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New Website looking for feedback

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  • New Website looking for feedback

    Hi All,

    I have been working on a new website ref:
    The products page is not finished yet, but I would like to hear any comments you may have on the site before I go any further down the road I am on.
    Thanks already go to Collectors-Info and Navaldesign for some help already received.



  • #2
    Re: New Website looking for feedback

    I am not sure what to think here,
    I am sorry if I have offended anyone or broke forum rules in some way.
    I listed my site as per above thread looking for some feedback as it is my first venture into website design. Unfortunatley no responses have come back. I have added a products page so maybe this might help.


    Golfnut / Mike


    • #3
      Re: New Website looking for feedback

      Keep in mind that people volunteer their time hear so no one is here constantly. People come and go and a select few frequently check in here to give feed back.

      The site looks really great. Nice job. Great color and fun atmosphere.
      Keep up the good work.

      I would suggest that you make good use of the page properties and use the titles box as well as the page descriptions to better assist the google and msn bots catalouge your site.

      Bethers has a lot of info about that in her SEO Book which she offers here for nothing. ( )

      PHP- is a blast!


      • #4
        Re: New Website looking for feedback

        Thanks Andy,
        As mentioned totally new to this so thanks for your reply.
        I will take on board you comments.


        • #5
          Re: New Website looking for feedback

          Hey Mike

          Like you I am a golf nut in fact I had a Golf website as well not too long ago. But your site is looking great. I found the best way to improving your ranking in the search pages was to increase the content as well as inbound links from other sites. So the more products you get and the more information you write about them the better.

          You have done a great job so far.
          Phil Cartledge (Aussie Phil)

          Discover A Simple Approach To Online Business That Locks In Your Success.


          • #6
            Re: New Website looking for feedback

            Hi Mike,

            I agree with all of the above, especially with Philip re your content.

            There's a great free report you can download at that may help you with writing for your site.

            Tell me, why am I writing this and not at the 19th hole?

            Mark Barnes



            • #7
              Re: New Website looking for feedback

              LOL.....and, if you want First Class Content specially composed, check out Word Pointe!

              Since your site is such a narrow focus, you should consider having a greater depth of carefully structured content to provide a wider scope of relevancy and resources for the Search Engines to merit returning customers to......there are simply a lot of competitors out there for you to contend with without zeroing in on developing metric values that not only make sense but can be presented to visitors as well to develop a wider appeal.

              Along with your product or service in particular, adding ancillary opportunities or information as a "second service" (offering) often will become favored by many different types of potential clients and increase likelihood of potential conversion rates.
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *


              • #8
                Re: New Website looking for feedback

                Sweeeet! I wish that I lived somewhere that I could golf all the time. Unfortunately, IT'S SNOWING HERE! Love the site, I may get back to you about some logo emblazoned golf balls. I agree with mvb, where's the 19th hole?

                Cheers, Shane


                • #9
                  Re: New Website looking for feedback

                  Hi All,

                  Thanks for the great feedback, I am still busy trying to get everything online before the Christmas rush so I will take on board the advice and try and incorporate it into the site.



                  • #10
                    Re: New Website looking for feedback

                    Hi All, made some changes, what do you think


                    • #11
                      Re: New Website looking for feedback

                      Hey Mike, your doing a great job. I see you have a few links but you should make sure they have recipricol links of your site on their link pages.

                      I would make your link page less obvious as well. This is so people do not leave your page easily. I would place a links text at the base of the page rather than in the navigation bar.
                      Phil Cartledge (Aussie Phil)

                      Discover A Simple Approach To Online Business That Locks In Your Success.

