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Since I have been playing with the positioning of the translation bar I have: heard from Faradiba (thank you )
that the translation is not correct in Dutch. I noticed a few irregularities in German,but not so great. Thanks, Faradiba for the help. I need to look into another script for translation. But the page I was working on now.seems something is wrong. It came up fine before but now I get the error that the html file cannot be found. I checked the FTP and it is there, it is excactly the same spelling,capitalization etc. Change the config of page and saved,published but no file.
check the punctuation of your saved "names"
e.g. your main should be index with nothing after it (don't put .bv or anything)
and in lower case.
also check that your page either has no spaces ( space here) or has a 'placeholder (space_here) followed by a period (when working so fast it's common to accidentally put a comma)
I cannot see the mistake. Nothing had been changed but the name and it was working. I changed only the layout of the page and now have problems with file not existing. All other "Saved" names have place holders and are in lowercase it is only the one file jungle adventure that I have the problem.
Hope you'll find another translation script in google or find a forum search on this topic. If it works for German, it should work for Dutch.
Maybe upload your file twice in FTP, just to make sure.
Yes all the links were working to that page. Until I changed the layout of that page. I change the name a while back, but it was working (links). I tried to change the layout but had problems. I had two parallelograms side by side and each time I saved it would convert first to tow enlogated rectangles then save it. Then I am here.
Thanks, I'll look around. After a look at it I can see the spanish is a little literal too. My German is not what it was, so I won't pretend to be able to judge. You're a big help. This forum is a life saver for me. Thanks again.