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Help, Please take a look

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  • Help, Please take a look

    Hi Everyone, Any reviews on my new site will be much appreciated, I haven't tested it in any other browsers. I set all the pages as popups so that the index will remain in the background, but not so sure if thats a good idea? ..


  • #2
    Re: Help, Please take a look

    Yeh your right not a good idea at all, your going to drive people potty.
    and the fact that you have the dropdown menu on every popup is going to confuse them even more.
    Alien Dude Solutions


    • #3
      Re: Help, Please take a look

      Ok, Thanks Alien Dude I will see if I can fix it.


      • #4
        Re: Help, Please take a look

        I agree with Alien Dude and I may also subject you center your pages. It look off when it's pushed to the side and the heading is centered. maybe reducing the width of the heading make it more uniform?! Also make the line under your heading equal to the heading. It's sticking out making it lose your professional appeal. What browser are you using?!

        I checked both IE and FF. In IE it's takes a few second to load. While it is loading all you see is a blank page. This may drive away potential clients...

        Good luck!
        Mr. Big Paw
        Somewhere in the CO mountains
        Big Paw Services


        • #5
          Re: Help, Please take a look

          adir sharon makes very valid points; your header should be the same width as the rest of the site; which means to also remove the shopping cart links that are to the right. They should not hang out there unanchored. Those links can be placed in spaces on the left, or at the bottom.

          In addition to making the header less wide, make the header less high too. For instance, the three header photos can be closer together and moved to the top right. Then the go-menu and catch phrase can be next to each other below.

          I would also like to see links attached to the side bar comments. These should open up into new windows to reputable sites that validate the claims being made.

          I do like descriptives to pop up; so I would suggest you leave those as is. Customers can then do side by side comparisons; and they do not have to worry about getting lost. But, your actual pages (everything with the orange biotec header) should all move back and forth in the same window.
          Tim & Sonia Platt
          Indianpolis Tour & Travel



          • #6
            Re: Help, Please take a look

            Thanks, adir sharon(i'm using IE and indytnt for your excellent suggestions I am working on them now.


            • #7
              Re: Help, Please take a look

              I like that each image pops up in its own window leaving the index viewable. This means I can quickly close the window and continue where I left off. Was this done as pop-up or with the _blank setting?


              • #8
                Re: Help, Please take a look

                Hi Loobi, it's done with a popup and then adjusted to centre on the page


                • #9
                  Re: Help, Please take a look

                  The letters on your navigational tabs are too big. And, as stated earlier, your header is way too big. Lower the tagline: Negative Ions - Far infrared - Bio Magnentics. Then, reduce the size of the three photos and place then directly above the tag line. Try to get the tops of the photos flush with the top of Biotek and the bottom of the tagline flush with the bottom of the line - For Your Health.
                  Tim & Sonia Platt
                  Indianpolis Tour & Travel


                  • #10
                    Re: Help, Please take a look

                    ditto with other 'negative' comments re the pop-ups....& here's another ??
                    In your guarantee terms you state:
                    All items must be returned unopened
                    So, I order something that I really want. I open the packet & find it is damaged. How do I then return the item UN-opened to qualify for a refund?
                    Maybe I'm being dumb, but if I ask this then maybe others too will find this confusing, eh? :)
                    anyway, good luck,

                    Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!


                    • #11
                      Re: Help, Please take a look

                      Thanks indytnt for your quality advice, as always. I intended to insert more content at the top at a later stage, but will reduce it in the meantime and work on your other suggestions.ahimsa I agree, we must revise those terms, the term refers to a cash refund on incorrectly ordered goods and doesn't reflect our 100% desire to please the customer. We always refund or replace whatever the conditions.

