A review please

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  • dandia
    Second Lieutenant

    • Jun 2007
    • 144

    A review please

    Firstly thank you all who ahve posted solutions to problems,stickys, tips and links to tutorials here on this forum, I really wouldn't have got this far without you all.
    Please would you take a look at www.readysteadyanglais.com and let me know if there are any mistakes. I know the background needs a bit of sorting but that will have to be phase 102 lol. I have out in keywords and page descriptions but are they right?
    I understand that as it is in French many of you won't be able to proof read it but I have a French friend who is doing that for me.
    Thanking you all in advance

  • Marincky

    • Apr 2006
    • 4539

    Re: A review please


    I LOVE the look of this site, nice, fresh, clean, simple, attractive, well done

    You do need to do a lot of research on the keywords/page titles/descriptions as you do have these all wrong I'm afraid.

    To be honest I would be tempted to omit all your keywords entirely as the search engines will read the content of your pages and make up their minds from that to be honest. A good rule of thumb is, if you don't know how to keyword, don't. You stand more chance without keywords than you are incorrectly keywording.

    Page titles and page descriptions are more important but takes a lot of research and understanding how they work to get these right.

    Am I right in thinking this site is for children in France to learn English but through play workshops?

    If so... Then you need to think what a parent may type into google to be possibly interested in what you have to offer.

    For example, maybe people typing in 'English Lessons for Children' would be ideal candidates for what you offer. So what you would do is then, using a keyword tool type this phrase into it and it will tell you how many, if any, are typing this phrase in. If very few or none, it will give you options that are similar that ARE getting typed in. When you find a good one (Not necessarily the one with the highest amount, as these phrases will be sought after by many other sites, you then use these as your page titles and where possible get these phrases onto your pages you have titled to.

    It's very difficult to explain this in just a few paragraphs, it it more complex than this but this will be a start for you.
    Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


    • dandia
      Second Lieutenant

      • Jun 2007
      • 144

      Re: A review please

      Thank you again! I think I am getting confused about these keywords there seems to be a lot of conflicting advice either that or I am completly misunderstanding some of the posts which is always possible.
      I did use google keywords to run through and select words but then read a post where it said unless that word is in the text you shouldn't put it in as a keyword, so I took out the words that I didn't have in my text. I had 50 words to start with then read that you shouldn't have more than 25!
      I had 22 on a page description then read you should only have around 3 !!
      Then I read that you should put in mis spelled or common typos!
      You are right it is workshops for children taught in English and for the most part my clients will come from the flyers and posters as that is how it is done here! I wanted to put words in that if someone saw the poster and remembered bits of it but not the address they could type those in a search and find the website. I would also like to "catch" those who are holidaying here (big French family holiday destination) who want something for their children to do and may do a search before coming.
      So I guess my question is this: do the key words HAVE to match the words in the text on that page? I'm guessing yes and that you have to rewrite the text including the words if necessary. If it is a phrase then I put that phrase into the page description as the title?
      I want to try and get this right as I have another site that I don't have any keywords in for and I need to change that if I want (and I do) people to find me!
      I think I should have started with the keywords thing and then worked the text around that!



      • Collectors-info

        • Feb 2006
        • 8703

        Re: A review please

        Ditto with Ramsey. Also with your images, i am getting this image come up on a search of your home page @ 800kb+, but cant see the image on the page?????
        This image also needs reducing in your banner rotator. http://readysteadyanglais.com/images...ackground2.JPG as its around 900kb & should be nearer the 20kb.

        On your keywords i tend to find it better to work out a good short list of keywords & then incorporate them into the text & headings of the page.
        Its a bit like working backwards. lol
        Regards Chris.

        Collectables, Collecting, collectors-info.com


        House build project


        • dandia
          Second Lieutenant

          • Jun 2007
          • 144

          Re: A review please

          Thanks Chris the image you can't see on the page is in the background. I coudln't find it either and deleted to find out where it was! I thought it might be the culprit of some of what I think are windows 7 issues. It wasn't!
          I have changed the backgound image not sure how i missed sliding that one through pixsizer. Thanks for fiding it.
          Now back onto Keywords, in French there is often 4 different ways of writing a word because of the femine masculine thing then the accents. Do I put both variations in with and without accents? so for example,
          anglais, anglaise, d'anglais, l'anglais, l'anglaise or generales,générales etc etc and what if in my text I am using the accents would i be allowed to include the words that don't have them? I might just take all the words out and leave it all blank lol.



          • Marincky

            • Apr 2006
            • 4539

            Re: A review please

            The trouble with scouring the net for stuff like this is that you will see a lot of different advice.

            Putting in incorrect spellings or typo errors?....... NO!

            Page titles, two or three key phrases

            Keywords, one or two main keyword phrases, NOT 50 or 25!

            Page description: Not a list of keywords, a nice sentance or two (around 25 words) describing each page individually.

            NO page titles to be repeated on any other page
            NO page descriptions the same.

            Hope that helps : - )
            Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


            • Sally - La Festa
              First Sergeant

              • Jul 2009
              • 77

              Re: A review please


              I thought it was lovely! Very clean and crisp and easy to use (even though I can't speak French ... I can see you wouldn't get lost going around the pages!)

              I didn't notice the Union Jack background at first on the home page...I wonder if it could be very slightly less faded...

              I thought maybe a few more pictures might be nice. The home page had a lot of text. I would split the large paragraph in the middle into smaller ones so it didn't look so much to read through.

              I loved the photo gallery and the pictures themselves. They are excellent!I also really like your logo.

              Well done xx

