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My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

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  • My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

    Hey ya'll,

    Here's my website It's my first website, and I made it about a month ago. It's doing pretty good, I'm #1 on google for the key words: Learn to make lures and learn how to make lures. If ya'll have any suggestion please let me know. Thanks for your time.


  • #2
    Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

    Well done on your ranking.

    Have you only the one page on your site? I just wondered whether I was missing something!


    • #3
      Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

      Hate to break this news to you but being No1 depends on the search words being used by the punters and if you search on
      fishing, fishing lures, how to make fishing lures etc you will always get different sites coming up as No 1...................

      Which search words are you using ????
      Have fun
      Regards..... David

      Step by Step Visual Tutorials for the complete beginner
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      Finished your New website!! Now get it noticed Here:


      • #4
        Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

        Originally posted by wade4u
        I'm #1 on google for the key words: "Learn to make lures" and "learn how to make lures."
        David's point, Wade, is that although you place first with these KW's now, how many other potential visitors are you missing by not managing other KW's to fill a broader category search??
        Not everyone may specifically start out looking to make lures, for instance...
        Tweaking around with KW's and combinations on a regular basis is a part of proper website management. Check out VodaHits, the service offered that is low in cost compared to the quality of services offered!
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • #5
          Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

          Thank ya'll for you advice. I'm very new at this, but I'm learning quickly. I need all the advice I can get. I'm noticing patterns in google searches and what it takes to be at the top. I didn't really know I was at the top of any KW, but I started noticing the hits on my cpanel. I'm on fishing web boards and I started noticing my rankings go up. So, I started investigating and that's when I noticed the KW ranking. I will take your advice Vasili and checkout Vodahits.



          • #6
            Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

            You have a lot of advertisers. It is hard to find what you are selling. looks good though. You may want to make it a little easier to navigate.
            David B
            LGD Design Innovations


            • #7
              Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

              Originally posted by wade4u
              I didn't really know I was at the top of any KW, but I started noticing the hits on my cpanel. I'm on fishing web boards and I started noticing my rankings go up. So, I started investigating and that's when I noticed the KW ranking.

              You've noticed one of the key aspects of creating "rank" on the web: relevancy!

              I don't know how many times I've mentioned listing your polished website on as many community, local, special interest, association, club, or network directories or boards...all with the concept of creating visible relevancy to your website. When listed with dynamic links, spiders see this constant presence (or growing presence) as indication of importance. Some try to fake this by establishing a blog, or forum on their site, or by entering as many as they can on other sites to inject "counterfeit content" .... the spiders are getting wise to this. True content cannot be faked, and title-to-content-to-other sites/links is a matrix that is given much more credibility when it comes to ranking. The old algorthyms are still there, despite the new metrics google has tried to implement to act as phasic filters due to the explosive growth in the number of sites....the majority of which are pure fluff!

              Part of VodaHits success is the streaming modifications to your site metrics as indicated by the patternization, and having this service so affordable is one of the first strong recommendations I make for a sound SEO program. You will catch on after making the changes the first 60 days. You will then clearly see the evolving pattern to site development and management, and how to become proactive very simply and without mystery. It's a good thing!

              In the meantime, find your site listing in Google, and right click on the Cached Pages, and when it opens up, you will see the last date the spiders saved your page(s). This is the approximate time each month spiders crawl over your site, so you can schedule updates and changes prior to the visit (add photos with comment on trips/trophy catches, a Newsletter, etc). Updating and changing (real changes, not superficial) cause your site to be re-examined completely, having demonstrated your site as "active, dynamic, or fluid" and which may change your ranked listing in favor of other "inactive, static" sites that are above you!

              Just some more hints to keep you less than frustrated, and excited about your internet experience!
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *


              • #8
                Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

                Originally posted by Lgddesign01
                It is hard to find what you are selling. You may want to make it a little easier...

                Funny you should mention that....
                Wade has carefully chosen ads that enhance his site, and also has limited them to what seems appropriate for a true commercial website.
                Have you bothered to read the comments on your thread?
                (Not to mention the email...)

                If you're in a rut, pop me an email, and I'll do my best to help you out!
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • #9
                  Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

                  Nice site. Is Categories misspelled at the top left? I think so. Other than that, looks great. Good luck.

                  Cindy Smentowski


                  • #10
                    Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

                    Cindy is right about 'categories'.
                    Not being a piscatorial person it doesn't mean a lot to me but it looks like its very informative to the appropriate people.



                    • #11
                      Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

                      To all,

                      I really appreciate all y'alls insight. I love constructive criticism and (when I get a chance) I will work on my website to improve it. Right now, I'm in the process of streamlining my sight and the improvements are slow. I'm a nursing student full-time, work full-time, and soon to be a father again so my time is very limited. I will take all of y'alls advice and apply it to my site. I just appreciate the time y'all have taken to help me improve my site.

                      Much appreciation,



                      • #12
                        Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

                        Your getting there keep it up.


                        • #13
                          Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

                          I didn't look at your site :( - but I did check how many times last month anyone searched using the phrase "learn to make lures" and it was ZERO - I checked the other "learn how to make lures" and got the same ZERO.

                          So - find out the terms people are using to search - and work to get those to the top of the se's. Yes, the ones searched less often will be easier to move up for - but you want them to at least be being used to search!
                          A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                          SEO and Marketing Tools
                          SEO - The Basics


                          • #14
                            Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old

                            I keep reading that same comment.. so where does my 800 hits a day come from?? I can't figure it out.


                            • #15
                              Re: My website #1 on google key terms only 4wks old


                              Did you put an exit-under window on your site? HOW ANNOYING!
                              If you didn't do it yourself, then you should figure out where it came from and get rid of it......there is nothing more offensive than advertising tactics like exit refusals, exit-under windows, and persistent referral windows.....(soooo tacky!)

                              And about your obsession with "hits" should lose the fixation on how many tags you get on entry, and tweak the page view metrics to upgrade your overall experience (and thus, your conversion). Maybe you can really focus on KW development, page titles and relevancy to content, or even introduce "new" pages from merely sectionalizing overly long content elsewhere presented.....spend a very few bucks with VodaHits and get some concrete information you can immediately use to improve your entire online experience. Trying to interpret data which others cannot find is pointless....methinks the specifics you are referring to might be from the bots that are crawling over your site as a result of Google ads.....which also might be the source of your pop-unders.....check it out! (e.g. ever see the slurp spiders crawling over this forum???)
                              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                              * Success Is Potential Realized *

