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ideas to jazz up my website

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  • ideas to jazz up my website


    I built this website a couple of years ago now, I've updated it since but I still feel it could do with 'jazzing up', I would appreciate any comments and ideas



  • #2
    Re: ideas to jazz up my website

    Hi Sara

    A good source of inspiration is to look at your competitors websites and get some fresh ideas, perhaps.
    Happy Building



    • #3
      Re: ideas to jazz up my website

      Sara, the first thing I would do is alter the titles of your pages. Every page has 'Plumber in Torrevieja' as the title. I think having the place in each page title is a good idea for local search engines but what if someone searched for something more specific For instance on the services page you could have 'Water Heater repairs & services in Torrevieja or a list of four or five services in Torrevieja. I think Darren is right also, you could check out what the competitiion is doing especially how they are using keywords in titles and copy to rank higher on in the searches, for your area.
      One other thing I noticed straight away because I am guilty of doing it as well. You are using an awful lot of valuable website real estate above the fold for the header. I have read more than once not to waste space for a header because when people find you, they want info with the least amount of scrolling and time spent at a website. If you make it too hard for them to find the info they want they click away. My suggestion therefore is to reduce the height of your header by having 'Plumbing & Heating Solutions' all in one line. Visually I would also move the indivudual page header above the copy and then move the menu buttons up to the same height where the page information starts.
      Maybe you could find some stories that suited the page so that you could have just a little bit more on each page for keywords.
      I also could not find that any of the photos had titles... It is an opportunity for the search engines as well as for visitors to see what is in a blank spot instead of just a red x whe a photo is blocked or does not load.
      Hope this helps


      • #4
        Re: ideas to jazz up my website

        As dito above, each page has to be optimized separately and therefore they must have different titles and keywords.

        Keep up with the good work!

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        • #5
          Re: ideas to jazz up my website

          I like lots of color. Perhaps a tint of it in the page background?


          • #6
            Re: ideas to jazz up my website

            There's an awful lot of stuff just floating around on a white background. I think your basic layout is good, but trying building some boxes around individual sections. You'll find this makes it look more grounded, makes it easier for folks to find different information and makes it look better graphically.

            The one who dies with the most toys wins . . . . . . . . nothing! (Matthew 16:26)


            • #7
              Re: ideas to jazz up my website


              I had a look at other plumbing sites as I didn't really know what to suggest at first...

              I really liked the top section of this site - It looks clean and modern

              I also quite liked this one;

              If you look at them and then back to yours, yours does look quite plain in comparison.

              I hope that helps - I'm not trying to be critical! xx

