Finally my site is on the air!

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  • firstlionking

    • Mar 2008
    • 34

    Finally my site is on the air!

    Special Thanks goes to Karen Williams,Ladyeye and Jcaywood, Who Got me out the woods!

    Now my site is on the air, I can see several problems myself, which I need help to fix. I also welcome ANY SINCERE TRUE NO BARS-HOLD CRITIQUES PLEASE!

    Please help:

    1. My "Text Links" moved, but when I reviewed each time it's OK. Why? and how to fix it? (Iwent already back to my folder "Re-Lock them & Republished the page. Nothing changed"

    2. My Forms looks and works fine on air (and review) but NO receipt after test fill-ins. and my "action responding Thank You Notes for, "contact", "reservation" and "affiliate" forms DO NOT WORK! I name these pages "contact_action", rservation_action" and afiliate_action" - Is these wrong? I realize the instruction says name the page "action", I asumed it's one simple note for one page item, but for "Multiple Respond Notes, I asummed I have to identify it, if not, then how does it know which "action" belongs to which specific page?

    3. All my 3 emails (, and are Not working, I don't know why? though the Cpanel confirmed they are "active" when I installed them.

    I know there must be more, but I appreciate help now just to the have the above corrected first.

    Since this is my very first site-building experience, and my computer knowledge is relatively limited too. and I realized it by now, it's a BIG site,
    I am a little zealious, so please be kind to help me, at least help me to get the text linkage problem resolved, it's got to be something simple mistake I made.

    As far as the "Form and email issues, in consideration of time, as I need to have this site working ASAP, if I have to, I'll be gald to take up BlueVodas offer to get it done for me and pay for it. The cost is not the issue here, I just wanted to learn for myself too, as I have other sites I want to do.

    Thank to all your help in advance. And anxious and looking forward to hear your critiques.


    Elite Lifestyle Villas are the Smart Vacationers Choice!
  • Adavant
    Sergeant First Class

    • Feb 2006
    • 53

    Re: Finally my site is on the air!


    After you enter the site, Where it says Dream really do come true, it should read Dreams



    • firstlionking

      • Mar 2008
      • 34

      Re: Finally my site is on the air!


      After you enter the site, Where it says Dream really do come true, it should read Dreams


      Hi Adavant,

      Thank for catching That. I just corrected It.


      Fractionals are the best thing ever created for Vacationer who desires the best!


      • karenwms63

        • Feb 2008
        • 865

        Re: Finally my site is on the air!

        hi firstlionking,

        Your very welcome! Got a little more help for ya.

        What Adavant was talking about is the "title" for your home page (that shows in the tab on a browser). It still says home; rt click on page and fix that in page properties.

        I run internet explorer 7 as default, but also use firefox to check my webpages.

        These pages have overlapping text in IE7: opportunity, faq, affiliate, the difference, ownership benefits.

        Next I have some spelling fixes for you:

        Elite services page....under maid and housekeeping...lenins = linens, toleitry = toiletry
        under translator...langrage = language
        under cook...carter = cater

        Dominican Republic page...2nd paragraph...image = imagine, ratten = rattan, plams = palms, decorrated = decorated, gourmate = gourmet
        4th pargraph...450,00 = 450.00
        6th paragraph...deplete = depleting or emptying

        Affiliate page...Mak = Make, Extrodinary = Extraordinary, liveing = living

        Opportunity page...amongest = amongst

        The Difference page...enormouse = enormous

        Overall, I like the feel and content of your site. Even with the little problems, there is a feeling that you are well-qualified in this field. Tweaking the site should make it great.

        I would suggest that you not underline text that isn't linked to something else. The use of a different font and color does it for you. Underlining makes it hard to read. Just a suggestion.

        Be aware that I am still learning optimization and html, so I cannot help you with SEO, i.e. meta tags, h1, etc. Hopefully someone who can check those things will reply to your post.

        Best Regards, :)
        Karen Williams
        Your Belief is Your Reality


        • karenwms63

          • Feb 2008
          • 865

          Re: Finally my site is on the air!

          P.S. for your form problems, check the forms forum. On your contact us page, in the form I see that you have not changed the names of Editbox1, Editbox2, etc. These must be renamed. There may also be other problems but I am still green in reading html. Maybe another tour of the forms tutorials will help you. I find that I have to see them many times to get it "down pat". Sometimes it is easier to start over on forms, than to edit.

          I believe that you can fix your own problems without paying someone. Webpage building is an EXACT SCIENCE, so if you are missing any step it will cause problems. I'm thinking most of your problems are a missed step.

          I believe that most of your questions are answered in the other parts of this forum: hyperlinking, email, and forms. If after checking these, you still haven't got it, then post to those sections of the forum individually for each problem.

          Good Luck, :)
          Karen Williams
          Your Belief is Your Reality


          • firstlionking

            • Mar 2008
            • 34

            Re: Finally my site is on the air!

            Hi Karenwms63,

            Thanks again for your detail;ed answer, I am deeply appreciate your help.
            sorry I did not get back to you sooner, for some reason I did not see your response until now, though I have been looking for it. I will correct those spelling fixes you've kindly discovered.

            I just finish the sister site <>, wonder if you could kindly review it and provide me with you good comments and corrections.
            I don't know about you, for me after reading my own writing, everything get blurred after a while, and it's difficult to see the "mistakes".

            As for the forms, I agree with you that I am keeping find "little Missing" steps here and there, it's so many things to remember, specially for the many pages and forms I have on the site - I realized now, the project was a little big for a NEW First timer!

            Thank you again and looking forward hearing from you soon.

            Alec Liu


            • karenwms63

              • Feb 2008
              • 865

              Re: Finally my site is on the air!

              Hi Alec,

              just spent some time at the sister site and it looks pretty good at first glance.

              I was looking at your meta tags and I feel that you need to trim those back a bit, you do not want to penalized for spamming meta tags. For instance, "real estate homes" really doesn't help you. If you keep them more specific to each individual page, you will get better results. And to get right down to it, with your sites being very content rich, you probably don't need those meta tags at all. If it were me, I would remove all the meta tags for each page and let the search engines decide. This way you wouldn't have to worry about being penalized.

              In the header of all your pages, the word "investments" is running off the page. And sometimes the line underneath it, too.

              Navigation Buttons:
              First three show (+) when you hover over the buttons. On some pages, the new constructions button has 2 r's in construction. On the for sale by owner page, the button for fractional is spelled franctional.

              Your affiliates page has a lot of overlapping text between nav buttons and bottom of page.

              On your FAQs page, the left heading says "Frenuantly Ased Questions" that needs to be fixed.

              On your buyers brokerage page, I would remove the white highlight off the second tan-colored text box that has your phone number in it. That would make the page look neater.

              I run IE7 and keep my cache and cookies cleared. I have noticed that your pages load nicely. You have a really good base for both your sites. Tweaking is the key now.

              Have you tested your forms? I noticed on this site you did not rename the comboboxes, (still say combobox1, combobox2, etc.). If your forms are working right, then ok. But if they are not, this might be the problem.

              I really like how you have laid out your sites, and feel that it is only a matter of time before your efforts will pay off. Think about what I said about meta tags. Sites that NEED meta tags are lacking in content and have lots of images.

              All the best to you,
              Karen Williams
              Your Belief is Your Reality


              • firstlionking

                • Mar 2008
                • 34

                Re: Finally my site is on the air! and Please review my 2nd site please!

                Hello Karen,

                Thank you again for you detailed imput, I truly appreciate them. I will follow your advise to remove the Meta Tages, though I don't have any prior experience on this matter, but I agree with what you said, that it seems logical that mostly I will be better of to let the "spider" do the search for "Key Tags", since I do have plenty contents for it to "chew"!

                Your comment is timely as I have not submitted my site to Google yet. as I don't want to do it until I get all the bugs out first. By the way, could you take a look at my "Key Words" and give me your advise? I don't know all the rules yet as to how many key words I'm allowed to submit? Am I over doing it also?

                Now with reference to forms, up to now, all the elements in each form are working fine, however, I find NONE of the forms are working when I tested them, and I don't know why? Can anyone help?

                While I was very proud of myself I was able to design, built and finish 2 big sites (14 to 22 pages each including outside links) from scratch within 3 months (but almost solid 8 to 10 hours a day - learning and formulating etc.) without any prior knowledge or experience up to the time of "publishing them". But, ever since then I have been almost going "nuts" to catch and fixing all the "bugs", it seems ever ending...?

                The other problem I am experiencing now is that when I made changes and/or corrections on some pages, even though I MADE SURE TO INCLUDE INSERTION OF "NO-CACHE" on each page before I re publish it,
                most of the pages "re-published" without any problem, but, SOME WILL NOT CHANGE OR CAME OUT I CALLED IT "CRAZE", specially when it's a "form" page. and no matter what I do to it, it will NOT republish correctely - EVEN THOUGH IT SHOWED "PERFECTLY CORRECT" IN EVERY ASPECT UPON REVIEW, before publication. Why? Karen, Can you help me? or WILL ANYBODY HELP ME PLEASE?!!!

                Thank you again Karen. So far you're the most helpful person amongest the 6 people who were willing to spend the time and effort to review and help me on my sites. Honestly, I am very disappointed with the very limited response and review I am getting.



                • karenwms63

                  • Feb 2008
                  • 865

                  Re: Finally my site is on the air!


                  Can you give us a url for the form that you are having problem with? Sometimes we pick up an extra shape or textbox that gets covered over and that will cause page "craze". I also have to refresh my browser a couple of times once I publish a page so that it shows the new page edits.

                  As far as keywords go, use the keywords that someone would use to find you.
                  Even your location will be a useful keyword phrase. But the keywords you choose for meta tags should definitely be in the actual text of that page. Each page will have some like other pages, but will also have its very own.

                  I think you have done very well on your very first two sites. Your content is rich and I feel you have started out well. But, remember, tweaking takes time. :)
                  Karen Williams
                  Your Belief is Your Reality


                  • firstlionking

                    • Mar 2008
                    • 34

                    Re: Finally my site is on the air!
                    Hi Karen and Anybody Can Help Me?

                    I have tried everything that I know how(for a first-timer it's limited?) to get all my forms work on both of my siutes:
           site - Forms: Contact Us & thank you, Reservation request & Thank you, Affiliate Application & thank you.

           site - forms: Contact us & thank you, Property serach request & thank you, affiliate Application & thank you.

                    I checked all above forms over and over again, all elements are working fine per each review the "Reset button" on each form is also working, but when I click on "Submit" upon review, it will show "server CANNOT Display the page".

                    When check online after publishing, All "elements" working fine, But either the "submit" or the "Reset" buttons work.

                    I also noticed that the "on-line" page on these forms DO NOT ALWAYS SHOW THE LATEST "Revised Pages" although I have double checked that the "No-cache" code are on all these pages before I publish each time!

                    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!!!

                    Thank you



                    • karenwms63

                      • Feb 2008
                      • 865

                      Re: Finally my site is on the air!


                      I have looked at your forms but I do not have the training to help you with them. I have found when I have published forms that it is easier to start over step by step with all my notes than it is to try to correct a form. You will probably need to start a new thread just for your forms problems in the forms section of this forum to get the help you require for them. :)
                      Karen Williams
                      Your Belief is Your Reality


                      • karenwms63

                        • Feb 2008
                        • 865

                        Re: Finally my site is on the air!

                        When it comes to meta keywords, if the word or phrase is not exactly like it is in your page's text, then take it off. It must be viewable on the page's content in order to be correct in meta. Google search doesn't really use the meta keywords, but if you have some listed that don't match the page content, Google will penalize you for it.
                        Karen Williams
                        Your Belief is Your Reality

