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i have made severalk changes from good suggestions to my web site also more experimenting with different items
hope they all work - they seem to for me
Hey.... TREMENDOUS improvements....Whew!
I like the newly formatted Main, and how you've duplicated your header throughout....tight.
Only thing I can suggest: you may wish to re-scan/crop/publish most of your maps...especially Guatemala >Tegucigalpa looks like Tequila! **Try placing a book over the map (on the top side...LOL) when on the platen to keep it firmly against the glass.....darker books work best, and the flap does not have to be down - - just don't look at it while it is scanning!!
A lot of work is here for us to enjoy....and I congratulate you imensely!
thanks - yes i found it too late -fixed now -
added black borders - too ugly? also music - i am still playing around - finished product is down the road some -
Reading Colombia now, looking forward to rest of trip.
If I may suggest:
-consider making the flags smaller so they are not covering the countries and would take the names off the flags.
-your Home page is centered, not so the others.
-consider titles for your pages
This is A truely remarkable family documentry. I am having such a hard time getting background music on my site. could you email me and tell me just how you did it. If you don't have time, thanks for sharing your site.
Much thanks for advice - i clicked on center page made sure my text etc didnt exceed 800 but forgot to set page width to 800 - dah - fixed now
also checked on titles for pages - think they are all done now
i still have to figure out email with a form i guess?
never realized how much work went into something like this.
again thanks to everyone - i will continue to plug away.
Spooky, Terri!
A browser that recognizes lady secret agents! LOLOL
Yes, there is a lot of work getting a website up, and not only perfecting it (our definition constantly evolves, right?) but simply letting it be....letting go of it for a while to do it's job. That's why we are all getting promoted while we are still in "process"....we're addicted!!! I swear there must be a Submit Ticket to a Voda-sponsored rehab somewhere! Thank GOD I'm still single for the time being....this would ruin everything!
i still continue to work on site - adding and adding and centering etc. still have problems with the contact us - will continue to add to narative chili and on to argentina etc. one day at a time