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Please review my website and give me some feed back

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  • Please review my website and give me some feed back

    Hello my fellow designers,

    Please could you find time to look at my site, it is still in the basic design stage. I have ran a few tests myself and it seems to be SE friendly apart from i can not fiqure out to a add a robot meta tag.

    Some of the links are not live yet as i am awaiting my friend to supply the link details.

    The things i am worried about at this time are:

    1) how do add an "add to favourites" link to the star on the top nav bar?
    2) how do i add a robot meta tag?
    3) Does the site look "tidy"?
    4) Does the page make a sense and get the message of service across?

    Thank you for your time and inputs.

    Time for some constructive comments...

    I can see that you have put lots of and time and effort into your site, however from a builders perspective...

    1) Your page are not named correctly
    2) Your site is not SE friendly... see this report:

    Meta tags report for: taglengthvalueTitle: 5indexDescription: 135Top Quality Kitchens at the right price. Bedrooms and Sliding Robes. Appliances @ internet prices. Sinks and Taps @ competitive price.Keywords: 396Doncaster Kitchens,Doncaster Bedrooms, Doncaster Bedrooms, Doncaster Sliding Robes, Kitchens,Granite,******,Laminate Worktops,Sinks,Taps,Gloss Doors,Acrylic Doors,Solid Oak Doors,In-frame Kitchens,Baumatic,Rangemaster,Neff,Bosch, Gorenje,Bedrooms,Sliding Robes,Fitted Bedrooms,High Gloss Kitchens,Franke,Blanco,ISE,Caple,UBER, Miele, Caple, Glass Sliding Robes, Acyrlic Splashbacks, Vinyl Doors Meta tags analysis.Title:Title relevancy to page content is terrible.
    The Title relevancy to page content is 0%.
    Description:Description meta tag contains no errors.
    This tag contains 135 characters.
    Description relevancy to page content is good.
    The Description relevancy to page content is 81%.
    Keywords:This tag contains too many keywords.
    This tag contains 31 keywords. This is too many for what we would consider a 'robot friendly' web page. The maximum number of keywords we recommend for this tag is 25.
    Keyword relevancy to page content is terrible. However, this is not necessarily bad if you have a lot of content. The most important factor is to have your keywords on the page a few times.
    The keywords relevancy to page content is 29%.
    Robots:Found no robots meta tag.
    This tag is not really required but helps spiders to index the web page. Author:Found no author meta tag.
    This tag is not really required but helps for your (company) name recognition.

    From a customer perspective:
    1) site looks a bit messy.
    2) too many photos (take to long to load).

    Maybe you should consider bulding a template and building your content around this... see this example .

    sorry if this seems a bit blunt but it is HONEST fedback. if you need any help i will be happy to assist you and FREE of charge.


    Sorry lol

    Thanks for the feed back so far.... spelling error sorted lol.

    When you build a site you need to think about each page as its own website, this will then allow your potential customers to find the correct landing page. So keep kitchen fitting, kitchen sales, bedroom fitting, on their own dedicated pages - this is because if i search "Bedroom fitters" in google i would want to land on your page regarding that subject, not kitchens or have to search a site to find what i want. also research KEY WORDS and use them through out your site. So when naming pages think of the following :

    1- Page name: your comapny name | then some related Key words (kitchen designers and installations, etc)... think about what you would type into google etc if you was looking for your services. Remember to think from a customers point of view, for instance i would search "kitchen fitters" or something in relation to that.

    2- Page descripton - ensure that your page description mirrors what you have in the wording of your content, this is what search engines like and the same goes for your key words.

    Some more feed back from a customers point of view when they visit your site -

    1 - too many pictures on your homepage - choose your best say five of six and arrange them neatly. gibe your customer options to view them in a album rather than attack them from the start.

    2 - give your customer clear options, I get the message that you install kitchens. but you also install bedrooms ?

    3- your home page is a change to engage a potentail customer to make sure it looks tidy, gives a clear message and easy to navigate. So implement some banner style buttons clearly navigating your customers to a area they require... Bedroom, Kitchen, etc. always give your customers just enough information with an option to research more using linked pathways eg...

    * wlecome to such and such, we offer this, please choose from the following.... Bedrooms - Kitchens... etc

    * i choose bedrooms.... i am now faced with the following the options....

    What style - what colour - then after choosing this option, i can look into installing myself or enquiring about your installation services, etc.

    I am not too sure if this makes any sense to you... but if you would like your website to increase your audience and potentail customer base then you need to research SEO, KEY WORDS and have a bit more wording (content) on your pages. I am bit snowed under at the moment but if you like, when i get time i can design an example template for you ?

    By the way you have built some amazing kitchens.... you just need the web presence to match them lol!

    tahnsk for your feed back - please see not quite done yet but getting there !
    Last edited by Collectors-info; 04-28-2010, 11:52 AM. Reason: Multi treads on one site.

  • #2
    Re: Please review my website and give me some feed back

    ....could you, maybe, give us a name (url) of your site??????
    It would probably mean more answers more quickly lol
    Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!


    • #3
      Re: Please review my website and give me some feed back

      Lovely and fresh.
      Malaysian Family Tree Website From the
      State of Johor.



      • #4
        Re: Please review my website and give me some feed back

        ....yeah, good start - couple of minor spelling/typos but can wait for now lol
        there's 1 that you should know about now, though, before you get some teasing from friends:
        On the "Select a Pest" menu at the top, check out the first button :) (might want to change something there lol)
        good luck,
        Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!


        • #5
          Re: Please review my website and give me some feed back

          Very smart looking site. Good use of colours and graphics. Good information. Overall gives off a very professional feel.

          Didn't go right through it and I can't help with the specific things you asked for but I like what I saw.

          I did notice one thing though - on the list of pests at the bottom of the home page it says WAPS instead of WASPS.

          Well Done.

