New Website. Feedback would be appreciated.

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  • OMcHale

    • Oct 2010
    • 13

    New Website. Feedback would be appreciated.

    Hi folks.
    I've just done this website, and would love some feedback.
    In particular, I'd be interested in how to improve the load time of the pages. I know there are too many images, but am unsure of how to get around this.
    Also, there seems to be a serious problem viewing the site on IE.

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: New Website. Feedback would be appreciated.

    I would suggest using a solid color background instead of the gradient effect you've chosen, in order to avoid the tiling effect you see on the COACHING page: the shade at the top of the page would suffice quite well throughout.
    If you prefer to keep the gradient background, be sure to set your Page Properties height precisely so not to extend past either a static sized background or a dynamic gradient. The only other "fix" is to re-size the static background to be at least as tall as your tallest page.

    Reconsider the stacking of more than 2 video players on a single page, which affects load and play speeds. You would do better to have the Video titles presented as a LIST to select from, and as a link, would then open to a page specific to that video with a single player on it to allow for faster loads and display. *It may also be convenient having a separate (non-Menu) page as a 'new tab' so additional textual Content may present on this page as well, given space limitations on the multiple video page layout.

    Speaking of the videos ... reconsider also the re-saving of the files, this time with the player volume at half so the videos can be played louder if desired (they are not too audible in the present state).

    You should pay a bit more attention to minimal completion of simple META for each page, especially the Page Titles and Keyword entries .... they are sorely lacking the simple values that are obviously present.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • OMcHale

      • Oct 2010
      • 13

      Re: New Website. Feedback would be appreciated.

      Thanks Vasili,

      I didn't choose the gradient myself, but I think I'll do what you suggest and create a static image that is at least as long as the longest page. That way, I'm covered.

      And a good tip on the videos, thanks.

      May I ask your opinion on the overall desgin of the site?
      Last edited by OMcHale; 03-05-2011, 09:36 PM. Reason: Extra line


      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: New Website. Feedback would be appreciated.

        Originally posted by OMcHale View Post
        May I ask your opinion on the overall desgin of the site?
        1. The overall shade of blue is too bold for me, even though I know it's an attempt to compliment the blue of the Logo and the backgrounds in the videos. The whole idea should be to let the important elements "pop" without becoming too much of a stark visual confrontation. If you used a much lighter background as a solid light blue (currently seen nearer the top of the page) the Logo would command much more import, and would offer a better manner for the page to focus attention and convey professionalism as well.

        2. The page itself should not rely on gradients, but be more monochromatic as well, thus offering the centering of stimulation to provide the framework of a page with boundaries, but without "constraint" that is currently present from the eyes wanting to turn away to avoid the visual affront of the bold blue, but unable to do so because we are trained to keep focused on the page: thus the subtle visual dilemma, and emergence of "constraint" without relief. You can't count on just the video to serve as a distraction as means of relief ...

        3. Although trhe use of "3-D" objects and depth is to be commended, the overall mish-mosh of gradient colorings and patterns on a single page is not only detracting from a true organizational continuity, it defeats the purpose of using "shapes" and colors as means of emphasis. It's like looking at an ocean: we can see it's color and undulation, but it is the subtle contrasts that are in concert with the other elements like sound dancing with the white tips of the waves that convey life and totality of presence -- which provides a reference point to us "visitors". I would suggest you refrain from being pre-occupied with the gimmickry of shapes, gradients, and bold colors and focus more on the evenness of colors displaying a progression that compliment a cohesion of shapes to outline the real focus of attention being offered.

        4. The contrast of the much-too-bold blue navigation and the orange is not necessary if the colors overall are properly evolved, and shouldn't actually be part of the scheme at all, based on the non-complimentation: the only reason you are using that color is to offset the overly bold nav colors and proivide "space" for your images to tie into the page. And more on the navigation: the buttons currently being used are much too sophomoric for this type of professional site, IMO. You would be better off re-designing the header section completely in a lighter motif and using text links instead, thus adding to the SEO values and cleaning up the whole area to better accommodate the images above.

        5. The top-left margin "Newsletter" panel is not properly laid out, and does not "fit" evenly with the page 'sections' -- let alone looking too large and unrefined in addition to looking "orphaned" due to the over-designed remainder of the page. And the "Gift" section below it deserves re-thinking, IMO.

        Your attempts to keep greater value "Content" above the fold is commendable, but I believe the use of "objects" (video) does not diminish the expectation of textual introduction or qualification. Simply put, your site is starving for textual content that will add to Visitor satisfaction (and possible conversion) and any attributable values possible from the Search Engines - which require a certain textual Content to be present in a prescribed manner to ascertain compliance at all!

        The fact your page layout is "clean" is a plus, but the manner in which it was presented negates any lasting attraction and/or potential, IMO.
        But that's just me .... what do I know??
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • OMcHale

          • Oct 2010
          • 13

          Re: New Website. Feedback would be appreciated.


          Your experienced eye and insights are very much appreciated. You have an uncanny knack of spotting what has happened during the conrtuction of the site. The 'Blue' running through the site is the direct influence of the owner of the site and it has been difficult to move away from his requests (despite my bext efforts). This is, as you spotted, the reason for the almost desperate introduction of the orange bar above the nav buttons.

          Your point on the use of gradients is well taken and I will rethink that aspect.

          In short, your opion is appreciated and well received Vasili.

          Many thanks.


          • Vasili

            • Mar 2006
            • 14683

            Re: New Website. Feedback would be appreciated.

            I understand completely -- been there, done that!

            Best suggestion would be to let me take the heat for you to influence some positive progress: print out all the comments in this thread, preface the conversation by explaining that I should have some proven experience and insight that might be worth adopting, if only to comply with the Search Engine and W3C standards that I always allude to .... and let him read for himself the "obvious" aspects that other "dis-interested" parties comment on in order to form his own reasons why change is deemed necessary, at least for the sake of bringing the site into simple compliance (let alone visually appealing and conversionally productive) -- otherwise the whole effort would amount to far less than potentially predictable.

            See if that helps form some credibility for you .... in addition to already having a mock-up of a revised index page, as I do in reply in these threads from time to time (example thread). Visuals speak louder than any words, especially when speaking in a "foreign language" (like so much web-talks can be for some) or when people simply are not in the mood to listen ...
            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
            * Success Is Potential Realized *

