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Making it easier for users

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  • Making it easier for users

    Someone sent me a recent study about improving user experience and maybe this is the place to share highlights of that report.
    1. 40% of users do not return to sites where they had a poor experience.
    2. Site presentation (index page) should be enagaging so that users are motivated to continue exploring your site.
    3. Organization and interaction with users is next in line.
    4. Make it very easy for people to follow through and find your products and make that purchase. i.e. less clicks is good.
    5. Check on-line competitors, our visitors do.
    6. Typical turn-offs include too much technical verbiage, errors in links and spelling, load time and over crowded sites. Visitors might leave.
    Have fun and good luck!

  • #2
    Re: Making it easier for users

    Good info Bill. Thanks for sharing
    Cindy Smentowski


    • #3
      Re: Making it easier for users

      Well worth taking note of.


      • #4
        Re: Making it easier for users

        Thanks Bill
        Sharon Chajin


        • #5
          Re: Making it easier for users

          Good morning bill;
          Although I don't spell so good as to catch many spelling errors I agree with your other points (in#6) and would add one more, too busy. Maybe it,s just my age (older than dirt), but flashing yellow and orange banners on black background (obnoxious), too much small text ( wordy ), or formating that
          dosen't flow smoothly ( scattered ), are all too busy. Give me an instant headache.
          as to #6, you should add too busy


          • #6
            Re: Making it easier for users

            Thanks Bill, good advice. I do have one prob though. Everyone says check out your compitition and see what they are doing. But how do you know how well they are actually doing? which ones do you emulate, maybe if you have been in biz for a long time you can see who has been around for a while, but if you are new, how do you know?!!!

            Mobile Hair & Beauty Treatments, Costa del Sol, Spain
            Bridal hair and make-up service, Costa del Sol, Spain


            • #7
              Re: Making it easier for users

              You're welcome,

              Mark - the study talked about putting yourself in the user's ***** and looking at sites (unemotionally). Some competitors have a counter tracking their visitors. Also, compare what stands out from their sites and what gets users' attention in your own. Bit of looking for what leaves a footprint.

              I'm like Circus, busy sites are difficult to navigate.


              • #8
                Re: Making it easier for users

                Thanks Bill,
                Good point, and obvious once stated.
                I'll get right on it.

                Mobile Hair & Beauty Treatments, Costa del Sol, Spain
                Bridal hair and make-up service, Costa del Sol, Spain


                • #9
                  Re: Making it easier for users


                  All sites love to embellish there hits on the counters most counters can be set at any number to start. Some sites have invisable counters. I think the only way to get simi accurate stats is to set the site ( your competition ) to your favoritrs and return once a week to recheck their counter.
                  The reason this information is only simi accurate is ssome sites have invisable real counters and phoney visible counters with multipliers just
                  so others can,t see how well there doing.
                  reminds my of the poem " what a tangled web we weave......."
                  You can also check there credit reports. I don't know how to do this for
                  free. This can be deceitful also, because bad management can ruin a good company.
                  I remember another good old poem: The Secret of Success............
                  ........................................... Late to bed................................
                  ......................................Early to rise....................................
                  .....................................Work like hell..................................
                  ................................... And advertise...............................
                  I see you, mark, as no stranger to descipline. If you apply this strenth
                  to your business, no matter what the business, you will succede.


                  • #10
                    Re: Making it easier for users

                    Robert (CircusPet),

                    Not all sites have counters, nor do the majority of the individuals that have them resort to deceptive practices. In fact, most better-developed websites steer clear from such ineffective and clumsy utilities so as not to present the appearance of an oviously less than professional identity. Counters were introduced early in the website game before web metrics analysis software became more widely available (and affordable), and have become a relic now that these utilities are available in most user control panels. Remember "Urchin" software?

                    Mark's points mentioned above are generally true (although I personally may disagree about the accuracy of the numbers), and certainly illustrate the overall point that deserves primary consideration: the design of an effective website depends as much on the carefully planned presentation of visual appeal and logistical arrangement as it does on relevancy of material and movement. >>> Who would bother to navigate through a website (providing the links work) that looks like a hodge-podge of poorly constructed ideas, or to tolerate an extended visit if the site is blaring some offensive music at you when you are trying to get past the loud colors or images to begin with? I personally have great disdain for websites that clutter the internet being nothing more than just garage-built wannabes......I cringe at "business" sites that are so weak that they define what NOT to do when designing either a business or a website!

                    The bottom line in designing websites is always pretty simple, and it's actually hard to mess up if you ask yourself some questions before jumping into the bucket of html:
                    A. What is the Main Idea for this website, and what do I have to do to communicate it clearly?
                    B. Is there a purpose this website will fulfill for visitors, and how will this be communicated and established?
                    C. If this website offers information (for any purpose, which is Content), what is the best format to present it easily and for maximum comprehension? Does the Content accurately reflect my Main Idea in a refreshing, cognizant, and progressive manner that accomplishes the directed or constructed impression intended (read-in keyword, meta, thread development)?
                    D. Does this website properly use the tools and utilities that are available (and commonly expected) in an effective manner? Does this website depend on effective technology implemented professionally, or gimmicks and superficial attempts to reach beyond the Main Idea (pretending, postulating rather than presenting..)? This has a lot to do with the common turn-offs mentioned above: wacko color schemes, poor navigation, ill-thought use of references or images, music that is abrasive or affrontive, etc.
                    E. Can the Main Idea be full expressed and the Purpose fulfilled in a streamlined design without compromise? This is the direct result of liner planning of the site, and conveys so much to the visitors....

                    Proper Website Planning can not be hurried or faked, and every element is so important to bring it all together. Doing a lot of thinking and manipulation on the back end (with counters, poor SEO programs, revolving "gimmicks") can never correct the abscence of good thinking on the front end (planning, design, and implementation).

                    It's enough to consistently make best efforts all the time, and often even I have to try to keep motivation can be somewhat overwhelming doing it all alone, but it is more assuring if you have a real plan to measure progress with!

                    I am amazed at the accomplishments of everyone here at VodaHost. This truly is the finest vision-factory in cyberland. I, for one, am pleased to have the opportunity to participate.
                    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                    * Success Is Potential Realized *

