At last I feel I'm nearly there with my website.
This is just the start, its up and out there so I will have time to find out what else I can do in my own time.
Still having a couple of problems but will fathom them out eventually.
had huge problems with my photogallery, the pics that are up there aren't great but I'll get my camera out next week and fill my gallery up.
Would appreciate anyone who has the time to fill out a feedback or contact form, experiment purposes of course.
Thanks to all who helped me along the way.
This is just the start, its up and out there so I will have time to find out what else I can do in my own time.
Still having a couple of problems but will fathom them out eventually.
had huge problems with my photogallery, the pics that are up there aren't great but I'll get my camera out next week and fill my gallery up.
Would appreciate anyone who has the time to fill out a feedback or contact form, experiment purposes of course.
Thanks to all who helped me along the way.