Please provide any advice or suggestions that you have. The pictures take a second to load. Is the only way to fix this to make them smaller? Thanks a lot.
Any advice is appreciated
Re: Any advice is appreciated
Hi, off to a good start. You are correct on the images. Take a copy of them & convert to jpg & reduce again, they should come down to around 30kb each.
Your pages have quite a bit of side scroll, this might help.
Re: Any advice is appreciated
Hi Trapper81,
Nice site, says exactly what you do. I don't know too much about the technical stuff, and the pictures loaded up fine, but I guess that's down tyo the type of internet connection. The only comment I would make is that the page was a little wide for my browser. But nice, clean look.
Good luck from newbie
Re: Any advice is appreciated
Thanks for the great input.
I tried pulling it up on another monitor and see the issue with side scrolling bars now.
Collectors-info, I read that link that you attached and get the gist of it, but does this mean that I basically need to totally redo a template that is 900 px wide and then redo every page on the site, or is there a way that I can change the settings on all the pages and it fit in the 900 px width automatically without redoing the whole thing?
Thanks a lot.