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I think you need to do a bit more work yet! I'm viewing on a 17" Monitor and the screen doesn't fit on to it left to right. Not a problem needing to scroll up & down, but left to right should be a no no.
You need to look at the graphics quality too as they don't seem to clear. Try putting the original pics through PixResizer.
I agree with Dave I use a 21" monitor with a resolution of 1024 x768 and it doesn't fit in window .I would say that your problem is that you have used a template and stretched it to fit your screen (I done this myself the first time) change your page size to 800 x600 then adjust your template to suite.
As for your pictures my guess is that the problem is when you reduced the size of them, try increasing the resolution as you resize them then use pixresizer to optimize them.
There is a problem with your background it is very blotchy should it be an image or color.
Hope this helps
I think you need to do a bit more work yet! I'm viewing on a 17" Monitor and the screen doesn't fit on to it left to right. Not a problem needing to scroll up & down, but left to right should be a no no.
You need to look at the graphics quality too as they don't seem to clear. Try putting the original pics through PixResizer.
Hope this helps.
Hi Malcolm.
Sorry mate but my response is pretty much the above verbatim. It's too wide. You will lose a lot of potential viewers - people do not like to scroll sideways. The photographs are very pixelated and some stretched and that doesn't look professional. The graphics are similar too (at the top of the page). It's all stuff that's pretty easy to put right. So keep up the good work and post again so we can have another look. Good luck :o)
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I agree with Dave I use a 21" monitor with a resolution of 1024 x768 and it doesn't fit in window .I would say that your problem is that you have used a template and stretched it to fit your screen (I done this myself the first time) change your page size to 800 x600 then adjust your template to suite.
As for your pictures my guess is that the problem is when you reduced the size of them, try increasing the resolution as you resize them then use pixresizer to optimize them.
There is a problem with your background it is very blotchy should it be an image or color.
Hope this helps
thank you for your help ray, i really do appreciate it big time ,im not the best at this i guess it takes time. you seem to know a good bit would you mind letting me know if the sizing problem was corrected? also have a question about my (flash movie setup) the movie is coming from another site the one im promoting but they give no codes or anything of the sort ive tried drop and drag but not working, and how to add my email info on logo i want to send people to my... az_argentino33******.com, ive tried varios things but all in failure. thx for your help ray!
The size is much better and the pictures also look better. I don't know if they just improved when you reduced the page or did you redo them yourself? You might want to center it in the browser and also consider a different page color other than white. As for the flash movie can you tell me more about it, The email link on logo if I understand you right you just have to right click and select object properties then link choose mail then type in your full email address.
hope this helps.
Hi, can I just add a couple of things?
The ''do you want to know how you can 'to' get out of debt'' - is the 'to' supposed to be there? It just doesn't make sense really.
Also, you say people can make '$2000 or $5000 a week or even $10000 a month' well, $5000 a week would work out more than $10000 a month right?
Anyway, they're the things that stuck out to me. Otherwise well done and good luck! :o)
Hi malcolm 1
I think the site looks great except for a couple of spelling mistakes such as
eliminate,and their, also shouldn't it be "it doesn't matter what you do" in the first paragraph?one other thing in your question area I would I would make I instead of i .don't want to sound picky but I made the same mistakes and it was pointed out to me.Sometimes because you wrote it it reads right to you and you skip things.
Hope this helps
Two Cats