My new contact page - Problem

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  • CarbonTerry
    Major General

    • Oct 2005
    • 2620

    Re: My new contact page - Problem

    In the BV web builder your "Contact" tab link.
    Semper Fi
    Still green...still mean......just not as lean

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    • rangaz007
      First Lieutenant

      • Jun 2008
      • 172

      Re: My new contact page - Problem

      When I click on the menu link at the top in my BV web builder, and double click and go into Tab properties, under the general tab the last tab is contact, and the full url I currently have is

      Can I ask, should the page when I save it in BV webbuilder be saved as usual, with a .bvp extension, or should it be .php ?

      Thanks for all your help CarbonTerry. I hope I can fix this.
      Nutrition & Weight Management Spe******ts


      • navaldesign
        General & Forum Moderator

        • Oct 2005
        • 12080

        Re: My new contact page - Problem

        simply save it as "contact".

        if you want it to be published as php, go in Page Properties, and set the "Page extension (when published)" to be php.
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        • rangaz007
          First Lieutenant

          • Jun 2008
          • 172

          Re: My new contact page - Problem

          Ok thanks. Thats what the page was already saved as. I dont know why its still not displaying properly. I think it would just be easier if I ask the support team to do a restore from their servers.
          I will ask them to do that, and then I will try it again and tell you what I am doing step by step.

          Nutrition & Weight Management Spe******ts


          • navaldesign
            General & Forum Moderator

            • Oct 2005
            • 12080

            Re: My new contact page - Problem

            Why restore ?????
            Your contact page comes up just fine!!

            Probably just your browser cacheing. Try pressing F5 fast 4 - 6 times.

            It is working, you don't need to restore anything.

            You ONLY need to edit your menus, because the menu bar in some pages still have the old link to the html version of the contact page.

            To be honest, you ONLY have edited the menu on the contact page itself, you need to edit the menu in ALL other pages to point to contact.php instead of contact.html
            Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
            Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart
   Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
            Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!


            • rangaz007
              First Lieutenant

              • Jun 2008
              • 172

              Re: My new contact page - WORKING FINE NOW

              I see what I have done wrong ! doh !
              I didnt update the contact.php url on the nutrition tab !
              Its working fine now guys, thanks everyone for all your help !
              Nutrition & Weight Management Spe******ts


              • Vasili

                • Mar 2006
                • 14683

                Re: My new contact page - Problem

                Hopefully this is the end of this problem (which demonstrates the need to dutifully follow the Tutorials precisely), and you can move forward and stick to this ONE THREAD for the remainder of interaction ....

                Not only was this the 2nd thread you created for this single page issue, but it is the 4th thread you created for this one site! Forum Rules specifically permit only ONE THREAD PER WEBSITE to be created in the Showcase forum.
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • rangaz007
                  First Lieutenant

                  • Jun 2008
                  • 172

                  Re: My new contact page - Problem

                  Sorry, I will keep this in mind for future posts.
                  The site is working fine now, thanks.
                  Nutrition & Weight Management Spe******ts


                  • rangaz007
                    First Lieutenant

                    • Jun 2008
                    • 172

                    Re: My new contact page - Problem

                    Hi all

                    My website is nearly complete, only the "services" tab which I am still working on remains incomplete.

                    I just wanted a few opinions on whether the site looks professional or not ? Just a simple Yes, or No, will be fine.

                    The reason I ask, is because a friend of mine had a look at it and said it dosen't quite project a professional image, which I was quite surprised with. I guess you can't please everyone !

                    Hope to hear some of your opinions.

                    Thanks in advance

                    Nutrition & Weight Management Spe******ts


                    • Vasili

                      • Mar 2006
                      • 14683

                      Re: My new contact page - Problem

                      How important is your friend's opinion to you in the overall scheme of things? Does you friend have a successful website to validate his perspective?

                      Before you set anything in stone and "finish" your site, consider following prudent practice of consumer polling to collect a broader perspective from the one segment that will make or break the whole deal! It can be as simple as showing 3 different color schemes, 2-3 different layouts, and another angle such as minimalist or with more 'engaging' use of images....(5 questions at most).
                      Such as:
                      1. Which color scheme best compliments this type of website?
                      2. If you arrived at this website, which use of images offers a more credible presentation for this site and products?
                      3. Does this site have all the tools (like navigation, search) and information (like categories, products, services) you expected?
                      5. Is there anything "missing" that you feel would be advantageous to you and other Users?

                      If after asking 100 people a trend emerges, then you have a better understanding of the essential preferences that will drive your site: influences to engage the consumer and which have a greater likelihood of converting.

                      THAT is the main goal for any website: not simply to please people, but to pleasingly become profitable having been designed precisely and with forethought for the target market. Don't forget to "design-forward" to incorporate traditional marketing and promotional efforts seamlessly, so it is a sustainably designed online enterprise....
                      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                      * Success Is Potential Realized *


                      • rangaz007
                        First Lieutenant

                        • Jun 2008
                        • 172

                        Re: My new contact page - Problem

                        He does have his own business which is doing very well at the moment, so he does have credability. Although, he did pay a web-design company £3,500 to design his site, so I guess it would have its benefits.

                        Yup, thats the reason why I asked this post, to see what people opinions are. If most of them are positive, then I wont be changing the site at all.

                        However, once my company starts trading in the next couple of months, I can get valuable feedback from customers which will help in further tweaking my site.
                        Nutrition & Weight Management Spe******ts


                        • GoldDraco13
                          Sergeant Major

                          • Jun 2005
                          • 92

                          Re: My new contact page - Problem

                          Just two things I would fix, first you have a broken link off the services button. Second I would lose the marque and just place the line of text as a solid element at the bottom of your page. Otherwise I found your site professional and appealing, made me want to dig deeper for more information.



                          • rangaz007
                            First Lieutenant

                            • Jun 2008
                            • 172

                            Re: My new contact page - Problem

                            Thanks for your input GD13. The services link does not work yet as I am still working on it. I will think about changing the marquee. The reason I put it there was to keep the site from looking too bland. I didnt want it to look too animated, just enough to keep peoples attention.
                            I'm glad to hear you found my site professional & appealing. This is exactly the look I am trying to project to my clients.
                            Nutrition & Weight Management Spe******ts


                            • D'son
                              Major General

                              • Apr 2008
                              • 2577

                              Re: My new contact page - Problem

                              As for a professional looking site, I think it looks very professional with the exception of the scrolling marquee (I would leave those off and find a different way to convey the message) I still think the time between page transition os too long, I would shorten the time as low as possible. I found myself clicking on a tab and thinking that something was wrong. Good Work and tell your freind your site may not be what he envisioned for his business and may not be his taste but for yours I think it is great (best part it didn't cost you a ton of cash!!!!!!!)
                              How to add JAlbum to your site


                              • rangaz007
                                First Lieutenant

                                • Jun 2008
                                • 172

                                Re: My new contact page - Problem

                                Thanks for your input D'son.
                                I have taken your points on aboard and i've shortened the page transitiion time, so its a lot shorter now.
                                To be honest I quite like the marquee, i'm not sure how else to project that message on my site. I could just leave it as text, but I wanted something (nothing fancy) just to keep the site alive. Most of the nutririon sites I have come across are quite dull, and lacking in appeal and freshness. Thats why I designed my site keeping this in mind as I did not want it to look like any of the others out there.
                                If you have any suggestions on how to improve the marquee text I would be happy to hear them.
                                Yup, I will certainly tell my friend that :)
                                Cheers !
                                Nutrition & Weight Management Spe******ts

