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Image viewed w/Mac is in wrong place?

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  • Image viewed w/Mac is in wrong place?

    Hi, below is a link to a page I am designing with BV. When I look at the page online using my Windows-based PC it appears OK, including the horizontal menu bar. But I've had two separate Mac users tell me that the image of the girl with shopping bags partially covers that menu bar.

    Specifically, they say the girl-with-bags image covers part of the "Our Clients" link and all of the "Contact" link, which is the far-right button.

    Please tell me what you see and what you'd suggest to fix this problem (assuming you see it). Thank you.

  • #2
    Re: Image viewed w/Mac is in wrong place?

    I don't have a Mac but it looks okay to me ...
    kym, merlin & tala
    creating white majick


    • #3
      Re: Image viewed w/Mac is in wrong place?

      Hello Jim
      I looked at it in IE7 and Firefox and it looks fine. Perhaps you fixed it.
      I see the shopping woman sitting behind the menu bar; that is, the last two buttons are read over her picture. But there is no problem reading them..

      Ring the bells that still can ring


      • #4
        Re: Image viewed w/Mac is in wrong place?

        Thank you, Kym and Merlin and Liz. Shortly after posting my original message I went back to the BV file, selected the menu bar, and clicked "Move to Front" (a couple of times, actually).

        That might explain why Liz said the bar is over the image of the girl, but the thing is: In the BV file I created, the menu bar is fully separated from that image (by a gap of about 1/4"). So there still seems to be a problem.

        Liz, were you viewing it on a Mac or a Windows PC? By the way, that striped oval behind the girl was created using BV's logomaker tool. Is it a no-no to put an image (in this case, .gif) on top of a BV-created logo?

        If anyone else would be so kind as to view the page and tell me (a) what they see in terms of the girl image and menu bar and (b) whether they are using a Mac, I would appreciate it VERY much.


        • #5
          Re: Image viewed w/Mac is in wrong place?

          pc here

          Ring the bells that still can ring


          • #6
            Re: Image(s) viewed w/Mac is in wrong place?

            I have another page I would like to have forum members look at and tell me if anything looks wrong:

            One person outside the forum (who uses a Mac) tells me that:

            (1) On the menu bar, only the letter "e" in the "Home" link is visible (the rest of the link is off the L-hand side of the page)

            (2) All of the body text is too far over to the left

            I hope this is only a Mac user problem. Even if it is, I wish I knew how to eliminate it!


            • #7
              Re: Image viewed w/Mac is in wrong place?

              I am not a Mac user, but your page does not look centered to me either.
              Be sure and tick the Center you page box in page properties.

              Ring the bells that still can ring

