

    • Oct 2006
    • 15

    Re: A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

    p.s I'll be changing and adding to it alot over the next week.
    Be happy, relaxed and face all challenges with ease.
    Free 5min stressbuster meditation.


    • larazovich

      • Jul 2006
      • 5811

      Re: A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

      Originally posted by kell View Post
      I am about to launch a new site, one very close to my heart and would love some feed back while it is in prelaunch mode. It's a site about destressing our lifes with easy and joyful steps. I really want the world to get this information and would appreciate all your critiques.
      Love and light,
      I had a look through the parts of your site I found completed.
      I am a long time meditator, and expected to find a relaxing, informative site with maybe a new twist on the business of meditation. I did not.

      The first thing that strikes me on your home page is that it feels "loud". The colors feel alittle bright and heavilly contrasted, rather than blended, relaxing and maybe muted, lending themselves to a feeling of peace.

      To me, the site has the feel of a brash sales pitch, and although I see that the object is to sell the training program, the hard-sell approach seems at odds with the product you are selling. For example, it is hard to hear the words 'breakthrough' and 'meditation' in the same phrase - feels contrived to me.

      Although most of the the ideas in your header - relax, enjoy life, feel good - sound as if they fit with the idea of meditation, the last one, succeed, doesn't seem to fit the object of meditation. Additionally the pictures also have the feel of sales pitch - not much inner peace reflected there.

      I hope I have not offended you with these observations. That certainly is not my intention. It is just that this site confuses me in it's intent - it feels more like a training program for positive thinking - you know, the 'create your own reality' type, something much more assertive or even agressive than than for meditation, which is inherantly passive and reflective.

      This is not a bad thing, but might speak to how you approach the marketing of the product - I think success might be found more easily marketing this as a tool towards changing one's attitude, or life approach, rather then simply meditation.

      Obviously these are just my thoughts; others will undoubtedly see this differently.

      Good Luck

      Ring the bells that still can ring


      • Collectors-info

        • Feb 2006
        • 8703

        Re: A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

        Hi, Ditto with above. Needs a more relaxing feel. Only a personal thing, but I wouldn’t have a video on the front page as you will get a lot of 1st timers leaving because of the loading time. You maybe better off having a link to the video from the front page.
        Always good to get a visitor on to the site 1st.

        Good luck.
        Regards Chris.

        Collectables, Collecting, collectors-info.com


        House build project


        • Dori
          Lieutenant Colonel

          • Sep 2006
          • 581

          Re: A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

          Hi Kell,

          I agree with Lara and Chris on the fact that there is too much going on. Try and use no more than 2 different fonts; they can be different sizes, bold or unbold, but it really makes it easier on the eye if you don't use too many styles.

          I know you want to stand out and interest people in learning more and eventually purchasing your meditation product, but you also need to keep them there. You have a good start, you just need to soften the colors and the look of your website. It should be a tranquil, relaxing experience when they visit you.
          Naturally Yours,


          • whiteshepherd
            Brigadier General

            • Apr 2007
            • 1341

            Re: A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

            Ditto to both Lara and Collector's ... your index page is your only oportunity to capture your visitor's curiosity. I am confused too ... when I went there I expected to find something soft, mellow and inviting ... not a marketing site ...

            Good luck and hope you have success.
            kym, merlin & tala
            creating white majick


            • koolspaces.com
              Second Lieutenant

              • Jul 2007
              • 136

              Re: A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

              I agree with the assessment given by the others. It does feel cluttered and a bit cumbersome to have to read that much. But you know what? The picture of the women lying in the grass gives me a sense of "relaxation." Perhaps that should be your background, you might even make the photo a bit hazy. I wonder, also, if you could replace the text with something that invites the reader/user to want to keep them there.

              The Best myspaces on myspace.com


              • sc06tty

                • Aug 2007
                • 36

                Re: A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

                I think it looks good the only thing is the pics at the top the second pic is not as clear as the rest of them but apart from that i think it looks good.



                • Garren
                  Master Sergeant

                  • Jul 2006
                  • 68

                  Re: A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

                  I agree with what everyone else is saying. Its way to much information on your front page. I immediantly think network marketing scheme when I see pages like this no offense. I hope our information helps.
                  Never Let a Kind word go Un said!

                  Soy Candles


                  • Vasili

                    • Mar 2006
                    • 14683

                    Re: A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

                    If you are looking for a softer structure, even using a BV template might help quite a bit......there are quite a few ethereal ones to select from: clouds, neutral pastels, simple zen-inspired page designs, etc. (see especially Set 21, and some of the ones in Set 22 ---including ones where you can "replace" the pictures....the colors and lines might work really well for you)

                    Maybe then you can see how the composed Content does not seem to fit well (as described by others) in contrast to the firm and complimentary foundation.

                    I know you are just starting, but the cleaner and more precise your site is, the more credibility your visitors will pick up when the do the 15 second evaluation......there are so many of your competitors out there, you really must rise above the crowd first by demonstrating your professional attention to detail and the "balance" of absolutely everything......that's the only way we can determine your dedication, or the realism of what you are purporting. Proof of mind can be shown by the works of the hands.

                    Hope I nudged you without bruising....
                    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                    * Success Is Potential Realized *


                    • albumin40
                      Sergeant Major

                      • Aug 2007
                      • 94

                      Re: A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

                      I think the site is good, but would go along with all other comments.
                      Spelling is imperative. For example, spontaneous is not spelled spontanious. Folks will pick up on this.

                      I tried to download your 5 minute stress buster. No email appeared.

                      Also tried a dry run of purchasing. Your site states $99 for the course, but when redirected to PayPal, the figure was $225. Folks will balk at this.

                      Hope this constructive criticism helps.

                      Kin Regards


                      • TWO CATS
                        First Lieutenant

                        • Feb 2006
                        • 192

                        Re: A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.

                        Hi Kell
                        I agree also .In my browser I.E on your front page. Text is on top of text where it starts "happiness that lasts" and the yellow boxes dominstuart.com and kylie layton are sitting over the top of text so can't read any of it .The only other thing the video link box is also over some of the print under it.I don't know why nobody else saw this but maybe they can help with fixing it .I'm no expert on these things I'm still learning myself
                        good luck
                        two cats


                        • ChocolateFanatic

                          • Aug 2007
                          • 12

                          Re: A place to find peace and relaxation, review please.


                          De-stressing one's life is always important to your happiness. It's a great idea to try and get information to people on how to ease their minds and feelings.

                          However, the design of your webpage is *essential.* The colors, your layout, how you word everything, is very important to how people will feel about your website.

                          I know that alot of people say "Don't judge a book by it's cover," or, "Dont depend on first impressions." However, its not like that for webpage. These days there are so many scams and people out there to get your money that if a person jumps onto a site that looks contradictive to the title, they will instantly be pushed away.

                          The first thing many people will do when they get onto a new website is take in how it looks. If this passes their criticking, (spelling), THEN they start to read the content.

                          As with the others, I feel that the design of your webpage is very contradictive to what you are selling. I was, personally, taken aback by the stunningly bright colors when I first visited it.

                          Here's a good link that describes some soothing colors:

                          The effects of colors

                          Also, people respond very strongly to free information. Once you win them over with a soothing webpage design, next is to gain their confidence with tidbits of free information and tips. This will help them trust you, and be more willing to buy your product.

                          The last thing is how you layout your information. Using a side menu bar to seperate your information helps your viewers better sort through your information. If they can easily jump to a subject that they find interesting, they will feel more secure. If they have to scroll down through one long, long page, they might end up getting frustrated.

                          So capture them with soothing colors, attract them with your information, and order the information to make it easy to navigate through everything. Each information page doesn't have to be huge, but it also gives you even more opportunity to very gently point out your product, as you point out little bits of information about stress relieving.

                          Personally, when I first saw the page, I wasn't overcome with a sense of confidence. I instantly felt like the only thing you were doing was trying to sell me something. I've seen many many webpages that have their information in one, and only one, huge long page. They honestly don't care about their customers and are just trying to sell their products.

                          Don't take any of this as insulting!! I have just learned alot over the years and wanted to give you my opinion as well.

                          I hope the business is going well for you, and good luck with everything,

                          Mrs. Whitt
                          The Chocolate Fanatic!

