Think my web pages need some attention

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  • ajlamond
    First Lieutenant

    • Feb 2006
    • 159

    Think my web pages need some attention

    Would someone mind having a look at my web site please and see what I need to correct, to me my pages look to big and I am not sure how to add the link for my e mail address, when it says add url in the link box what should I put? Sorry to sound so dumb but I have never done this before.
    Many thanks

    Thamk you again for your help
  • Aliens Anonymous
    Special Status

    • Jan 2006
    • 1144

    Re: Think my web pages need some attention

    hi very nice looking cake to good to eat.
    one or two things : your email text high light the text click link button under link type make it mailto, then in url type your email address no http:/ that should do it.
    have you used a inline frame for the light pink area on home page as it is acting as one big link.

    oh forgot your link here wrong you missed the : should have been


    • ajlamond
      First Lieutenant

      • Feb 2006
      • 159

      Re: Think my web pages need some attention

      Thank you so much for your advice. I will keep working on it.Do you know how to change the large pink area, so it's not a link? Do I change these things, save the pages and publish again?How can I change the size of my pages as they seem to big for the browser, unless it is inlarged?
      I had a look at your web site, it's very well done and interesting too

      Thanks again


      • Girlonthehill

        • Oct 2005
        • 4193

        Re: Think my web pages need some attention

        Hi Alison,
        Congratulations - you've made a lovely website. The pink thing - right click on it (in BlueVoda) goto properties and just make sure that where it says link is left empty. Your cake toppers are unbelievable! You are an artist indeed! Let me know if, when you are up and running, you'd like to swap links - our businesses compliment each other. Well done!

        Ps. Yes - when you make changes in BlueVoda, save them and re-puiblish the changed pages. When that's done and you go online to check them - remember that your browser may cache (causing your browser to show you old images), so hit the F5 key a few times to clear it and try iy again. Oh and your pages (size) seem just fine to me.


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        • ajlamond
          First Lieutenant

          • Feb 2006
          • 159

          Re: Think my web pages need some attention

          One other thing if you don't mind, when I go to my web site and put it in my favourits (AOL) it just comes up as "index" and not cakeswithadifference.


          • ajlamond
            First Lieutenant

            • Feb 2006
            • 159

            Re: Think my web pages need some attention

            Hello Amanda, Thank you for the help.
            I will have a go at fixing these problems today.I love your web site , yes what a great idea! we must do that when My web site is ready for the search engins. Have you got that far yet? I would be interested to see how you have gone about it.
            Many thanks for your kind words.
            PS, did you get your guest book from Voda? I have downloaded one but am not sure how to install it?




            • hreftovoda
              Private First Class

              • Jan 2006
              • 8

              Re: Think my web pages need some attention

              you don't need to download the guest book, there are many script ready to install include guestbook in Fantastico, Just log to your control panel, click Fantastico and you can install many program there such as forum, os commerce, guestbook etc


              • ajlamond
                First Lieutenant

                • Feb 2006
                • 159

                Re: Think my web pages need some attention

                I have installed the viper guest book to my web site, where can I find it please. sorry to sound stupid!! I have been sent an e mail with the details. what do I do now?
                thank you



                • hreftovoda
                  Private First Class

                  • Jan 2006
                  • 8

                  Re: Think my web pages need some attention

                  as i said open your control panel and then click Fantastico


                  • ajlamond
                    First Lieutenant

                    • Feb 2006
                    • 159

                    Re: Think my web pages need some attention

                    An instance of ViPER Guestbook was installed on
                    Full installation path: /home/cakes99/public_html
                    Public URL:
                    Admin URL:
                    Password: t6y7gh
                    MySQL database: cakes99_vgb1
                    MySQL user: cakes99_vgb1
                    Time of installation: Wednesday, 22nd February, 2006 @ 01:54:23 PM
                    DO NOT REMOVE the file named fantastico_fileslist.txt from the installation directory. It is used for uninstalling this application.
                    This was the e mail sent, I am sorry to be thick but how do I put it so I can see it on my web page?
                    Thanks, sorry to be a pain!



                    • hreftovoda
                      Private First Class

                      • Jan 2006
                      • 8

                      Re: Think my web pages need some attention

                      better you uninstall and re install again because now you install in your main directory,that will make you confuse because you already have website in there, make sure when you install don't leave the directory field empty unless you want to install on it. put the name of the directory whatever you want i.e if you named guestbook the address will be
                      and make sure you don't show your password to the public like you are doing now.

                      Hope ***** won't fire me because this topic is in wrong place


                      • ajlamond
                        First Lieutenant

                        • Feb 2006
                        • 159

                        Re: Think my web pages need some attention

                        Thank you so much.
                        Sorry again for being a pain.
                        I will try that now



                        • canadianeh

                          • Feb 2006
                          • 12

                          Re: Think my web pages need some attention

                          I think your website looks terrific. I just wish you lived in Toronto! The best of luck with your business.



                          • Mavi Kus

                            • Feb 2006
                            • 28

                            Re: Think my web pages need some attention

                            Hiya, I think you have a lovely site...I like the colours and characters. You have done a very nice job. Only there seems to be a hidden link on your index page...all of the bottom part of the page is a link to your guestbook...I am not sure if you are aware of this? Good luck on your bussiness

                            Blue Bird Homes
                            "Who doesn't want to live in a sunny place"



                            • ajlamond
                              First Lieutenant

                              • Feb 2006
                              • 159

                              Re: Think my web pages need some attention

                              Hello Mandeley, Thank you for looking at my web site and your kind words.
                              That guest book is a pain! I have chosen to forget about it because I just can not get it to work, finger trouble on my part I know!
                              It is not easy this web site lark is it but I am enjoying the journey.
                              I am now having a problem setting up the emails . My mind is so full of stuff that I am getting so confused.
                              Your web site is fantastic and so professional. well done you.


