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I have set up this site for my Church. I would like to get some feed bad and ideas that others might have. There are still some pages that we are going to be adding as we get the info.
You have a nice start, a few all your pages, name your pages so it won't show as untitled page. The background for the contact ( I think) not crazy about background that is tiled, but that is jusr my opinion. Going to be a nice site and should serve the community well. Where is Downers Grove, you never say, is it US or??
Good job overall.
The background for the contact ( I think) not crazy about background that is tiled, but that is jusr my opinion.
choco777, not sure what you mean by this. If you could give me some insight, Thanks for the advise on centering and naming the pages. Those must have overlooked. Thanks again..
Okay, Choco gave some pretty good advice! I understood what he was saying..where is Downers Grove?? I know being from Hoffman Estates that it's in IL. You may want to have the location of your church, and phone.
My opinion so far is, if your blessed to be apart of the Downers Grove Community Church, then you should sit down with Ms. Elaine Cusimano web master for the Downers Grove Community Church and come up with a game plan for your site. She has done a pretty good job
on their site and could give some valuable input. Let her look at you Blue Voda software and work together to come up with a "win win" for both congregations.