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Hello, I couldn't get the page to load. As Chris said due to the images.
You should consider setting your page width to 800 and placing your nav bars down the side. That way people don't have to scroll left to right to see the whole site. Good Luck
A bit to add to Phil's observations.....
It's time to start titling your pages properly, completing Page Properties for each.
And, with regard to considering your "sideways scroll" issue Phil mentioned, I think if you centered your main picture on your page, you might find the layout would compell you to revise your page width overall to be not only tighter but more comforming to a more common expectation of no more than 800-825 wide without any difficulty: this would also allow you to bring your horizontal navigation Menu tighter for a more balanced look and feel.
Have you thought about using a more "constructed" and multi-colored approach to your color theme, rather tahn the stark and foreboding "all-black" that you now have? Possibly a gray page background with a black border and a darker gray background might make you B&W pictures pop a bit more....