Will someone check-out my site ?

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  • Henschel

    • Sep 2010
    • 36

    Will someone check-out my site ?

    Here's the outcome of many hours of work?? Take a look but..............
    please be easy !!!! it's my first time .

  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

    You have to take criticism with kudos, otherwise you never make real, earned progress! Otherwise, don't submit sites for peer review, right?

    I am sure you will be provided hints and helps from having other, "newer" eyes finding things you might not have noticed .... and I guess I'll break the ice by pointing out that the page transition is quite annoying, with the header being positioned differently and thus "jerks" position-wise page-to-page: we are talking about the lack of continuity between the same style page headers, as you have 2 different ones according to page type, apparently, which is in itself altogether odd and unnecessary, IMO.

    Matter of fact, it states the best demonstration for why it is important to keep a single header consistent throughout a site and to make good use of Page Headlines (precursor to H-META).
    Try it, you'll like it!
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • Vasili

      • Mar 2006
      • 14683

      Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

      I further ....

      Your use of a Navigation scheme at the bottom of the page (a page which you are desperately trying to keep completely visible in the monitor -- more about this later) is defeating your primary purpose to sell, to convert visitors into clients.
      Since you are not using a dynamic menu, it is best to keep navigation near the top of the web page for easy access to the visitors who seek it in this usual position, as well as for the SE's to easily cache/follow according to prominence (and Navigation is a prominent valuation, especially if text-based).
      You need also provide a HOME link in all navigation on every page (not just interior -- again, continuity the SE's value as relevance) and a Contact Page, rather than simply presume people will buy into your clever ORDER page being the only motivation to contact you: it should never be so, as US Law requires if you transact business online, you need to provide easy and prominent Support/Contact methods. Thus, some websites have multiple Contact Forms, each devoted to specific purposes.

      I figured out that the reason your pages did not display continuity during transition was because you were modifying the Header to fit a larger page content area, in a vain attempt to keep the entire page visible in the monitor. Foolish. First of all, who says your display is most universal? Secondly, while it is important to keep essential info 'above the fold' as mandated in the past, there is no adverse effect in having to scroll somewhat to view the page in entirety. For the visitor or the SE.
      It is all about relevance, proper construct, and design continuity and flow. If the page is done properly, it really is nothing if it is 1000 pixels tall, as long as the Content is composed and constructed properly, the META is complete and tight, and the page itself has been constructed according to current standards.

      The First line on the page under the header should be considered your first H-META tag, as it declares the relevancy of the page to the web. You can then "introduce" each paragraph with a mini head or even a few words as H2 tags, clsoing with your H6 tag. This should be done for each page to be in full compliance.

      However, since your web design is quite minmalistic, click on this link to see a Demo in which I re-designed your Header and page entirely and am using the "slogan" in the Header as your H1 tag for all pages, thus having less pressure to bear upon textual development page-to-page. You can see how I am using the Index Page "Headline" as your H2 tag, and have 2 others to use as a second and third H2 and the Closing H6 tag.

      Also, you will note that there is very important website compliances at the bottom of the page which you need to scroll a bit down to see .... not being afraid to scroll as necessary!

      I think you get the bigger idea of how to blend Design, Navigation, and Functionality with a little more refinement without compromising too much?
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • ahimsa
        Major General

        • Jan 2009
        • 2184

        Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

        .....I see you've done some work since & taken on board Vasili's advice (well, I see a "Home" link on every page anyway lol) so now I can tell you I think your site looks really nice & I hope you do well.....
        good luck,
        Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!


        • Vasili

          • Mar 2006
          • 14683

          Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

          Originally posted by ahimsa View Post
          .....I see you've done some work since & taken on board Vasili's advice (well, I see a "Home" link on every page anyway lol)
          Originally posted by Vasili View Post
          You need also provide a HOME link in all navigation on every page (not just interior -- again, continuity the SE's value as relevance) and a Contact Page...
          No .... nothing done yet. Probably needs to discuss it with Kathryn, but everything mentioned is pretty much required, so .....
          Original > http://www.kathrynyauney.com/
          Demo Revision > http://www.vodatips.com/kathryn.html
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *


          • Henschel

            • Sep 2010
            • 36

            Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

            Hi Vasili, I always look forward to your reviews, ther're "different" but to the point and honest. Thank you for your review of my site. Everything you say makes a lot of sense, if I had read more I might have come closer to a better site. I completely missed everything on "headlines" , tags & continuity. One thing you said I haven't figured out .. "minmalistic". I've heard it used back in then'70s ref: art. And NO, Kathryn doesn't know about your review. Also, is the site too much about the artist and not enough about the art?
            Thank you again for your time, effort and honesty. BV is a great site, where else could I pick a General's brain.


            • Henschel

              • Sep 2010
              • 36

              Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

              Hi ahimsa, thanks for your review and kind words. Your thoughts on measuring the height of mountains is like the learning curve of building a web site, it's not a hill it's a cliff!


              • Vasili

                • Mar 2006
                • 14683

                Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

                Having the proper textual Content on each webpage is not so much of a layout task as much as it is an art, in my opinion.

                It is incredibly difficult to compose readable, memorable, and converting text while trying to be as brief and lucent as possible, not forgetting to weave in all the Keywords, Key Phrases, and subtleties that can make or break a website altogether. Very, very few people (it seems) have the natural ability to compose with multiple motivations being implemented simultaneously, but truly it is becoming more and more required if one hopes to satisfy the mandates of construct and compliance (with all the variables, like SE standards, etc.).

                Although it is true you are allowed up to 1500 words on each page that are available to be spidered and valued by the SE's, it is common disclosure that only the first 300-450 words are truly core valued, and the remainder is merely scanned as to relevance of previously ranked text. Thus, the nudge for shorter, more tightly composed textual blocks of Content on each page which illustrates my obscure references to minimalistic Content --- most others simply see the amount of Compliant Content on sites without reading it to learn of the style or real nature of that Content being something other than a couple of short paragraphs (they see only the volume, and not the conceptual composition). This in turn has evolved into a hybrid style of webpage design: where it is nearly a no-scroll layout, everything fitting perfectly into a 960x700 page size ..... sure, it's clean, but for the most part non-compliant, as they have no real Content to "optimize" using H-META, the Keywords and Phrases are not anchored, and even Page Titles are missing core entries.

                In the Big Picture, RELEVANCE is the most important part of a website, and it has specific constructs both vertically on a page as well as horizontally across the site.... and like any other web concept, it has definitive foundation and structure -- real elements that come together to create a static value, a reality to reference.
                "What is the purpose of the site?" That is what the SE's are trying to determine, first so they can cache the best results to report back to their Search clients and querries, and secondly how to "value" each site in comparison to others by focusing on the minimum standards of website construct first (if they can't build a site precisely, what expectations can be had for the content?) and then the content itself ..... either the site offers more, deeper, more detailed Content to support the relevance porposed and thus becomes a true "resource" for the SE's (and Visitors), or it is just another site destined to be classified as more web fluff, never to stand out amongst the crowd (via SERP) let alone instill the confidence in the random Visitor to actually convert (purchase anything) ......

                This is why if a website is running lean on organic Content development, everything else must be even more perfect: the web page itself, the Content Rules (H-META, simple META, etc.), and the manner in which it demonstrates not only 'compliance' but higher order of logistical development, often seen by Visitors as cleverness in design, even though it is just another artistic interpretation of compliance done in a new manner.

                With the Header redesigned as I have shown, and using the Header Slogan as your H1 tag on each page, it will be easier to use paragraph intros or even Key Phrases as H2 tags in the slight page content, thus keeping in with how things can be advanced without being belabored.
                Keep in mind that each item description should also not be abbreviated too much, offering the key words needed for minimal optimization values. Even remember to title each image with proper values .... image titles not only help in Search variables to the site in general, they contribute to the Page Relevancy as well.

                There is a lot more, but I think if you read some of these posts a few times and keep the Demo in mind, things will become more visible to you overall. That's why I create them ... people seem to be more visually oriented, especially when piquing their conceptual or abstract thinking processes.....

                A Little "Extra": an 'oddball' post on Page Height
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • Henschel

                  • Sep 2010
                  • 36

                  Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

                  Hi Vasili...again, Thank you for another great response , review and a lot of what I'd call information above & beyond. Your page size comments along with word count and H-META are things I didn't think about! I'm re-doing the index page working around your demo . Are 5 H tags too much?( last tag is #6, all tags in BOLD!!)
                  Thank you for your help. It's more than minimalisticly appreciated!


                  • Vasili

                    • Mar 2006
                    • 14683

                    Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

                    Originally posted by Henschel View Post
                    Vasili...again, Thank you for your help.
                    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                    * Success Is Potential Realized *


                    • GulfCoaster
                      Second Lieutenant

                      • May 2009
                      • 105

                      Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

                      Originally posted by Alithos View Post
                      Everyone has their own pace, that's all.
                      LOL! 'nuff said!
                      BP: SHOW ME DA MONEY!


                      • Vasili

                        • Mar 2006
                        • 14683

                        Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

                        Originally posted by GulfCoaster View Post
                        LOL! 'nuff said!
                        Bunch of NUTS!
                        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                        * Success Is Potential Realized *


                        • Henschel

                          • Sep 2010
                          • 36

                          Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

                          I had no idea I was creating a fuss in removing the site. It was removed to be re-designed. I had a problem with "lightbox" increasing length when published. This was addressed by Stamati , I answered & the thread was closed. When I'm finished I'll publish & hope Vasili will again check it out.


                          • Vasili

                            • Mar 2006
                            • 14683

                            Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

                            Originally posted by Alithos View Post
                            We are all looking forward to seeing how you apply the principles of proper web design, the abilities Blue Voda extends, and your creative interpretation of all the suggestions .... to create a stunning website.
                            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                            * Success Is Potential Realized *


                            • Henschel

                              • Sep 2010
                              • 36

                              Re: Will someone check-out my site ?

                              Hi Vasili, I'd appreciate it if you take a look. www.kathrynyauney.com None of the H tags or key words are done. Also ORDER, CONTACT US, POLICIES & PRIVACY have to be done. I understand BV has a privacy or policies u can purchase, can't find it, can u tell where it is ?

