Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

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  • terryodo

    • Jan 2008
    • 22

    Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

    Hello, this photographic website is the work of my Father and we would have pleased if you could offer your commentaries, suggestions and criticsms in regards to this happy one and traced after had you an occasion to see it here. website There is some items that needs to complete and á times of its absences inevitable by no defect of his possesses, I will try to complete these tasks for him. I remain at his house to help as much as possible east and acts from him in the matters please feels if that comfortable comments on me as you would do to my Father.
    We thank you in the consideration of you thought

    Bonjour, ce photographique website est le travail de mon Père et nous serait plu si vous pouvaient offrir vos commentaires, suggestions et criticsms en ce qui concerne c'est content et tracé après vous a eu une occasion voir il ici. website
    Il y a quelques articles qu'a besoin de compléter et á temps de ses absences inévitables par aucun défaut de son possède, j'essayerai pour compléter ces tâches pour lui. Je reste à sa maison pour aider autant qu'est possible et agit de la part de lui dans les affaires s'il vous plaît sent si que confortable me commente comme vous feriez à mon Père.
    Nous vous remercions dans la considération de vous pensées
  • terryodo

    • Jan 2008
    • 22

    Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

    To forgive me, I did not enter my name or that of my Father.
    My Father, his name is Terry, my name also, nevertheless, in the French,Thiery


    • gruntmastermbg

      • Jun 2008
      • 10

      Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

      Salut terryodo, je suis content de trouver un francophone sur ce site, tu es le premier que je rencontre.
      Donc, pour ton site j'ai deux conseils pour toi et ton père: 1) Sur tout ton site, le fond d'écran est noir et ça fait un peu triste (désolé), il faudrait changer de couleur ou mettre une image en arrière fond, ca ferrait beaucoup plus style photographe.
      2) Dans tes galleries, lorqu'on clique sur une image on va vers l'image, mais on ne peut pas passer directement à la prochaine image. L'homme est paresseux, donc je te propose (si tu utilises BlueVoda) la "lightbox" que tu trouveras dans Blue Voda. Avec ceci tu peux passer à la prochaine image sans retourner à la page précédente (démonstaration sur mon site ici: http://www.arxam.com/dessins.html).

      Voila, sinon le site est bien, j'espère que je n'ai pas été trop sévère. Mon site c'est http://www.arxam.com et ça serait sympa si tu me donnais ton avis sur mon site!




      • terryodo

        • Jan 2008
        • 22

        Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

        vos pensées sont des accueils et pas trop rauque. Mon père changé à l'arrière-plan noir ayant eu récemment des couleurs pâles avant. J'ai été étonné de vous lire n'a pas reçu les images en mouvement comme les galeries sont faites avec l'exposition de lightbox sur Bluevoda. Il y a aussi les liens de slideshow sur chaque page de galerie qui tristement toujours ne travaille pas comme ils sont reliés à un site de google Picassa nommé.
        Change être encore fait et vous remercier pour vos pensées
        J'irai directement à votre site pour rendre votre bienveillance

        your thoughts are and welcomes not too hoarse. My changed father to black background having had recently pale colors before. I was astonished to read you did not receive the pictures in movement as the galleries are done with the exposition of lightbox on Bluevoda. There is also the links of slideshow on gallery every orderly that sadly always does not work as they are linked up to a site of google Picassa named.
        Change again to be done and you to thank for your thoughts
        I will go directly to your site to return your benevolence


        • Marincky

          • Apr 2006
          • 4539

          Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

          Bonjour Thiery,

          (and that's as far as my french vocabulary takes me)...

          Not speaking french I cannot say if gruntmaster has already touched on these points but:

          1) Your heading Terry 'O Donnell is appearing on 3 lines and covering up other parts of your pages, including your link navigation. You need to stretch this text box so it appears all on one line.

          2) Your link navigation is not uniform on all pages and really should be.

          e.g, on the home page 'Galleries' is the second link. On another page it is second from the other end...

          3)Your home page could do with more text content too rather than two sets of navigation links and a few images.

          4)On your galleries page, much of your text is overlapping the photos.

          5) On some of your pages the blue links on the black background do not really work as a good colour combination, you would be better with white on black.

          As for the photos themselves... some outstanding work there definitely!!
          Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


          • terryodo

            • Jan 2008
            • 22

            Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

            Hi Ramsey,
            please don't be offended at my doing this reply for Thiery, we had policy of speaking only French in home when we raised him as he was born a Frenchman! Coming back to bite me as he takes on more of the business but...
            1) Am not clear on point one, have tried it in IE and Firefox. We have 'widescreen' moniters on the computers, am wondering if this will corrupt our ability to see the problem you describe?
            2) We missed that completely, thanks, Thiery is working on correcting these errors as we speak!
            3) Take your point about the home page text. I have never been clear in my own head about what to put on this page and have tried alsorts of content & layout. Will no doubt tinker & change into eternity & beyond!
            4) The gallery titles are placed over the images on the galleries page. I am hoping this is what you refer to. I do think it looks a bit tatty myself to be honest. Thiery will be looking at alternatives for this.
            5) The link colours on all main pages have changed to white on your say so and the improvement is 100% well advised Ramsey, thankyou. Have altered a few other things on the strentgh of that advice and we appreciated greatly your wise counsil there.
            Thank you for your time and sound opinion over all here Ramsey.

            Thiery & Terry

            1) Your heading Terry 'O Donnell is appearing on 3 lines and covering up other parts of your pages, including your link navigation. You need to stretch this text box so it appears all on one line.

            2) Your link navigation is not uniform on all pages and really should be.

            e.g, on the home page 'Galleries' is the second link. On another page it is second from the other end...

            3)Your home page could do with more text content too rather than two sets of navigation links and a few images.

            4)On your galleries page, much of your text is overlapping the photos.

            5) On some of your pages the blue links on the black background do not really work as a good colour combination, you would be better with white on black.


            • Marincky

              • Apr 2006
              • 4539

              Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

              This is what I see:
              Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


              • terryodo

                • Jan 2008
                • 22

                Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

                Hi Ramsey
                think I may have worked it out. Would you be so kind as to look again?


                • Marincky

                  • Apr 2006
                  • 4539

                  Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please


                  No still getting the same.

                  You need to stretch the text box a bit more

                  Or even try changing it to the next font size down.
                  Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                  • terryodo

                    • Jan 2008
                    • 22

                    Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

                    Have change the text box size on index page, if this doesnt work I guess we'll have to make a proper logo? Did try to reduce text size but it looked awful. The font in your screen shot is not the font we have used or see here, it is mistral on the site.


                    • Marincky

                      • Apr 2006
                      • 4539

                      Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please


                      The trouble with using a font that is not standard across the board, is that people will see it differnetly to the way you want them to.

                      There is a way around this. Right click the text box and in the properties tick the box which say's 'publish as an image'
                      Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                      • terryodo

                        • Jan 2008
                        • 22

                        Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

                        Hi Ramsey
                        Thiery has come up with a couple of ideas, the first he has published he used a shape tool. The second is here he made a quick logo.

                        Of you, he says La patience d'un Saint, you have the patience of a saint.

                        Of me, he says Le père, je vous aime véritablement mais parfois vous avez le sens d'un pénis d'ânes

                        Abridged it refers to him loving me dearly but donkeies and male genitalia come into it too!



                        • Marincky

                          • Apr 2006
                          • 4539

                          Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

                          Originally posted by terryodo View Post
                          Hi Ramsey
                          Thiery has come up with a couple of ideas, the first he has published he used a shape tool. The second is here he made a quick logo.

                          Of you, he says La patience d'un Saint, you have the patience of a saint.

                          Of me, he says Le père, je vous aime véritablement mais parfois vous avez le sens d'un pénis d'ânes

                          Abridged it refers to him loving me dearly but donkeies and male genitalia come into it too!

                          bien mieux, parfait !!!
                          Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                          • terryodo

                            • Jan 2008
                            • 22

                            Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

                            si pour votre aide ce jour, votre générosité sur le plan de temps et conseil a été remarquable et une fois le stock sur pères nouveau photostock sont à un correspondant niveau et doit vous voit n'importe quelles images sur là-bas vous peut employer dans votre toile conception , nous avec joie fournira les à vous libère de n'importe quelle charge.
                            (Ramsey for your assistance this day, your generosity from the viewpoint of times and counsel was remarkable and a time the stock on fathers new photostock are to a correspondent level and sees you any pictures on there can employ by you in your website conception, we with joy will furnish them to you liberates.)


                            I endorse all he says Ramsey, Thankyou


                            • Marincky

                              • Apr 2006
                              • 4539

                              Re: Vos pensées s'il vous plaît Your thoughts please

                              Originally posted by terryodo View Post
                              si pour votre aide ce jour, votre générosité sur le plan de temps et conseil a été remarquable et une fois le stock sur pères nouveau photostock sont à un correspondant niveau et doit vous voit n'importe quelles images sur là-bas vous peut employer dans votre toile conception , nous avec joie fournira les à vous libère de n'importe quelle charge.
                              (Ramsey for your assistance this day, your generosity from the viewpoint of times and counsel was remarkable and a time the stock on fathers new photostock are to a correspondent level and sees you any pictures on there can employ by you in your website conception, we with joy will furnish them to you liberates.)


                              I endorse all he says Ramsey, Thankyou
                              Terry and Thiery,

                              Merci, vous êtes très aimable, Il était mon plaisir de vous aider.
                              Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.

