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I'm certainly not an expert on web design - very much a rookie, but I will offer my take on your site. I like the graphics at the top of your page. Question: Since this is, why is that address in smaller font and the other address so much bigger? The content looks fine, but in my opinion, I would tighten up the page some. Use a smaller font.
Just my humble - uneducated opinion. I like the idea and the service you offer. We've used something similar in our area - The Handyman Connection. Wish you much success.
Thanks Dan, The screen name that is large was the first name I was going to use for search engine reasons but I saw it was no good to remember and for printed ads and posters so I added in the After you mentioned I see it should be the other way around and have the as the big one and as the small one. as far as how big my font is I am not sure I agrea as I have read that a large easy to read font with more pages and an easy on the eyes background is the way to go.
I could be way off on this and hope to get more feedback on that as well as if the noahs classified program that is the f"ree ad" and the "sound off" page looks ok or if it looks like a site that you wouldn't trust? Thanks again dan as I had my blinders on to the Header names of the site and will change that soon.
Hello fellow brooklynite. Two thing that I would suggest is have a colore background will make it stand out more the other on your pages you have the menu bar in the middle why not under the header. Other than that looks great make sure you set it up for geo targeting.
P.S. I'm orignaly from canarsie i'm sure you know it well, now living upstate. good luck to you.
Hi, Joe thanks for taking the time to go over my site . After your advice I changed my links to the top of page and changed there look a little. I am playing with background colors also. And yes I am familiar with canarsie but live in Bensonhurst (Bath Beach area).
Nice layout, I think the home page is a bit long and busy, you could reduce the font size of the many different text boxes to condense. In your subpages you need to put your menu bar just as you have it on your home page, this will keep a consistant and professional look to your site. The navagation although working is a bit confusing, say for example if you went to the home owners page insted of the contractors form you can not get to the other unless you go back to home. You should be able to access any page form any other. Just my opinion. Good work on the site so far.
I have to agree with what Ed has mentioned above. In my opinion the homepage has too much text and the way its laid out is a bit distracting to the eye.
Also, the different font size and colours are distracting.
I do really like the pots of paint and logos at the top. If you can condense the rest of the text below and standardize the font & size, it would look a lot more professional (in my opinion).
Well done so far.
Ed and Rangaz thank you for taking the time to go through my site. After looking at my site with fresh eyes I see your point and have put all the links at the top with room to add a couple more if needed. I may swich to the php menu method I have seen Naval post about. I also see what you ment by the clutter look and have removed some text and boxes and made my font for the most part 12. I hate to go smaller as I know some people have hard time reading and if I go bigger I don't get much content per page. I have also took to heart that I had to many colours in my text and have cut down to blue for the most part and a little red to draw the eys to the jist of the paragraph. Do you guys think I have cleaned it up enough or is it to much still? Again thanks for all the help guys is great to get another angle on things! Wish I had started using this part of ble vodas service last year when I first started.
Hi Steve,
Liked your site to start with. Looked nice and crisp but then the menu at the top of the page started to bug me. I think the balance is all wrong with it up there - might work if you can get one row of buttons but with two rows it looks top heavy.
Then I went to "Find a handyman" (page has no title by the way) and the page looked a bit different plus the buttons at the top are now text and overlapping the "find help" box.
Then I clicked on "Handyman Services" and went to another untitled page that had a 3rd theme. I had to double check to see if I was still in the same website.
The last theme is my favourite personally, but I think you should try and make your pages look as if they belong together not a mishmash of different ideas. I created a template for my site and used it throughout every page. Once I got an idea of how I wanted the template to look I was able to alter the content to suit each page. I think I got it right.
One last thing, you've got a few spelling mistakes sprinkled throughout various pages. You need to go through and do a spell check again.
Sorry if this sounds brutal. On the whole it looks like a neat idea. We have something called "greyskills" over here that has a slightly similar bent. Worth having a look at for ideas maybe "" I think.
Glad the advice was of use.
Just had a look at your site again, and it looks a 100 times better than before. Its a lot less cluttered and a lot easier to navigate and read. Sometimes with webdesign, less is more. I'm also new to webdesign and learnt this the hardway too :)
Your site will only look better and better as you further tweak it. I'm always changing or updating something on mine.
Good job.
Muzza thank you for taking the time to go over my site. As with most of the advise I am getting you were dead on with the menu. I have changed position and made it fit in 1 bar(it was top heavy as you said). I also got around to tweaking the Nohas Classifieds program I am using for the free advertisments and sound off ads. They now contain enough of the look of the other pages and have the standard menu I have on all pages now. If the site takes off I will have a php guru design a more fleable interface but this one will serve the purpose till then and not look to bad I am hoping. As for spelling That is one of my many weak points (thank god for spell check) and I will be going over it manny more times but would apreciate any words that anyone would point out to me. Thanks Rangaz I think it looks better now also, thanks to everyones input.