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Hi All. I'm the new guy on the block. I've just had fun creating a WEB site for the band I sing in. I'd be grateful for any comments/suggestions regarding the site.
Hi All. I'm the new guy on the block. I've just had fun creating a WEB site for the band I sing in. I'd be grateful for any comments/suggestions regarding the site.
Hi Dave,It's nice and simple and does what it says on the tin! It gives info about your band and it looks fun and unpolished which is the effect you were after. Love the name of the band and really like the sound of your sets! Good luck.
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Thanks Amanda. We've been putting off taking the plunge into the WEB space pool for some time now. It had to be done eventually - hopefully it will have the desired effect of increasing our fan base.
Hi Dave, nice site.
Easy to navigate which is always a bonus to me!
Your new website has already done you some good too.....I live in Thirsk (20 odd miles away) so I'm going to make sure I check you out!
Thank you Karen. Glad you were able to navigate around the site easily. I've been having some issues with text overlaying for some users, but hopefully I've sorted it all out now.
Thanks to all of you who have viewed my site over the last few days - judging from the counter stats I've been receiving, there have been quite a few. The site has just had a major overhaul, and I would be grateful if you could check it out once more. In particular, is anyone seeing text overlaying other text or pictures? Also, if you get chance, please try out the song downloads. Feel free to put something in the guestbook as well!!
As always, thanks for your time - I do appreciate it.
The site works easily. On my screen you (and I with my site) have a few overlap problems towars the bottom of the text-filled pages. I found the photos to be a bit dark and small - hard for me to see who was doing what to who. Otherwise a very good go.
There's an overlap on the mugshots (love the name) page of text over one of the pics. That is one instant where I wish you used larger pics - so we could really see everyone!
Thanks Dave & Bethers for the comments. I've increased the size of the pictures, and placed a comment on the page that you can click on each picture to see a larger version.
I've had a few comments that the picture gallery (Mug Shots) is slow to download for dial up users. I've redesigned the page to try and speed things up a bit when loading the main gallery page. If you click on one of the images, you should see the full picture in all its glory on a new browser page. As this is the original image, it may take some time to download. However, the images on the main page should (hopefully) load quickly. I'd appreciate any comments.
It loads like lightening now - good job. The blue text on the Mugshotz page was a bit way hey. Overlapping a couple of pictures and generally misbehaving, but apart from that, great!
VodaHost Your Website People!
1-302-283-3777 North America / International
02036089024 / United Kingdom
291916438 / Australia
Back after a short holiday - The site moves quickly, all the nav buttons work, and I think it is a better site than the earlier version. Except - "Mug Shots" has no pictures and no picture "holders" on my machine. The two photos on the home page are too dark to recognize what's happening.
Maybe I'm so over loaded with security that no photos will ever show up on my screen
Nice site, I have a friend that I will be building a site for eventually, he has a band, but wants to promote others too that he sings with. I really like your Music choices, especially Bad Company. I hope your goes well for you, good luck.
Thanks Amanda - yes, the old "text wandering all over the page problem!". I've think I've fixed that (hopefully?). I'm sure there must be something in the Voda tutorials about this, so I'll have to go back and dig through them again to find out what the proper technique is. Ultimately I suppose it is down to the viewers screen resolution etc so maybe there is no magic solution.
Dave - not sure why the pics didn't load onto your screen. Maybe a hicup on the net at the time? As for the dark pictures - it's a conundrum. We're a rock band, and moody lighting etc is part of the scene, so we've tried to capture that whilst also showing who we are etc (who is doing what in the band).
We have a gig this weekend, which will be the first since our site has been online. It will be interesting to see how many hits we get afterwards from people who saw us play and check out the site.