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nice site - looks good to me - love the sunset photo
did you want the Captain link to open in a separate page
also is contact finished, i couldn't get to it
looks like you will be a great website designer also
Nice site and very informative. I personally like the large lettering ..easy to read. Pictures are loading fairly fast but if you haven't resized them...consider doing so to make you pages load faster. You Captain page has some overalpping with the pictures on words. You rates page ...might consider something like's easier fora person to get to the point
Up to Six Passengers - US$150.00 for 2 hours
Additional hour - US$ 75.00 per hour
Larger groups please contact our office.
IT doesn't have be liek that but something along those lines to make it easier on your visitors who want a quick look at prices.
well i like it captain jim i think it does the job mite want to pixresize those pics they seem to take a while to load for me, just a thought matey
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Download the Pix resizer from the BV doanloads site and use that's very easy...just load you picture and then choose the size you want to resize to and save. Good luck. The pix resizer is free anda great tool ...we all benefit from it.
Are those pictures of your boat, or just "placeholders" until you can pop yours in?? (I was getting mixed up between the sail, the tug, and the container vessels!)
Thanks for all the input. Have been doing the pics resizer thing, also exploring in my photoshop elements- I'm learning. Contact page not up yet, and pictures of my boat are hard to take when the camera is with me at the helm- hope to have them soon.
Thanks to all, harris
Ok, throw me overboard after this.
Well done Skipper!
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. That started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship. The mate was a mighty sailin' man, the skipper brave and sure. Five passengers set sail that day, for a three hour tour, a three hour tour……… The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed. If not for the courage of the fearless crew,(your friends at Voda Host) the Minnow would be lost; the Minnow would be lost.
A couple of things:
-I think your email is delete www.
-"Boat and Rates" on NavBar if you downsize one fontsize it will fit better.
Your site is Albatross... why not change the pic of the stork for the one from the albatrosses in 'Cruises' ?
Harris: Great site and you are a super photographer! Love the sea gulls. You have already received a lot of feedback here, so I won't go there. Just wanted to jump in and tell you what a super job you've done, for a Captain that is, lol!! Have a great time!