Website Review

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  • Squiggle

    • Aug 2007
    • 4

    Website Review

    Finally finished! Would appreicate thoughts/comments.

    First Lieutenant

    • Feb 2006
    • 192

    Re: Website Review

    Hi Squigle
    site looks good.I would try making your links to other pages in your banner at the top larger and perhaps put them lower i think this would balance it better also your photos take a long time to load .
    Two Cats


    • Vasili

      • Mar 2006
      • 14683

      Re: Website Review

      "Content is King" on the internet, and will prove to be critical in developing any postion that might serve to create traffic (along with every other element of Meta precisely developed), and from what I see, is presently lacking.

      Technically, the site passes muster, but I would like to think you are not willing to sell your efforts short by not properly developing the potential that could emerge with further refinements and additional efforts....


      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • AJ113
        Special Status

        • May 2007
        • 332

        Re: Website Review

        As Vasili says, there is not much content for the se's to get hold of, you may struggle to be successful if you want to figure high in organic se results pages.

        In addition, your property pages could become a nightmare to maintain if your portfolio increases, or when properties are sold/taken off the market. I suggest you use a database-orientated facility for your properties such as

        Having said that, it's a nice, clean site to view, so I would say so far so good, but plenty of work to do yet.


        • MADinMelbourne
          Second Lieutenant

          • Dec 2007
          • 115

          Re: Website Review

          Hi Squiggle... not quite sure about having a beach photo at the top when some of the properties are in cities. Was weird reading about an apartment in NY, looking at a beach pic. Have you experimented with the rotating ad banner so that people will get more of a sense of the diversity you offer in real estate right at the start? It's a great beginning, the layout of the property page looks great.

          the ART of Making A Difference


          • john777
            Sergeant Major

            • Oct 2007
            • 89

            Re: Website Review

            Hey why does your featured property open in a new window? looks good!
            You may grab more peoples attention if you had some pics of your hottest rentals on your home page and I would put the contact form on it's own page..
            Good Job and Good Luck.


            • Intercessor Prayer

              • Jun 2006
              • 19

              Re: Website Review

              I would certainly put the site name and title in your index page properties.

              Also some information on buying in these areas. ie do foreigners have laws/stipulations that affect buying in an area etc. If I was going to buy property from/through you I would like to see more information about who you are, where you are etc, for you to be more transparent. I think your site should reflect more of a 'shop front' so to speak.

              My husband has a property website here in Spain so I'm probably more 'picky'.

              Good luck with it.
              aka Intercessor Prayer
     - Intercessor Prayer Network
     - Helping the World's Poor

              Home and Business Security Alarm Systems

              'Trust in the Lord with all you heart, lean not on your understanding' Proverbs 3 v5


              • whiteshepherd
                Brigadier General

                • Apr 2007
                • 1341

                Re: Website Review

                really nice site ... well done ... i don't have a problem with the beach photo in yor banner as i believe it represents your branding and i see there are a lot of bach properties on your site ...

                one thing i would add to Vasili's comments and some others is that when i click on Toronto, for example, it does not take me to properties inToronto ... it lists all your properties as do th eother links. It would be good if only the properties in those places are listed to the links.

                good luckwith it ... i wanted to buy all of them in the Carribean ... lol ... off to keep dreaming of retirement ...
                kym, merlin & tala
                creating white majick


                • Collectors-info

                  • Feb 2006
                  • 8703

                  Re: Website Review

                  Hi the sites got a nice fell to it, but need to do some work on the images.
         is at 400kb on all pages & should be around 40kb. It’s the same with most of your other images. You have with a lot of them as large thumbnails & haven’t reduced the images. You have made them smaller using the image handles. You have also enlarged some this way, which will really distort the image & pixelate it as the one on this page. Remember the pages will load fast for you as they are in your machine cache. But for 1st timers with slow connections it will take a wile.
                  Regards Chris.

                  Collectables, Collecting,


                  House build project


                  • AJ113
                    Special Status

                    • May 2007
                    • 332

                    Re: Website Review

                    Your 'featured properties' link is blue text on a blue background, which makes it almost invisible. Is there a reason you have not used a proper menu bar for your menu?

                    Your contact form is on the wrong page, it should be on each property details page, so that if a potential customer wants to make an enquiry after reading all about a property the form is right there in front of them.

                    The house image in your header looks like it has just been plonked there without much thought. Try to find a way of actually integrating it with the header in some way. It could probably do to be a bit larger too.


                    • dannlin

                      • Feb 2008
                      • 32

                      Re: Website Review

                      having lots of problems publishing home page to my site Ive done F5, Ccleaner and still some elements not loading onto page?? welcome some first site.



                      • Marincky

                        • Apr 2006
                        • 4539

                        Re: Website Review

                        Originally posted by dannlin View Post
                        having lots of problems publishing home page to my site Ive done F5, Ccleaner and still some elements not loading onto page?? welcome some first site.

                        Open a new post and then we will help you! Please do not post on someone else's thread, or indeed as you have.. in the wrong Topic!
                        Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                        • SAman
                          Major General

                          • Mar 2007
                          • 2009

                          Re: Website Review

                          Originally posted by dannlin View Post
                          having lots of problems publishing home page to my site Ive done F5, Ccleaner and still some elements not loading onto page?? welcome some first site.

                          You need to open a new thread with your questions in the correct thread, try here
                          When you jump on an exsisting thread it's considered hijacking. At the top of the forum there is a NEW THREAD button, hit htat and ask your question with details and you'll get help.

                          Any excuse for non performance only weakens the charactor

                          In God We Trust


                          • Emmy26

                            • Jan 2008
                            • 27

                            Re: Website Review

                            It's not centered in my browser and websites always look weird to me when they are all on the left 50% of my screen. I'd fix that were I in your position. Also just another nit picky thing, 'Home' and 'Featured Properties' are underlines but 'Properties' is not. I agree about changing the colours, they are hard to read. Otherwise, I totally agree that the site is nice and clean and sleek... nice job. :) I wish I could afford one of those properties!


                            • cawan

                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2

                              Re: Website Review

                              I think that you should redesign main menu of website.

