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arghh! why can't I get this to look professional?

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  • arghh! why can't I get this to look professional?

    Hi all...

    I have been building this site for a friend who is happy with it, but I still find it looks amatuer-ish... please help me improve it!!!


  • #2
    Re: arghh! why can't I get this to look professional?


    Since you asked, I will give you my opinion. Looks to me that you need better colour scheme. You also need font, font size, and button harmony. Look at other sites (not mine) for the font, font size ...

    Good luck



    • #3
      Re: arghh! why can't I get this to look professional?

      Thanks for that info, unfortunately the font (Algerian) and the colours (purple and teal) are the business colours and fonts used on all of her promotional material, so I'm locked into these colours...


      • #4
        Re: arghh! why can't I get this to look professional?

        ok... I have changed the layout a little and made the border of the video opaque so that it blends into the image. I have also changed the font to make everything more uniform and it is looking better already, thanks. What else can I improve upon?


        • #5
          Re: arghh! why can't I get this to look professional?

          Couple of thing that i would have a look at changing. Is!
          Try changing the background to either black or white, or another colour, as dark grey doesn't feel right & a bit drab.
          Possibly make the purple boarders a little thinner.
          Would loose the video to another page & have some good text in a white box on the front page to help with the SE side of things, as your using all these key words (fitness, shape changer, shapechanger, lose weight, rehabilitation, gym, personal training, trainer, personal trainer, get fit, rehabilitation training, post natal training, loose weight, personal training perth, post surgery training, pre natal training, get fit) & none within the pages text content.
          Regards Chris.

          Collectables, Collecting,

          House build project


          • #6
            Re: arghh! why can't I get this to look professional?

            ha, that's funny, I have just taken the text out and put the vid in its place! Thanks Chris, will give it a go...


            • #7
              Re: arghh! why can't I get this to look professional?

              The video definately needs to be moved from the front page and replaced with either a picture or text or both. Also wondering if a white background would look better. But good work.

              Gunn R


              • #8
                Re: arghh! why can't I get this to look professional?

                Your Approach and Trainer pages look real nice. Redo your sessions and contact pages so they look consistant with the first two.

                Get rid of the script; it looks chinese from a distance. Use a consistant font throughout the site.

                You will need to modify your Trainer page so the title is above the photo and qualification are below. That way, your message block can use the whole left side like on your Approach page.

                The "fit for living, well for life" slogan w/green oval should be in the same location on every page.

                Now for the front page: Consider removing the green zone. It is very nice, but it does not go well with the rest of the site; and changing one page is easier than changing the format of all of the other pages. I would try enlarging the video to encompass most of the green zone. And, don't have the video loop; just have it play once.

                The banner is too big and too fast for the small left side bar. Try pacing your banner message at the bottom of your header. And, as far as the buttons go - use the same font as your message blocks. (Of course the button font size will be smaller than the message block too.

                Once your front page is formated like your other pages, try changing the colors of the letters in your header to a green to match your button letters and green oval.

                (Each page look very nice of itself, very professional; but when combined with the others - the pages are inconsistant, which explains that lack of professionalism that you cannot quite touch upon.)
                Tim & Sonia Platt
                Indianpolis Tour & Travel


                • #9
                  Re: arghh! why can't I get this to look professional?

                  Ditto with all comments.

                  1. What you had before, like you said, was needed by search engines and
                  your visitors as well. I mean the content instead of the video.

                  2. The video with the music starts without the visitor's instigation. It
                  should be under the customer control ready to play.

                  3. The menu text on the left is hard to read as mentioned above.

                  4. The title of any page should describe the business of the page with
                  some keywords in the title.

                  5. For example, Our approach page title is just that. The beginning of the
                  content is "Making the decision to become healthier". You could give it a title like that or to that effect because that represents the business of the page.

                  6. Have a description for all pages which could be the first couple of
                  sentences from the content on your page.
                  Doable Personal Finance


                  • #10
                    Re: arghh! why can't I get this to look professional?

                    wow, thanks guys for all that wonderful feedback... I'm going to try implement it as soon as I can. :)

