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You have done a great job. It navigates well and loads quickly in my browser. The only thing I would suggest is centering your pages to get a better view of the header. Keep up the hard work.
Hi Brenda!
I think that your site looks very professional. I still haven't discovered how to put all those squares there.
I'd appreciate if you'd talke a look for my site, too.
Best wishes,
Julia from New York
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the feedback. I took Philip's suggestion and centered the pages in the browser window...definitely worth the time. Egar, I'm a "retired" IT professional and I've bookmarked your site for future reference. Vick, I really like your "curly top" container and the site looks great....and last but not least, Julia, wow, it looks like you've invested alot of time in your site. It loaded up fast on my computer even with the music and multiple photos....I like the mosaic pages....
Its a nice site.The only thing that jumped out at me was that the positioning of the logo/header images is different on the home page to the other pages.
Love your site - very professional, clean, easy on the eye, easy to use and great graphics.
I am on dial-up though (can't get anything else here), and it took c40sec to load your home page. Once cached it only took 13 sec and for me it was fine navigating after that. It justs depends how many folks in your market segment are still on dial-up. I'm fast becoming the dial-up tester on this forum!
Anyway, as I said I love your site. You should be proud of it.