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Tell me what you think

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  • Tell me what you think

    I want some feedback from this community about my site

    Please let me know what you think.

  • #2
    Re: Tell me what you think


    I like it, very professional, clean and navigates well .. all though sometimes there is too much information infront of me on each sides and I find it might be a bit too much?

    .. also the Hide Nav thing doesn't work in E.I ;)

    Good job!
    Best regards,


    • #3
      Re: Tell me what you think

      Wonderful assimilation of volumes of information......even the applied style "fits" the function.

      However, as Jeremy intimated or (tried to), this type of website might be better served in a true CMS application such as phpNuke or even Joomla, both of which are not only far more robust in features to acommodate your site requirements, but easily configured/customized as well: you needn't forsake your specific theme or 'look-and-feel' simply by using either of these superior foundations.
      Granted, at first glance, they might seem to be complicated and cumbersome, but they truly are super-easy to methodically progress through, and as they boast built-in features that rival many of the utilities you presently need to manually add to the side, there is more interest more than ever before on the versatility of these builders.

      Both can be loaded Free via Fantastico in your control panel. Take a look at and for details of either.

      Just a thought.....
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • #4
        Re: Tell me what you think

        I appreciate your constructive critiques on my site, although to reply to the before comment, it is a Joomla site. It is 100% Joomla, with the support site powered by osTicket, and the site forums are SMF.

        Now as to Jeremy's comments, what specifically are you referring to when you said

        Originally posted by Jeremy View Post
        ... all though sometimes there is too much information infront of me on each sides and I find it might be a bit too much?
        And also about this

        .. also the Hide Nav thing doesn't work in E.I ;)
        It did work but something I did add or did to the site itself apparently produced an error and now it won't function.

        The old site was 100% HTML based website. Let me tell you, pain in the rear when operating a site that needs constant updates. So I decided to try Joomla and I can't tell you how much I love it, to be able to submit news via the site and not through the ACP.


        • #5
          Re: Tell me what you think

          it looks great and is a good use of Joolma ...
          kym, merlin & tala
          creating white majick


          • #6
            Re: Tell me what you think

            It's a bit difficult for me to comment as I know nothing about baseball sorry, however a quick glance tells me you have obviously put a hell of a lot of work into this and the layout is very nice. The colours (that's colors to you) didn't appeal to me at first but on second glance are growing on me.

            Forgive me if I am wrong as I only have a few seconds to look, but I can't find some of your keywords on the pages that they relate to. If I AM correct in this then you need to change this as ALL keywords MUST appear within the text (Not links) on each page you are keywording.

            If I am wrong and they are on the page my apologies, as I say I had to brush through it quickly.
            Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


            • #7
              Re: Tell me what you think

              What are you talking bout when you say you can't find some of my keywords on the pages they relate to?


              • #8
                Re: Tell me what you think

                Originally posted by ParadiseVideo View Post
                What are you talking bout when you say you can't find some of my keywords on the pages they relate to?
                When you enter your keywords for each page, they MUST be words that appear as text on that particular page. I believe you have a few words in your keywords on the home page that are not actually on your home page. Haven't checked the rest of your site but imagine it may be the same there too.

                You also have too many keywords.
                Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                • #9
                  Re: Tell me what you think

                  Originally posted by ParadiseVideo View Post
                  my keywords on the pages they relate to?
                  That is the very definition of "relevancy" is it not?

                  Building toward the "Perfect Page Construct" is only the mechanics of a conforming website, and being in full compliance with the standards (the logic, the overall model) is critical to be cached according to metric value: if a site is sub-standard, or utilizes "shortcuts" it will be 'valued' as suspect or non-comforming, and may actually be penalized.

                  > Establishing Relevancy is the term used to measure many variables, and true relevancy is the very foundation of the metrics: Search Engines evaluate websites upon merit (of construct and conformity) and reliability of available inofrmation (which needs demonstrable relevancy, logical composition) to cache as potential resources to present to individual client Search requests.....that is their job, to populate relevant information to requests made by clients (like every time you "Google" a key word?).
                  . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                  * Success Is Potential Realized *


                  • #10
                    Re: Tell me what you think

                    Originally posted by Vasili View Post
                    That is the very definition of "relevancy" is it not?

                    Building toward the "Perfect Page Construct" is only the mechanics of a conforming website, and being in full compliance with the standards (the logic, the overall model) is critical to be cached according to metric value: if a site is sub-standard, or utilizes "shortcuts" it will be 'valued' as suspect or non-comforming, and may actually be penalized.

                    > Establishing Relevancy is the term used to measure many variables, and true relevancy is the very foundation of the metrics: Search Engines evaluate websites upon merit (of construct and conformity) and reliability of available inofrmation (which needs demonstrable relevancy, logical composition) to cache as potential resources to present to individual client Search requests.....that is their job, to populate relevant information to requests made by clients (like every time you "Google" a key word?).
                    ..... Yeah that's kinda what I meant! ; - )
                    Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.

