Open For Business

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  • Tiffiny R.
    Private First Class

    • Mar 2008
    • 8

    Open For Business

    I finally decided to put my site up on the web,and although Ive had it up for a couple of months now,Im still not getting as much traffic as I'd like and Im about 20 pages deep in the search engines...could some of you fine people take a look and see what I could improve on,or change to help make my business take off a bit better? Thankyou kindly.
  • jkadin
    Brigadier General

    • Jan 2008
    • 1478

    Re: Open For Business

    First off your homepage is to much togather about the site very little info, your header and footer is not appealing, I only looked at a couple of pages on your fountain page you got tex overlapping the pooch and pals image just homepage menu link on all you pages.
    Now the met tags you have keywords in your meta tags thats not on the page in tex or content that will harm you your page titles needs keywords or keyword phases. Your best bet is a site which I use for meta tag analyser is go under free tools and check it out it will help.
    Funny Jokes and Redneck Pics

    "laughter is the best medicine"
    The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~e.e. cummings


    • Marincky

      • Apr 2006
      • 4539

      Re: Open For Business

      Originally posted by Tiffiny R. View Post
      I finally decided to put my site up on the web,and although Ive had it up for a couple of months now,Im still not getting as much traffic as I'd like and Im about 20 pages deep in the search engines...could some of you fine people take a look and see what I could improve on,or change to help make my business take off a bit better? Thankyou kindly.

      Improvements (as requested)

      1. Much better meta data page titles
      2. Relook at your meta keywords. (You are going against rules by placing meta keywords that are NOT actaully listed as text on the pages you are keywording)
      3. Make a sitemap
      4. Submit the sitemap to Google
      5. Get some good quality links into your website from other related websites, other search engines, business directories, forums etc.
      6. Join forums related to your business and talk in them.
      7. Talk about your website to your friends, neighbours, milkman.....
      8. Be patient. Persistant hard work pays well.
      Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


      • SAman
        Major General

        • Mar 2007
        • 2009

        Re: Open For Business

        Ditto what Joe and Ramsey has said. Your header and footer is chopped up. You have two blue blocks but text spanning the blocks. Your title tales into the flower and is lost. IMO I wouldn't have so much Google all over my main page, unless you are joined at the hip, maybe at the bottom and more discrete. I looked at in FF, and IE and both show about the same, kind of choppy. Just do some tweaking along with the ideas from above and you will do well. good luck!!

        Any excuse for non performance only weakens the charactor

        In God We Trust


        • Tiffiny R.
          Private First Class

          • Mar 2008
          • 8

          Re: Open For Business

          Thankyou so much for showing me what my mistakes are, lol..I am working on them, and was able to fix most of them,I still havent really fixed the header just yet,I will though,and I agree it is a bit bland..I will be honest though,I didnt relize that my site was in such poor condition,but thankyou again for helping me!! great suggestions!!


          • lemmondr
            Second Lieutenant

            • Sep 2007
            • 104

            Re: Open For Business


            My first "gut reaction" is the home page is way too busy. It almost looks like an "Google" advertisement. I would back off the Google links for
            right now and focus on the product. Get some stucture with standard Menu Bars Contact Us, About Us and talk more about your product. It seems you're trying to do too much on the home page. Get the foot traffic going first then inc the Google Stuff. This is just me but, Paypal on the home page is your products listing on each page, surfers don't want to always to go back to the home page to see other products.

            Good of Luck



            • Sunchaser
              First Lieutenant

              • Nov 2007
              • 199

              Re: Open For Business

              Hi Tiffiny

              I agree with all that has been said above - there's quite a bit that needs reworking.

              I looked at the layout on a few of your other pages, and they look lovely (except they do need a consistent menu carried through and consistent theme)

              The graphics on this page for example:
              look ordered and clean.

              You've put in a lot of work on this site, and the display of the items looks very nice :)


              • patsy121105

                • Jul 2008
                • 278

                Re: Open For Business

                Hello Tiffny,
                I agree - your home page is much too busy - too much going on.
                Once I got into your pages, I liked the set up, it is clean and clear - needs a bit of tidying up here and there, but on the whole it is very good.
                Concentrate on what you are selling on the home page and 'hide' the rest discretely around the other pages, or make them less prominent.
                I will leave Metatags and the complicated things to those who are more knowledgeable!
                Good Luck


                • Tiffiny R.
                  Private First Class

                  • Mar 2008
                  • 8

                  Re: Open For Business

                  Thank you all for the compliments,and the suggestions...It is all very helpful,Ive been making small changes here and there,and already I'm noticing an increase in traffic..I'm excited to say the least....Thank you for looking at my site!


                  • jkadin
                    Brigadier General

                    • Jan 2008
                    • 1478

                    Re: Open For Business

                    I see your site is coming along much better here is a few more suggestions have your banner thats on your home page on every page this way people wll remember the name. You realy do not need the best vied at 800 to 600 wide on your home page also on the home page where it says products you don.t need the box its in. You need menu bars of all the pages on the pages so why not try this you have three products across take the left products off and put those products under the other two now you have room for the menu bars don,t realy worry about the lenght off the page just the width scrolling to go up and down on the page is fine. And another thing when you are done with the site if you want to exchange links I will do it I carry on my site similar items. The site looks much better.
                    Funny Jokes and Redneck Pics


                    "laughter is the best medicine"
                    The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~e.e. cummings


                    • naajub

                      • Jul 2008
                      • 10

                      Re: Open For Business

                      Hi Tiffani,

                      I like your site...a lot! But I do agree with the others on some issues. I would suggest you place one of your products on the home page to lead customers to your other products.

                      One thing for have misspelled specializing! Being that it's your eye catcher you might want to fix that!

                      Good luck and never give'll make it big!

                      ETERNAL HAIR
                      The Ultimate Hair Experience
                      Paradise, California


                      • Tiffiny R.
                        Private First Class

                        • Mar 2008
                        • 8

                        Re: Open For Business

                        Thankyou Naajub, Im glad you like the site, Ive been going crazy trying to get it all together,and you know I didnt even relize I spelled specializing
                        Joe I understand everything your saying except about the menu part,are you wanting me to put up like a horizontal menu bars going across the top of the page, so that way the pages all flow together? Im kinda lost Sorry!


                        • jkadin
                          Brigadier General

                          • Jan 2008
                          • 1478

                          Re: Open For Business

                          What I am trying to say your menu links thats on the home on to the other pages as well just put the products under the other two rows you will have the room to put the links on.
                          Funny Jokes and Redneck Pics


                          "laughter is the best medicine"
                          The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~e.e. cummings


                          • Tiffiny R.
                            Private First Class

                            • Mar 2008
                            • 8

                            Re: Open For Business

                            Ok, I see what your saying...let me try that! ty

                            Originally posted by jkadin View Post
                            What I am trying to say your menu links thats on the home on to the other pages as well just put the products under the other two rows you will have the room to put the links on.


                            • motoxxx

                              • Dec 2005
                              • 343

                              Re: Open For Business

                              Your site is new and is currently only showing one external link ( in Yahoo) and a total of 12 pages cached. Use your main targeted keywords in your title, description, and meta tags. Make sure that those keywords appear on your page. Pick a phrase that people will search for in your industry. If you use Firefox you can download many tools such as a direct pluggin for Word Tracker that can show you how people search for what your site is about. Use that to determine how to target your keywords.

                              It is also a good idea to save your pages as a keyword. This helps the url string be relevant to the search engines. as well. Try to pick one keyword phrase per page to target. Highly targeted phrases will be able to rank higher than pages that are diluted with too many vague keywords.
                              Affordable Medical Insurance
                              Discount Dental Plan
                              Washington State Health Insurance
                              Temporary Health Insurance
                              Homeowner Insurance Quote

