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my first website!!! Lots of pretty glass!

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  • #31
    Re: my first website!!! Lots of pretty glass!


    Hi- glad you like the buttons. I have created several tutorials specific to BV and you can find them here;

    Scroll down to find the one on displaying pictures.

    Take care and have fun!

    PHP- is a blast!


    • #32
      Re: my first website!!! Lots of pretty glass!

      Hi Brandie,

      All your page widths are fine now ... except one.. your gallery page

      Your Gallery...the problem is that you have a picture that is way out to the right of the page half way down and thats what is giving you the seriously huge sideways scroll needs to be moved over to the left to join the others

      Its looking good tho :o)
      Click the link below for page guidelines (no more sideways scroll)

      How to Center your page


      • #33
        Re: my first website!!! Lots of pretty glass!

        I'm still seeing awful load times - your header picture itself is taking way too long to load. On your store page - a minute in, I have the header, the writing and one picture. I would click off.

        I'm saying this because I have stores. On of the reasons I decided to leave my last host was that no matter how I optimized my pictures, my load time didn't get better - they were overloading servers, etc. Here - you can optimize your site and have a great load time - make all the people happy :) - and if you want to sell, you need to do so.

        Your store is very pretty - but it needs to be optimized for your visitors first - and for the se's 2nd - not just look good.
        A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

        SEO and Marketing Tools
        SEO - The Basics


        • #34
          Re: my first website!!! Lots of pretty glass!

          Hey Brandie,

          Nice lampworking! I've done some lampworking myself, but I'm nowhere near as accomplished as you! I've been working on some other aspects of the beadmaking business. Someday when I have more done on my website . . . .

          You have a nice website, it's coming along. However, I have DSL and still had to wait for some of the pics to load up. Actually, I didn't bother to wait, and you can be sure that will be the response of your potential customers as well.

          Also, I would suggest, like the others have before me, that you keep things consistent throughout your pages, and keep things orderly and organized in appearance.

          Your photography is excellent, by the way!


          The one who dies with the most toys wins . . . . . . . . nothing! (Matthew 16:26)


          • #35
            Re: my first website!!! Lots of pretty glass!

            Nice web site Brandie,
            Wonderful artwork.

            By 'fail to save' do you mean 'fail to publish' ? This has happened to me a few times and I have to remember to clear the 'temporary internet files' on my pc, whatever the reason it allows me to publish right away.

            Your colors are very pleasing as is the layout. You might want to center the "Gallery" and "Charity Work" pages to match the others, and add a link to (didn't work).




            • #36
              Re: my first website!!! Lots of pretty glass!

              I think that your website was very interesting and unique. I think that it showed up very clear and clean on my computer.
              Great Job


              • #37
                Re: my first website!!! Lots of pretty glass!

                I find it interesting, Brooksman, that you have been a member of the Voda Forums for only one day, have earned rank so very quickly with the proliferations of your unabashed postings, and do not allow any Members the opportunity to reciprocate in turn to you...... do YOU have a Blue Voda or other VodaHost website that we can view?
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *

