My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

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  • Hylith
    First Lieutenant

    • Feb 2009
    • 169

    My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

    Hello fellow graphic designers,

    I just built this new website for my business called Dynamic Logo Studios.
    It's about 95% completed. If you have the time, please take a look and tell me what you think or if you find any problems.

    Furthermore, if you have a website and would like to work together building links and referrals for extra traffic, I am all up for it.

    Just post up your website also so that I may have a look, and I will contact you.

    Business is business.

    Thank you in advance,

    Robert A. Kerr
    Best Regards,

    Robert A. Kerr
  • D'son
    Major General

    • Apr 2008
    • 2577

    Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

    Not bad, I like it. Few things, first the pages are too wide. You need to stay around the 980 mark to fit all monitors (not everyone has wide screen) both of your forms need validating and success and failure pages. As they are now you will receive many blank submissions, and the user has no way of knowing if their submission was even sent (you have no acknowlegement). The contest area's link is broken in both the footer and the flash box on the pages. Your 'Links' link is also broken aswell as for the testimonials. I clicked the buttons for the different packages and they both opened in a new window even though they both have full navagation (not good, the user will have multiple windows open for your site) and the business card link is broken. It opened in a pop up window (which most everyone blocks, so I would not use) but then it went to open DNS. Keep at it your getting there.
    How to add JAlbum to your site


    • Hylith
      First Lieutenant

      • Feb 2009
      • 169

      Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

      Thanks a lot for the feedback,

      I am aware of the broken testimonial, link, and contest links. They are the 5% that has not been completed yet. The forms are automatically setup to forward the information to site Email addresses and to notify me immediately. There should be an automatic respondent Email for each form (although I haven't been able to test them all yet).

      As per the form page opening in a new page, I thought that might be better so the customer can look at any information back and forth without leaving the order form page. I should change that as you mentioned the pages are all fully navigational and they can just choose to open another page in an alternate tab. The business card button I didn't know about.

      As for the width, I totally agree with you on that too.

      Thanks again for your time and help!

      Robert A. Kerr
      Best Regards,

      Robert A. Kerr


      • Collectors-info

        • Feb 2006
        • 8703

        Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

        Ditto with Ed's comments, especially on the page scroll. You also need to reduce your images with some software & not the blue handles, its distorting them. It will also help the pages to load faster.
        Your key words (list below) don't match up with the pages text. SE's wont like it unless it's all within the text of the page.
        Page names could also be more descriptive of you site. IE:
        Welcome to Dynamic Logo Studios, only has 1 word relating to what you are selling. Something like, Logo, Graphics, Image design, by Dynamic Logo Studios. might give the SE's more info.

        custom logo design,corporate logo,graphic design firm,web graphic design,
        small business web design,logo,branding,best web design,corporate dentity,logo design,web design,cheap logo design,graphic design services,business logo,corporate logo design,logo maker,dynamic logo tudios,website design,graphic design,cheap designs,cheap logos,corporate design package,business design package,dynamic high quality logos,corporate website design,business website design,small business website design,online dynamic logo store,cheap high quality logos,high quality logo samples,quick and easy graphic designs,cheap and quick graphic designs,website designs and free hosting,website design and free hosting,unlimited design changes,unlimited logo changes,dynamic logo designs,great logo company,good logo company,cheap logo company,great website designs company,excellent website designs company,excellent logo designs,beautiful logos,high quality digital designs,dynamic digital designs,online logo designs, logo companies,graphic design company,">
        Regards Chris.

        Collectables, Collecting,

        House build project


        • Hylith
          First Lieutenant

          • Feb 2009
          • 169

          Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

          Excellent suggestions,

          This is actually my first fully functional website, as my partner usually does the websites management but he is severely tied up at the moment.
          I am really "getting my feet wet" with all of these website parts and puzzles.

          I can see you two seem to post great advice for all designers.

          Hats off to you both in helping make sense out of tangled messes!

          Robert A. Kerr
          Best Regards,

          Robert A. Kerr


          • buystuffs
            Special Status

            • Nov 2008
            • 120

            Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

            wow! 9/10 good work except top of your page something weird

            0) { $upload_DstName[$i] = $prefix . "_" . str_replace(" ", "_", $_FILES[$key]['name']); $upload_SrcName[$i] = $_FILES[$key]['name']; $upload_Size[$i] = ($_FILES[$key]['size']); $upload_Temp[$i] = ($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']); $upload_Type[$i] = ($_FILES[$key]['type']); $uploadlink[$i] = "$upload_folder/$upload_DstName[$i]"; $upload_fieldname[$i] = $key; $upload_fieldname_final[$i] = ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $key)); $fieldvalue[$i] = $uploadlink[$i]; $i++; } if ($upload_Size[$i] >= $max_filesize) { $error .= "The size of $key (file: $upload_SrcName[$i]) is bigger than the allowed " . $max_filesize/1024 . " Kbytes!\n"; } } $crack[0] = '\n'; $crack[1] = '\r'; $crack[2] = "%0a"; $crack[3] = "%0d"; $crack[4] = "content-type:"; $crack[5] = "to:"; $crack[6] = "cc:"; $crack[7] = "bcc:"; $crack[8] = "mime-version:"; $crack[9] = "x0a"; $crack[10] = "x0d"; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { for ($k = 0; $k < count($crack); $k++) { if (substr_count(strtolower($value), $crack[$k])) { $error .= "The field $key contained e-mail headers ($crack[$k]) in the value submitted. This seems to be a cracking attempt and the message has not been sent.!
            "; } } } if ($error) { $errorcode = file_get_contents($error_url); $replace = "##error##"; $errorcode = str_replace($replace, $error, $errorcode); echo $errorcode; exit; } $uploadfolder = basename($upload_folder); for ($i = 0; $i < count($upload_DstName); $i++) { $uploadFile = $uploadfolder . "/" . $upload_DstName[$i]; if (!is_dir(dirname($uploadFile))) { @RecursiveMkdir(dirname($uploadFile)); } else { @chmod(dirname($uploadFile), 0777); } @move_uploaded_file($upload_Temp[$i] , $uploadFile); chmod($uploadFile, 0644); } $internalfields = array ("submit", "reset", "filesize", "upload_folder", "send", "captcha_code"); $message .= "\n"; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (!in_array(strtolower($key), $internalfields)) { if (!is_array($value)) { $message .= ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $key)) . " : " . $value . "\n"; } else { $message .= ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $key)) . " : " . implode(",", $value) . "\n"; } } } if (count($upload_SrcName) > 0) { $message .= "\nThe following file have been uploaded:\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($upload_SrcName); $i++) { $message .= $upload_SrcName[$i] . " Link: " . $uploadlink[$i] . "\n"; } } mail($mailto, $subject, stripslashes($message), $header); header('Location: '.$success_url); exit; } ?>

            check this out


            • Collectors-info

              • Feb 2006
              • 8703

              Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

              You need to delete the index html in cpanel, & republish this page as .php.
              Regards Chris.

              Collectables, Collecting,


              House build project


              • Hylith
                First Lieutenant

                • Feb 2009
                • 169

                Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

                Thanks for all your comments!

                As per some of the comments, I am adjusting the pages to remove the scroll bar at the bottom, still not finished. I accidentally hit .html instead of .php with the index page while reformatting but it's fixed now thanks a ton Chris!

                Robert A. Kerr
                Best Regards,

                Robert A. Kerr


                • buystuffs
                  Special Status

                  • Nov 2008
                  • 120

                  Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

                  Originally posted by Hylith View Post
                  Thanks for all your comments!

                  As per some of the comments, I am adjusting the pages to remove the scroll bar at the bottom, still not finished. I accidentally hit .html instead of .php with the index page while reformatting but it's fixed now thanks a ton Chris!

                  Robert A. Kerr
                  why wait then


                  • Hylith
                    First Lieutenant

                    • Feb 2009
                    • 169

                    Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

                    Sorry buystuffs,

                    I am not sure what you mean when you say "why wait then".

                    Unfortunately, revising the pages takes a lot of work.

                    Thanks for your ratings though "9/10." :)

                    Robert A. Kerr
                    Best Regards,

                    Robert A. Kerr


                    • buystuffs
                      Special Status

                      • Nov 2008
                      • 120

                      Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

                      Originally posted by Hylith View Post
                      Sorry buystuffs,

                      I am not sure what you mean when you say "why wait then".

                      Unfortunately, revising the pages takes a lot of work.

                      Thanks for your ratings though "9/10." :)

                      Robert A. Kerr
                      I meant lets rock n roll lol


                      • Marincky

                        • Apr 2006
                        • 4539

                        Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

                        I would recommend getting rid of the lightbox gallery on your portfolio. It doesn't work most of the time (unsurprising for lightbox...not!)
                        Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                        • Hylith
                          First Lieutenant

                          • Feb 2009
                          • 169

                          Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

                          Originally posted by Marincky View Post
                          I would recommend getting rid of the lightbox gallery on your portfolio. It doesn't work most of the time (unsurprising for lightbox...not!)
                          I had no trouble opening it in FF but when I tried IE... it seems to be highly unstable. Could you suggest any betters ways? I suppose just creating links to full sized pictures is best?


                          Robert A. Kerr

                          (P.S. I hate IE, I think FF is way better, haven't tried Opera yet)
                          Best Regards,

                          Robert A. Kerr


                          • Marincky

                            • Apr 2006
                            • 4539

                            Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

                            Just use the normal gallery and set them to open up in pop-ups
                            Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                            • Hylith
                              First Lieutenant

                              • Feb 2009
                              • 169

                              Re: My New Site - Feedback is Appreciated!

                              I tried what you said and it works very well.

                              My only concern is that it is a pop-up, but it doesn't seem to require any authorization or anything. Does this pop-up normally show with no problems?
                              Best Regards,

                              Robert A. Kerr

