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Take a look

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  • Take a look

    I have just creadted a new website . Have a look and tell me what you think. I'm new to this so I could use any feedback. I'm still looking for a logo or photo I could put on the upper left of the home page. And I'm still writing more content for the same page.


  • #2
    Re: Take a look

    Nice start. But I'm prejudiced because I used the very same wave on my site (only green)! If you look at my site, the wave can hardly be seen I've modified it so much--I should just remove it.

    Anyway, your site looks very good at this point. Keep up the good work. Children's Ministry resources
    CLAMcentral's Projects Blog Family Fun


    • #3
      Re: Take a look

      Not bad, you have a stray "> at the top of your home page. There is no content on your home page as to what you are offering or what your site is about as well as a lot of empty space (not that every inch need to be filled, its just right now there is not much there to go on). Your other pages are extremely long (got bored with them) and there is no navagation on them. I stopped after a couple as I became fustrated with the lack of navagtin and the excessive length.
      How to add JAlbum to your site


      • #4
        Re: Take a look

        If your site is a site for people to go to to get information than you have a good start. I would think there are a lot of those sites for diets and such. What will make yours different, and will it do anything for you? Most of the links that work take people away from your site, and I think only the article that come from some where else have you home button to come back. All your helpful programs are adware, some people will not klike that and IT people will really not like that, so they will get blocked a lot.
        Good Luck!!

        Any excuse for non performance only weakens the charactor

        In God We Trust


        • #5
          Re: Take a look

          There are 109 million results for 'weight loss' on Google. You have extremely little chance of getting many hits at all on this website to ensure you gain revenue from your Adsense and affiliate links, especially with NO page titles, no keywords and no page descriptions in your META data. Best of luck with this one, but I think your domain name renewal will cost you more than you will earn in revenue on this one.

          I appreciate what you are trying to do, but just merely linking to other sites with the info on is going to get you right at the very bottom of that 109 million. Write your own articles, unique (uncopied) about all the aspects of dieting. If you don't know this subject, s c r a p the site altogether.

          Placing just editorial pages taken from other sites for 100% of your site content just won't cut it I'm afraid to say, if it did we would all be making a lot of money!

          Take a look at one of mine about making money online, can you imagine for a second just how many sites I have to compete with on this subject? But just 4 days ago it was published and already typing 'make a great income with adsense' gets the site in the top three results on page one of Google. Why? Unique content, no 'get-rich quick' schemes, 100% genuine 'make money online' articles on topics I know enough on to create a site of this nature, planned page titles, keywords, page descriptions and text content, as well as ensuring the site is well anchored from a few places I have learnt to use that produce excellent waves towards Googleland. It won't be a top site by far but trust me I am earning more on this site already in the 4 days it's been around than it's cost me to design, build, write, host...
          Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


          • #6
            Re: Take a look

            Thank you all for looking. I came to the conclusion that my site stunk so I completely re-made it. I am still adding content but I felt there was enough tp publish it for now. Please look again and let me know if I improved.


            • #7
              Re: Take a look

              Hi, site looks fine with the exception of adds all over your front page. You will need to keep a visitor on your site with some useful info on the front page & not just a load of adds. It will also help with the SE,s on which you are trying to attract 1st, to get further up their lists & then have more visitors pointed at you from the SE's..
              Regards Chris.

              Collectables, Collecting,


              House build project

