Site reworked. It's a music site. Feedbacks, please?

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  • gabor

    • Feb 2008
    • 242

    Site reworked. It's a music site. Feedbacks, please?

    This is "second draft".

    I'm most interested if the "hardware" works or not; video and music.

    (I was under the impression - backed by opinion from Vasili - that most viewers use Windows Media Player, ActiveX and Internet Explorer.
    I based the layout, the hardware - music and video - on this.
    However, at the "MUSIC" page, the bottom three players should work with any configuration).

    1. Please see if the one video clip is playing in any of the alternative
    pages / players.
    The path to it is......MUSIC/ALBUMS/HAPPYSILLYSEXY (from text

    2. There should be music automatically playing on almost every page.

    3. And then there are the individual - or compiled - tracks. (TITLES in
    ALBUMS doesn't work yet.)

    4. In the "MUSIC" directory, the bottom three players are not yet really
    configured, but the top 3 (Albums; Single Songs, Compilations) should
    work with only minor glitches - only with WMP, ActiveX and IE.

    Thank you

    I hope you enjoy,

    Second Lieutenant

    • Oct 2007
    • 129

    Re: Site reworked. It's a music site. Feedbacks, please?

    the music comes out ok, but the page colors and large print turn me off,


    • Collectors-info

      • Feb 2006
      • 8703

      Re: Site reworked. It's a music site. Feedbacks, please?

      Regards Chris.

      Collectables, Collecting,

      House build project


      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: Site reworked. It's a music site. Feedbacks, please?

        I'd pass.

        Been a while since I was on a site that made me want to immediately exit.
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • gabor

          • Feb 2008
          • 242

          Re: Site reworked. It's a music site. Feedbacks, please?

          Thank you all for the feedback.
          Essentially I agree with your main negativ about the font sizes and colors, page and letter. And I take, even appreciate criticism, however negativ it is - that's how I learn...
          So just as thoughts...
          This site will have about 100 musical pieces in a number of formats and players, playing with visual effect. The task of gettin this done - as far as hardware, video, music, visuals, etc. to work ON MOST VISITORS' SCREEN is so immense, that to design cute, in-fashion, groovy or cool layouts of my standard pages had to take the backseat. So, thus far I HAD to opt for the obvious, "the circus look". Right now it's not the look / design of my basic pages that I was concerned about (I will work that out later), but THE HARDWARE. E.g. THE LETERINGS (especially in headlines) are not yet worket into images, so they will probably appear on your screens totally way off and even uglier then on mine. (About this I've started a thread / "Fonts, Text Images"/ in which a large number of people got involved from top brass to privates - and which will remain a nagging problem for most of us. (I, however, CONCLUDED the subject, see "General Issues...").

          So, apart from these page-design matters - which are there, and even more pronounced than I expected - howcome that none of you said a word about HOW the REAL Music plays in their respective players and their own page-layouts? Does the video play? (People are bombarding the Forum with these subjects and, honestly, the collective guideance /advice is far from satistactory - but you can only really appreciate this if you employ such elements (music, video, visual hardware), and I realized that BV/VH (which is still the greatest thing in website-matters on Earth and I love it with a passion), is not really about this. It's about SELLING. Whatever, but selling. Widgets, gadgets, whatever we believe in.

          Did anyone even get to the actual music pages? Got some tracks play and show? So are those pages in bad taste, too? I don't thik so. Does the music suck? I don't thnk so. (Discounting that it's not house, rap or emo...)

          Or did you exit after the first intro pages?

          Vasili, my beloved chief-guru, where did you actually first had he urge to puke? Was it the form or the concept? (I'm asking this seriously).

          So, if you are into helping, help by saying a little more. These opinions were brusque and down-handed. But I got the points - more than I thought - and, again, thank you for your time and effort.

          I still welcome criticism.
          Please do it. But the site is not finished. That's why I need preview.
          Even nasty ones. (Which will come...)




          • Karen Mac

            • Apr 2006
            • 8332

            Re: Site reworked. It's a music site. Feedbacks, please?

            Well technically your site is agains TOS if you dont OWN those mp3's and the copyrights to them. I urge you to take a peek at the tos (terms of service) and get approval before proceeding.

            2) Content & Activities
            All services provided by VodaHost may only be used for lawful purposes. This includes, but not limited to: copyrighted material, material we judge to be threatening or obscene. The customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless from any claims resulting from the use of our services.
            Examples of Totally Unacceptablematerial:
            IRC Bots.
            Warez Sites.
            MP3's (unless You are the Artist).
            Password sharing sites.
            Sites that run any type of proxy script.
            Pirated Software.
            Hacked programs and archives.


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