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I agree with Rob. I'd also like a more cohesive feel from one page to another. I thought I changes sites every time I changed pages.
The puppies are adorable!
Your for sale and photo album buttons link to error pages. Otherwise it looked pretty good.
Also, I need to know if you are the same Bethers that was just in the Soho community forum answering a question about the shopping cart and how it displays products? If so, please go to the soho forum and read my response to you. I need some help!! BADLY!! Thanks
tpt, if this is the site that needs a rank - you are way to new to have one - also there is a lot that can be done to optimize it. And I'm finding your request all over the pages - once should be enough :)
tpt, if this is the site that needs a rank - you are way to new to have one - also there is a lot that can be done to optimize it. And I'm finding your request all over the pages - once should be enough :)