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FEEDBACK is always a good thing!

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  • #46
    Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

    Originally posted by flyer13 View Post
    I seem to notice your webpage is not well centered. Anyway just for the best looks your site may turn into. Best regards, mate.
    Hi flyer13 !

    Thank you for helping.

    Indeed : my webpage is absolutely not centered.

    Two -bad- reasons for that :

    I wasn't sure what width to give to my website's pages...

    I just changed my monitor, and bought a handsome one,
    which is 24" wide, while my ancient one was only 15"...

    I now have to find some time to recenter every page, everything...

    But I surely will.

    Best regards also, mate.



    • #47
      Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

      Hi Sasha,
      After so much "traffic" about your site I couldn't help but check it should be pleased with the result. I thought you might not object to a few grammatical "observations"? Please read this with a smile :)

      Home page: Professionnal with 1 n (Professional)
      I would suggest "Lowest priced Caricaturist"
      Unexpensive should be Inexpensive

      Free Caricatures page: #3) try "leave" instead of "let"

      Claim the Celebrity: I was going to ask what "UNIC" (in the
      green arrow) means but I found the same
      on the FAQ page & figured it's supposed
      to be "UNIQUE", yes?

      Prices page: "- and even pet - you wish to get caricaturized"
      sings better!

      so - I love to proofread.......maybe I should offer it as a VH service lol
      good luck - great site
      Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!


      • #48
        Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

        Hi David !

        Thank you very much for this cool service of yours !

        I will "repair" these errors as soon as I finish typing this.

        For "unexpensive" vs "inexpensive",
        I checked google, and "unexpensive" was the correct form.

        VHers are cool, that's a fact !


        • #49
          Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

          Done !


          • #50
            Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

            ...interesting.....can you point me to where Google says that UNexpensive is correct? I am ready to be humbled :)
            Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!


            • #51
              Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

              That was a nice correction by david, you see this is really becoming a family forum, a feedback you can rely on. Best regards.


              • #52
                Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

                Originally posted by ahimsa View Post
                ...interesting.....can you point me to where Google says that UNexpensive is correct? I am ready to be humbled :)
                Hey, I don't want to humble anybody,
                especially not the ones hat help me, mate !

                I won't remember where I found this debate,
                it's months backwards now.

                Whatever, I'll just trust you on this one too.

                Cheers David !


                • #53
                  Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

                  Originally posted by flyer13 View Post
                  That was a nice correction by david, you see this is really becoming a family forum, a feedback you can rely on. Best regards.
                  This is why I just love VH.

                  Best Regards flyer13 !


                  EDIT :
                  Done, and thank you again David !


                  • #54
                    Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

                    Did you draw the caricatures? They are hilarious. I particularly liked the one of Paris Hilton. Good job!



                    • #55
                      Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

                      Yes Mia, I did.

                      Thank you for your kind words.

                      Paris Hilton is...inspiring, for us caricaturists.

                      ; )



                      • #56
                        Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

                        Well, I suppose everyone is entitled to his/her element. I respect trade secrets but I'm just curious if you did the caricatures with a software, sash'.



                        • #57
                          Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

                          No software here, Demet.

                          This is raw "traditionnal" work.

                          This is my pride, this is what a REAL caricaturist is all about.


                          • #58
                            Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

                            Sasha, am glad to have an artist aboard. Drop an "n" in the traditional. I get used to david's attitude, sorry.You must be a great cartoonist as well. Cheers.


                            • #59
                              Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

                              Well thank you Demet.
                              I'm glad to be here too.
                              Ah, this double "n" thing...
                              I live in France, and here, it's "traditionnel", "professionnel", and so forth, with two "n" everytime...
                              English isn't my native language.
                              Keep on, if you like it, "repairing" my bad grammar or orthograph : I'm happy to learn.
                              (I always drew, as far as I can remember, perhaps even in my mother's womb.)
                              Cheers mate.


                              • #60
                                Re: A feedback is always a good thing...

                                Hi Sasha,
                                just took another peek.....flattered that you took my comments seriously LOL
                                One "little" thing I noticed: on your Prices page: " - and even pet - you wish got - I would change to to get....
                                have a good day
                                Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!

