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It's Alive!

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  • It's Alive!

    Hi Ya'll,

    My site,, is out there! It's not 100%, but the things I'm waiting on may take awhile. Please feel free to review (I know you will), but please keep in mind that this is mostly for entertainment purposes, mine as well as visitors.

    I don't foresee there ever being anything on the site that anyone will "have to have" immediately, so while loading time is important, it's not priority one. SEO tips are very welcome, though seeing as this started as a hobby to keep me out of the bars, I've probably already made any investment back one hundredfold (I drink a lot, and expensive stuff!), and I plan on keeping my day job.

    Be honest, but gentle. I know my style will turn some stomachs, I just wish I had saved version one (this must be at least #6?), a few of you might be hospitalized over that!

    I guess I've gone on long enough, have at it!



  • #2
    Re: It's Alive!

    Hi, off to a good start with a different approach, (which is nice to see). The only thing I could see that was throwing the pages out was the Google adds. It created some side scroll on the screen.

    Good luck.
    Regards Chris.

    Collectables, Collecting,

    House build project


    • #3
      Re: It's Alive!

      It certainly is alive ... well done ... really like it ... maybe in some places I felt the text may be too big but that is probably only a matter of personal taste ... I look forward to seeing it finished ...
      kym, merlin & tala
      creating white majick


      • #4
        Re: It's Alive!


        Well, so far so good! Thanks for the replies. Those ads, well at least that's all you have to scroll for, I should probably just 86 them (Chris, thanks again for the help on greybox). And the large text, may be just a matter of screen I'm viewing regularly, or maybe I just need more content? I'll certainly work on it.

        Thanks again, I'll let you know if any great breakthroughs!



        • #5
          Re: It's Alive!

          Hi Mike,

          I really like it....good job.
          Sharon Chajin


          • #6
            Re: It's Alive!

            Originally posted by mwalsh62 View Post
            I know my style will turn some stomachs
            Make the design please you. And good for you for finding an outlet!

            Me, I enjoyed your site. Re-vamps are good, they keep you interested and keeps the site fresh.

            "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society." (Mark Twain, 1927)


            • #7
              Re: It's Alive!

              LMAO! Very well done, Mike! Excellent humor. Excellent concept. Any site with a lounge in it is my kind of site! Bookmarked ya!

              Best of luck to you.



              • #8
                Re: It's Alive!

                You like me! You really, really like me!

                Thank you all for such kind words, I really expected quite a coal dragging (though I guess some of the toughest haven't chimed in yet). If any of the techies out there have advice, or if anyone can think of anything that would both fit and compliment, I'd be glad to hear it.

                Thank you to BV and all forum members, even if we haven't had a "one on one", most likely I've learned something from your posts.



                • #9
                  Re: It's Alive!

                  P.S. I viewed while at work today, quite a difference on a different monitor! I am building and viewing on a 14" widescreen laptop, and the normal monitor really throws it in your face! I'll try to address.

