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  • matt36

    Hey ive built my first site too. Its about 8 months old and has evolved heaps lol, hasnt everyones? I sell clotheslines on it and so far its doing well in the sales dept. got a few number 1 positions for keywords and the main keyword "clotheslines" is at number 27 on google and coming up fast. I expect to be number one soon, as my site ages so will my rank increase. Matt

  • #2
    Re: matt36

    great....lets see the site :)


    • #3
      Re: matt36

      opps forgot to put in the url.


      • #4
        Re: matt36

        just a few suggestions from my point of view. Where it says:

        maybe make it center like the text below it
        Is your clothesline looking tired? Modern clotheslines are out of sight and mind; you can even put one in the garage!
        maybe make it center like the text below it
        Now navigation-wise when I click through a site I dont like when extra pages pop up, JMO. When I click on "builders" a new page pops up, but when I click on "builders" and "sitemap" its a smoother transition to the next page.

        When I click on "Information" an error comes up and says "The URL is not valid and cannot be located"

        Rest of it looks great :)


        • #5
          Re: matt36

          Yes the information page is not yet done. Sorry about that. I took your advice and centered the text. As for other pages opening i agree that it can be a pain but its designed to "keep" ppl on the site, to keep them looking around. it only happens on a few pages.matt


          • #6
            Re: matt36

            Hey Matt

            The good old Aussie Clothes line, every house should have one. Hey you have done a great job on the site. Loads quickly and navigates well. I haven't been through the whole site but it all looks good.

            The only thing I found was a couple of spelling mistakes, Testimonial and not Testa, Favourites instead of Favorites. (On the home page) Also capital I for i in one sentence. And doesnt should be doesn't. I tend to use the full word such as "is not" instead of "isn't". I find most sites use US spelling and spelling and grammer can effect your page ranking in google.
            Phil Cartledge (Aussie Phil)

            Discover A Simple Approach To Online Business That Locks In Your Success.


            • #7
              Re: matt36


              Great looking site...I know this is "nit picky" but on your contact page
              your privacy statement

              Any information about you is not retained by us including email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses or any other infomation. Neither is it passed on to third partys.

              Second information is spelled incorrectly.

              Awesome site.



              • #8
                Re: matt36

                well done ... great website .. I do think that maybe the pages are too wide .. .the norm is 800 but you could stretch it to 900 .... great to see another Aussie here ... welcome
                kym, merlin & tala
                creating white majick


                • #9
                  Re: matt36

                  Thank you to all those ppl who found spelling mistakes. i really appreciate this. Spelling isnt my strong point and for the life of me i never noticed these even though ive been looking hard, lol. Thanks guys. Matt, Quality clotheslines.


                  • #10
                    Re: matt36

                    it might be a idea for you to make one or two of your fields on your contact form required and maybe a captcha question, this would reduce the amount of spam you would get from your form clogging up your inbox.


                    • #11
                      Re: matt36

                      yeah good idea, thanx

