How does it look so far?

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  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    I will take all your suggestions and apply them to my site. One last things is I will be creating a FAQ page, but not sure what kind of questions/answers should this consist of
    These should be the most basic type of questions, similar to what someone might ask on the phone or at the Reception Desk. They can include simple questions about the Site (although more should be offered in the About us page), "First Steps" questions any parent might ask, some quick answers about how to find Local Help or more Professional help, etc. They might also conclude by offering questions and answers meant to slow any panic or excitement by parents who have "diagnosed" their own children and are looking at what to do next .....

    I am sure the more you write some questions down yourself, you will see how to not duplicate efforts already made on other pages, but by keeping things abbreviated and more pertinent, be able to "steer' Visitors to another resource on your site or elsewhere for more definition.

    I am sure you told me already but I can not remember how. in your above example, I see it say 16 pixels from bottom of text to page edge how do I know just how many pixels up from bottom is? I can not remember how to tell how many pixels is an element placed in.....hope I am making sense
    Do I use arrow keys and count 19 up?
    Yes ... that is the easiest way (and it IS 19 pixels).
    But, since you need to put other things on the same line across the area, you may simply wish to use a Shape extended out to align the remainder of items to the Shape's top edge (after which you can delete the Shape) rather than going to the trouble of selecting and moving the icons as a "group," or individually using the X-Y Position Plotter to determine their comparative position.

    Font Key
    Logomaker - Bradley Hand Font, Bold, Size: 44
    Logomaker - Eras Light ITC Font, not bold, Size: 16

    Still having issues with Links (layout) and Link Styles -- especially the Left Navigation, which still shows your "Hyperlink Style" as not changed from the defaults? Don't forget the very first Demo that serves as one example of what proper (and Standard) method of Site Navigation could optimally look like. DEMO

    Here one last time is the 'updated' example image to serve as a design outline for you before I leave you on your own to continue building your skillset (because you really only learn how to best build webs by doing, experimenting, improvising and applying the concepts):

    DO ALL THIS >>

    TO GET THIS >>

    Simple, really!

    Seriously, though ... I have to stop. This is supposed to be your website that reflects your design and creativity, and everything should pass your muster -- whatever that is and however it is to be expressed. It is up to you. Always has been, and always will be. So ... tis time to have others chime in to give some pointers and comments as you finalize things ....
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • mrstmb73
      Sergeant First Class

      • Jun 2013
      • 58

      Re: How does it look so far?

      I made all the needed adjustments and man I hope it is all correct now!!! I know all this hard work will eventually pay off :) Again I wanted to say 'Thank You' for all your help and guidance!!!!



      • mrstmb73
        Sergeant First Class

        • Jun 2013
        • 58

        Re: How does it look so far?

        Still having issues with Links (layout) and Link Styles -- especially the Left Navigation, which still shows your "Hyperlink Style" as not changed from the defaults? Don't forget the very first Demo that serves as one example of what proper (and Standard) method of Site Navigation could optimally look like. DEMO
        Not sure what you mean or how to change links, but I am experimenting until perfected ;)


        • Vasili

          • Mar 2006
          • 14683

          Re: How does it look so far?

          Originally posted by mrstmb73 View Post
          Not sure what you mean or how to change links, but I am experimenting until perfected ;)
          Said nothing about "Links" per se, but rather "Link Styles":
          Still having issues with Links (layout) and Link Styles -- especially the Left Navigation, which still shows your "Hyperlink Style" as not changed from the defaults? Don't forget the very first Demo that serves as one example of what proper (and Standard) method of Site Navigation could optimally look like. DEMO
          The point is to "see" (understand) the essential value in creating a functional "Navigational Continuity" ....
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *


          • mrstmb73
            Sergeant First Class

            • Jun 2013
            • 58

            Re: How does it look so far?

            I know I said I was done asking questions, but I ran into a little issue and am having trouble correcting it. I use Google chrome as my web browser and everything looks ok with the main navigation in middle, but was having some issues with chrome, so I checked my site out in IE and the main navigation was hanging out right after the contact link, so I re centered it and it looked fine in IE, but when I go back to chrome browser, it is in too far to the left. Is there a way for this to look correctly in both browsers?


            • mrstmb73
              Sergeant First Class

              • Jun 2013
              • 58

              Re: How does it look so far?

              I know I said I was done asking questions, but I ran into a little issue and am having trouble correcting it. I use Google chrome as my web browser and everything looks ok with the main navigation in middle, but was having some issues with chrome, so I checked my site out in IE and the main navigation was hanging out right after the contact link, so I re centered it and it looked fine in IE, but when I go back to chrome browser, it is in too far to the left. Is there a way for this to look correctly in both browsers?
              Well since no one answered me, I finished my site the way it is and not gonna worry about it not displaying correctly in Internet Explorer! I am sure it is not perfect but it is what it is!


              • Vasili

                • Mar 2006
                • 14683

                Re: How does it look so far?

                You would be better off "merging" in your Main Menu "Other Disorders" and "Mental Disorders" into a single Menu Item such as "Other Disorders" as was shown on the DEMO (being sure to "pull in" from the right side the margins of the Menu to make overall smaller width-wise), not only because it reduces the horizontal spacing required to make it easier to properly 'center' across the top in all browsers, but also because it makes more logical sense altogether, according to Topical Importance.
                * And, to point out an obvious "Error" .... your PRIVACY page-link should not be in your Main menu, but in the Footer area of each page, as according to Law (also as shown on the DEMO), it must be displayed on each page in order to be accessible to all Visitors, but it is an "additional" component of a website, and not part of the unique Content that should comprise the main menu selections per SEO Rules. Thus, when PRIVACY is relocated and removed from the Main menu, "US" is added to CONTACT to become CONTACT US -- just as ABOUT US, these and the merging of "Disorders" will afford you both the cleaner look and the reduced width that will make 'centering' the Main menu easier, more logical, fully compliant, and visually more appealing.

                Providing more room to center-fit better the Menu thus will prove to be much easier when finding a 'happy medium' as you "proof" your site design by viewing in multiple browsers .... making the slight compromises to assure a more optimal View. This "proofing" of a site's design using multiple browser views is one of the basic techniques, and is one that is not usually deemed something that needs be officially added to any List -- it is something you should have picked up very early simply by reading the various posts in the volumes of Threads in these Forums.

                Still needing your attention also:
                Whatever happened to formatting a "Navigational Continuity" by defining Hyperlink Styles in the Left Navigation? Again, refer to the DEMO.
                The 'spacing' of your Social Media icons/links is still obviously uneven and thus perpetuates a unnecessarily burdensome visual incongruity.
                And a few more things you should pick out on your own ....

                You have been afforded sooooooooo much assistance (as evidenced by the laboriously prepared Posts in this Thread) that has been directly instrumental in the evolution of your site (I still have a screenshot of the rudimentary "pink" BV Template site you initially presented) that it is rather unexpected for you to become so impatient and demanding at this late juncture. It seems quite ungrateful, at best. But, it is also the reason the effort was made to let you go further on your own, to truly build your own Skillset, and to marry those Skills with the resultant website design that you could truly (and proudly) call your own.

                It just takes one step forward to make progress, and to do it on your own is more meaningful than to be guided every step of the way. Have fun, and be happy with what your hands have wrought!
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • mrstmb73
                  Sergeant First Class

                  • Jun 2013
                  • 58

                  Re: How does it look so far?

                  Thank You again for all your help! I have completely given up on getting the icons right so I went a different way. Now off to work on your other insights and suggestions :)



                  • Vasili

                    • Mar 2006
                    • 14683

                    Re: How does it look so far?

                    Whatever. Be aware, however, that such scripts only present properly on desktops, as the abbreviated browser versions on tablets or phones -- which account for approximately 48% of all visitors today -- do not fully interact with the "responsive" nature of the script code. (The core reason I suggested another way)
                    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                    * Success Is Potential Realized *


                    • mrstmb73
                      Sergeant First Class

                      • Jun 2013
                      • 58

                      Re: How does it look so far?

                      Whatever. Be aware, however, that such scripts only present properly on desktops, as the abbreviated browser versions on tablets or phones -- which account for approximately 48% of all visitors today -- do not fully interact with the "responsive" nature of the script code. (The core reason I suggested another way)
                      Ok I will practice until I get it right :)


                      • mrstmb73
                        Sergeant First Class

                        • Jun 2013
                        • 58

                        Re: How does it look so far?

                        Whatever happened to formatting a "Navigational Continuity" by defining Hyperlink Styles in the Left Navigation?
                        This one has me stumped. Where do I change Hyperlink Styles?


                        • Vasili

                          • Mar 2006
                          • 14683

                          Re: How does it look so far?

                          FORMAT > STYLES > HYPERLINK STYLES
                          In the Hyperlink Dialog during the actual process of "linking" text using the Hyperlink icon in the Toolbar.

                          You should also review this Thread for critical insight regarding applying Hyperlink Styles page-to-page .....
                          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                          * Success Is Potential Realized *


                          • mrstmb73
                            Sergeant First Class

                            • Jun 2013
                            • 58

                            Re: How does it look so far?

                            I have been working on redoing my site because my computer crashed and I lost EVERYTHING, so I had to wait until I was able to get a new laptop.

                            I have changed some things, but basically the same design. I have been rereading & studying this thread so I could get it all perfect, and I think I have most of it. I am having some issues on where the best place would be on header to place butterflies? Also, please do point on anything I missed or did not do correctly


