Site review

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  • leethesign
    Second Lieutenant

    • Aug 2008
    • 139

    Site review

    I think I'm nearly done - thanks Darren & Chris for your help.

    Could you have a look at it for me and any comments would be welcomed


    Casita Limonares
    Bay Watch Spain
  • mrmagoo144
    Brigadier General

    • Feb 2007
    • 1369

    Re: Site review

    like the site, very simple and to the point. just would like to have prices without contacting you. is that possible?


    • Collectors-info

      • Feb 2006
      • 8703

      Re: Site review

      Sites looking good so far. I would get some better quality images at some time to show the accommodation off better & not use the blue tabs for resizing. Would also use smaller images for the light box on the front page.
      This one is also very much out of focus.
      Ditto with mrmagoo on needing prices & an availability calendar , i personally just leave sites that don't show prices & availability as its wasting a visitors time having to wait for a response.
      Could also do with a page with a map of where the place is with driving directions & nearest airports, trains & ferry's.
      Regards Chris.

      Collectables, Collecting,

      House build project


      • leethesign
        Second Lieutenant

        • Aug 2008
        • 139

        Re: Site review

        Right ho - I'm up now and I'll be making the amendments as you suggest....thanks both for taking the time and trouble.
        Casita Limonares
        Bay Watch Spain


        • glendene

          • Jul 2008
          • 269

          Re: Site review

          Ditto on all of the above too.

          Hello Lee,

          I just took a quick tour of your site and I like it so far. I always remind myself that when looking at a new site, 'what is my first impression?'

          Does it excite me enough to progress deeper into the site? Is the site pressing my happy buttons and inviting me to explore further? These are important factors in building a site so that it instills credibility, trust and hopefully, customers.

          Anyway, lol, I suspect you already know most of this.

          Seriously, I would like to see some wider shots that invite the searcher to get excited about the overall location, the flavor and smell of the place, the people, attractions, safety issues etc.

          In other words, sell the sizzle.

          Perhaps a small gallery of photos to further excite people about visiting the region and enjoying the local experience.

          Then... sell your own unique product. It's all about the pre-sell. Funnel them into choosing your product above the rest AFTER they are excited enough to buy. The look of your site can detirmine the level of trust that your potential customers have in you and your business.

          In summary:

          Sell the SIZZLE FIRST... then the sausage.

          Good Luck
          The Female Zone

