Come one, come all! Can you review my site? Thank you!

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  • a smith
    Private First Class

    • May 2012
    • 8

    Come one, come all! Can you review my site? Thank you!

    If you have time to wander through the layers, please do! My site is simple--intentionally so. Your opinions (as experienced folks who see sites all the time) will be greatly appreciated--and I would love as much feedback as you have time to give. I confess I am still fussing with things, but please don't assume I know anything about what I should do next!

    Thank you! Annie S

    P.S. FYI, there is another smithwordsmith under googlesites, which was me playing around before I found VodaHost. Ignore it. Getting rid of that will be a task for another day.
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Come one, come all! Can you review my site? Thank you!

    Suggestions ...

    1. Center your website in the browser, from the BlueVoda Toolbar: VIEW > PAGE PROPERTIES > "Center Page" > select: "Center this page in the browser window horizontally"

    2. Since you do not truly disclose your fees for "hourly" minimums and compose your entree more to compel Contact, you would be better off creating your Contact page as an email Contact Form with CAPTCHA validation in BlueVoda, which will accomplish three things immediately:
    A. It will prevent your email address from being scoured by the bots to become the target of Spam Attacks;
    B. It will feed the impulsive desire and crafted conversion to be fulfilled using a utility Visitors are comfortable using and which has credibility built-in (for the email Form goes directly to the intended recipient without any security issues for the Sender) as the Form is universally functional (PC and MAC), whereas the "mailto:" link is not -- it depends on Outlook being used by the Sender, and if they do not use Outlook, the email never gets sent. SEE MORE HERE;
    C. By using 'checklist' items or referential 'inquiries' you actually "pre-qualify" messages and help provide to Senders a greater feeling of not only accomplishment, but framing of mind (which is essential posture to build momentum and follow-through). For example, you could provide Senders to check the type of work being considered, if it is their first work, if they want help also to publish privately or submitted to publishers, etc. This insight undoubtedly proves to be useful indeed when guesstimating the time and effort truly being requested. In addition, you can include in your eMail Form an 'Upload' button, so they can securely submit an entire work or simply a single page for evaluation, thus keeping communications based on your website and secure communications methods.
    > eMail Forms in BlueVoda Tutorial

    3. You may wish to consider providing a "Portfolio" page of sorts, to help demonstrate the professional services you offer and to underscore the value and worthiness of your fee schedule presented (for they are very much on the high end of similar services available in the market today, which is also a way for you to differentiate yourself from simply "proofreading" or "copywriting" to truly being a "partnered editor" as you describe in length as part of your composed conversion or 'pitch'). If there was some manner for potential customers to better "pre-invest" in a relationship that seems especially transparent to them, the greater likelihood they will actually convert without relying only on unfounded 'promises' and far-flung loyalties or misunderstood premises.
    *Having logos of professional associations that you supposedly subscribe to or are a member in good standing with is all fine and good, but they should link to confirmation of your good standing or account number to be fully credible (as anyone can find and use a logo without authorization, and there are just too many fibbers out there in cyberspace grinding for dollars). A portfolio with links enabled or contact info available offers the opportunity for customers to due their due diligence unimpeded.

    Just some ideas ...
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • a smith
      Private First Class

      • May 2012
      • 8

      Re: Come one, come all! Can you review my site? Thank you!

      Thank you, Vasili. Excellent suggestion on the form. I didn't realize spam attacks were a possibility. I have quite a bit more work to do!


      • a smith
        Private First Class

        • May 2012
        • 8

        Re: Come one, come all! Can you review my site? Thank you!

        I have added the form. The page centering will take a while!


        • Vasili

          • Mar 2006
          • 14683

          Re: Come one, come all! Can you review my site? Thank you!

          It is completely unnecessary (and unprofessional) to 'inform' Visitors to your Contact page that using your Form will "prevent Spam attacks" when any attack would be directed to you and not them!

          Also, even if not providing a File Upload field as suggested (to make your Form totally versatile so that it becomes the Primary means of communicating and/or securely transferring files), without adding the CAPTCHA email validator, the Form is still vulnerable and will not be as minimally secure as required in these current times.
          * Install CAPTCHA From the BV Toolbar: INSERT > FORM > CAPTCHA
          Once you have added CAPTCHA to your page (being sure to keep it also completely within Form Area margins), it is best to provide some direction/explanation for Visitors to use this utility properly, in a manner similar as seen on this website.

          Centering your pages in the browser is simply one click to each Page in PROPERTIES and re-publishing, or maybe 20 minutes total for the site. It does make a dramatic difference in the site's appeal, and is well worth the time invested to format.

          Again, do not underestimate the value of providing prospective clients a Portfolio page to base essential credibility and first impressions upon: there are far too many online competitors in your field to deal with if your professional presentation is artificially handicapped without a Portfolio to communicate the reality of your singular abilities and past accomplishments ...
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *


          • a smith
            Private First Class

            • May 2012
            • 8

            Re: Come one, come all! Can you review my site? Thank you!

            Oh, good to know. Thank you for your advice. I think I will take it from here.


            • Vasili

              • Mar 2006
              • 14683

              Re: Come one, come all! Can you review my site? Thank you!

              "As crafted form, Simplicity is clever only when Purpose is not compromised and effectiveness remains as a purer blend of clarified function, completeness, and capability."

              There is much to the "Art" of website design that borders on inane complication, from visual site design to the psychology of eCommerce; from the required functional formats to the finesse of conversion and infinitesimal concepts and compliances in-between (such as publishing a Privacy policy, which is required by law since you are hosted in the US and still in fact elicit email from visitors to your site).

              Admittedly, I am sorry to see you purposely regress your Form, and to eschew the proven benefit of offering visitors the opportunity to become familiar with (if not more confident in) your services via a "Portfolio" or even to get to know the provider from an "About" page with a brief presentation ... or, at the very least, a photo of you - the company principal and center of the composed expertise. I thought certainly you would esteem the consumer trust such a credibility-builder method as these would undoubtedly initiate, understanding how to best structure conversion and business posture (especially since you have no Policy addressing indemnification, security of works in your possession, safeguards against plagiarism, etc.). I personally would find it a struggle to submit my personal information or my works to such an ill-defined business with no published Policies, professional references, or other credentials.
              Maybe you should peek at a few competing sites to see what they've done?

              But, each must determine their own path in the end ....

              Go! Do! And Do WELL!
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *

