Jason's First Site (now over 100 pages)

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  • flexworth

    • Jan 2010
    • 24

    Jason's First Site (now over 100 pages)

    Good day, my peeps!

    I just came across this thread so I'm gonna share my site with you all. First let me say I knew nothing (and still don't know much) about building websites, coding, programming, etc. But I had this vision of turning one of my hobbies into an info site about a year and a half ago; I wish I still had a copy of my very first page I created for this site, but it's now well over 100 pages of info and currently getting about 70 organic only hits per day.

    So here it is: TheMuscleProgram.com

    I'm going to share a 2nd site I created with you because it's related to TheMuscleProgram.com. See, at first, I just wanted a landing page for my own program so that I could sell it online, but I also wanted an info site to post my own articles, workouts, videos and such. They were one-in-the-same for a while but I later decided to separate the two. So, I ended up creating a 2nd site (about a year ago) specifically for my product while keeping TheMuscleProgram.com its own entity (I do post banners on TheMuscleProgram.com to my product site as you'll see).

    Here's the 2nd site (my product site): www.hardcoremusclebuildingprogram.com

    Bottom line is that I never could've done this without BlueVoda. I knew nothing about creating site or online marketing, getting traffic and such. I don't claim to be a guru at it now but TheMuscleProgram.com, with over 100 pages, gets about 70 organic hits per day. I realize that's not a ton of hits; however, I chose an over-saturated market (anything in fitness is saturated) and not only that, but I cater it to a particular group of folks (those wanting bigger muscles). I used to pay for traffic but not anymore; I get more hits now organically than I ever did paying for it. Why?...what changed? I learned how to effectively use Header tags in BlueVoda and a few other tricks in BlueVoda - once I made those changes my traffic increased substantially witin a couple months (from like 20 organic hits to 70 or more per day). I only get about 10 hits a day on my 2nd (product) site but I've been adding more content so hopefully traffic will increase soon.

    Sorry this is so long but I'm passionate about building my site and there are so many things I love about using BlueVoda. Heck, I even integrate my workout videos on Youtube into my pages ( I learned a lotta stuff WAY later on). Anyway, that's the short version of my little venture here! I bought my own name as a domain too and will be throwing up another site soon catered to metal music and guitar, which is my #1 passion. I'll share that once it's launched.

    Wow...this is long...
    Jason Stallworth
    TheMuscleProgram.com (main/first site)

    My product site:


    Working on a metal/guitar site...coming soon!
  • PHoToSHoP_aDDiCT

    • Nov 2010
    • 16

    Re: Jason's First Site (now over 100 pages)

    Okay, first of all, I'm a MMA fighter, so I have browsed through hundreds of these kind of websites. There is one thing that makes me want to leave them straight away - advertisement! Not just any advertisement, but for such of things like "Flat belly with 5 simple steps", "5 biggest mistakes people make" and so on... It just makes me think straight away - another site of "Buy our s*** and you wont get anything"... I know it's rough, but that's just the way it is in my mind, when I see those adverts.
    Okay, you might think that you'll get some cash from those adverts, but is it more important to get few cents or keep possible clients on your page?
    My advice is to get rid of them, apart from that, design looks good... And quality is not measured in quantity (amount of pages).
    Sorry if you think I'm being rude or anything, but I think truth, from other users, is most important when you are trying to build your business online.


    • flexworth

      • Jan 2010
      • 24

      Re: Jason's First Site (now over 100 pages)

      Thanks for the advice man; I hear what you're saying and actually the only sales I've been making are from my own program (which is the second site). I haven't been making sales off any of the affiliate ads (which are the other banners you see)...on that note, I've been considering removing most of them (I may keep one on each page, or maybe not every single page).

      As far as volume of pages; I'm not so much boasting about it or going for more quantity. I'm the only one that writes for my site and I feel like every page on my website has genuine, authentic information from my own experience/perspective. Some may agree with my advice/writings, some may not. Different things work for different people. It may not benefit your specific goals but that doesn't mean it won't benefit someone else (it's all been beneficial to me so I'm just sharing the info). But again, I don't add pages to merely have another page; it's because I have a workout or video or a piece of information I feel is valuable which someone, somewhere will benefit from. Going back to the ads, I think having too many ads on there as I do may kill my intent.

      And again, thanks for the input; it's well taken and after having this conversation with you, I will more than likely be taking most of my ads down. I tried to make them not so 'in your face' by putting most of them on the side bar, but ads in general are indeed annoying. Obviously I'll keep the banners up for my own product that I created, but it's easy to see that my banners (specific to my product) are affiliated with my site.

      Thanks again man!
      Jason Stallworth
      TheMuscleProgram.com (main/first site)

      My product site:


      Working on a metal/guitar site...coming soon!


      • flexworth

        • Jan 2010
        • 24

        Re: Jason's First Site (now over 100 pages)

        Originally posted by PHoToSHoP_aDDiCT View Post
        Okay, first of all, I'm a MMA fighter, so I have browsed through hundreds of these kind of websites. There is one thing that makes me want to leave them straight away - advertisement! Not just any advertisement, but for such of things like "Flat belly with 5 simple steps", "5 biggest mistakes people make" and so on... It just makes me think straight away - another site of "Buy our s*** and you wont get anything"... I know it's rough, but that's just the way it is in my mind, when I see those adverts.
        Okay, you might think that you'll get some cash from those adverts, but is it more important to get few cents or keep possible clients on your page?
        My advice is to get rid of them, apart from that, design looks good... And quality is not measured in quantity (amount of pages).
        Sorry if you think I'm being rude or anything, but I think truth, from other users, is most important when you are trying to build your business online.
        I actually removed many of the ads on my home page (www.themuscleprogram.com). I must admit it does look a bit more genuine/authentic now. I'll be slowly working on the rest of my pages. Again, I appreciate the honest feedback.
        Jason Stallworth
        TheMuscleProgram.com (main/first site)

        My product site:


        Working on a metal/guitar site...coming soon!

