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I really like your website. It is very informative and well thought out. I especially like the guy thinking about what model he wants, that's cool. I think the font in the main introduction in the top center section might be a bit small. You want people to be able to easily read what you are about. Overall, I like the animations and the concept is great.
1. Site is too wide, and will prove to be a detriment to any Search Engine valuations or SERP.
2. The gimmickry of the many animations and visuals is not a valued substitution for unique and properly composed Content on your index page, and the abscence of such core compliance will also prove to be detrimental. You need to have established relevancy on your most important page (index), so figure out how to add 350-600 tightly valued intro text onto the page when you re-design the layout to a compliant width (960 pixels wide is compliant: anything larger is non-complaint).
3. Visually, it is easier on the eyes to have a colored background and a white (or neutrally brighter) page area, rather than a colored page and a white background. This oddity will ping up when the SE's evaluate your site, and not simply be noticed by Visitors.
Ditto with comments above. Would also suggest using the "Anti Alias" in your shape properties area to get rid of the jagged corners on the shapes/boarders IE: Like this one.
Would also make the shapes a little larger as the text is to close to the boarders.
But off to a great start.
The links on top in the blue boxes disappear when I hoover over them and I would make the "thinking bubble" cloud thingy image anti alias (right click the image and check the anti alias box) to give it nicer rounding. Other than that good job, I wanna play with my toys now:)
In BV, open your "Index" page, SAVE PAGE AS "index" (all lower case letters only), and re-publish. Go double-check your Navigation to be sure you have listed your "Home" button as either '' or simply '' ... (the simplest and soundest).
You must not capitalize any of your page titles or links.