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Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

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  • Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

    I have revamped my site and really need some feedback! I need honest opinions and creative input. My brain is overloaded with looking at this for so many hours.

    I would really appreciate any input! Thanks so much!

    My best to you,
    The Purple Butterfly

  • #2
    Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

    The one thing that got to me was the over use of tiled images, that is really distracting. Takes away from the text.
    When I got to the end of the tiling, I thought that somehow these pages are in reverse order. It has a lot of potential but needs some work, didn't think the buttons went so well, wrong color of green??? It is just starting to take shape so it will be interesting to see the finished product.


    • #3
      Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

      Thank you! I have been trying to figure out how to develop the intro pages into a loop to forgo the rest.

      I will re-examine the backgrounds for better readability. Thanks again for the input.


      • #4
        Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

        Nice concept Purple,
        Get your creative batteries recharged, some ideas for you to work on.
        -I first went through your slides, then stopped. Started again andskipped intro, not all users are like me, just the impatient ones.
        -Your pages are all untitled, add a word to describe each page.
        -The mouseover on Enter shows " ./welcome.html "
        -Like Choco said the NavBars could use better color combinations
        -Your Concept page has the menu along the bottom, confusing as other pages have it on top.

        Seemed like a spiritual page, but not sure if this is the intended message.


        • #5
          Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

          I enjoyed your site, especially 'Peace'. Being new to this stuff, I don't
          think I can advise you technically, except to say the buttons could
          look better. Instead of using 'nav bars', you may want to design
          your own buttons with the advanced button tool. Good luck!
          Brad Arnold.......

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          • #6
            Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

            Like the idea. It needs to be centered. Did not check for spelling. Slow down the butterfly on first page it looks like a dragonfly if moving that fast. Name pages. Do you need the tiled (too much tiling) BGs? The ones not tiled looked MUCH better. The page with the clouds in kind of a senna tone needs to be darker it starts to swllow up the white lettering,maybe darker text. Notice people complimenting site about Inspiration page but could not find one. Keep at it, it i s getting better. name pages.


            • #7
              Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

              Hi, Nice Idea for a peaceful life and mind, I like it, but asking people to be honnest, may I? allright.

              1 - The slides from page to page and clicking next next next next, I guess a lotta people are impatient in internet to discover what to eat in the website visited, make a limit for that sliding from page to page, you can put all of them in one page creating a special design to attract people just blow your creativity out and go ahead.

              2 - The photos in the background, uh uh !!! too much, they keeping the attraction from the content away.

              3 - change the NavBar, try to put something simple.

              Finally: try to keep the website as simple as you can, it has a great great great content, it's better if you do some research in google about websites samples, take a look around and try to get some idea from different designs.
              The Producer


              • #8
                Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

                Well, I admit I was looking forward to strolling through another light-hearted site, but it was slow and awkward for me, and I skipped out due to my impatience (sorry!).

                On your very first page, you should make a change "Copywright" >> "Copyright"

                and...I too, must concur on the buttons/ keeping with your deisgn concepts/context, why don't you simply use a combination of text with a symbol, like " next >> " to which you can add italic action when mouse-over (in "Link Styles") easily hyperlinked to the next page?? I think that would be a better 'fit' if done in your chosen font, personally....

                >> double-check to be sure you have no spaces in your page titles, using "_" rather than leaving'll note that the % symbol is being inserted when making transistions, indicating abbreviation at the server......

                I'll do the T2 thing...'I'll be back!"
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • #9
                  Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

                  the concept is great - however - could the intro pages be condensed some - more words and less pages? also "Poem" page and a few more - the words over the stark white backgrounds are kind of jarring considering how inviting the rest of the pages look. just my thoughts. Very interesting site - i will keep coming back to it.
         - My Travel
         - Jewelry
         - Leather Art


                  • #10
                    Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

                    Thanks for the input! I think I will change the whole intro to a slide show and simplify as much as possible.

                    I appreciate ALL the advice I can get. I am flying by the seat of my pants here and learning as I go.

                    Thanks again!


                    • #11
                      Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

                      I like the concept. I agree the nav buttons need some work. I understand what you were going for with the next and next and then next, but I think you might want to make the transition less time consuming to navigate through. I think it is your poem that you want visitors to focus on, make sure people know that right away. Beautiful pictures.

                      Keep up the good work. Like the rest of us, your site will have many changes.


                      • #12
                        Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

                        Okay, I have started reworking... Please tell me what you think! Better? Worse?

                        Some of the pages in About You are not up yet, and I am still working out the tiled images on the other pages, but I need to know if I am headed in the right direction!!!

                        Thanks for helping me out here, guys... I TRULY appreciate it!


                        The Purple Butterfly


                        • #13
                          Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

                          I've said before and won't bother except to say the first page in the horrible brown, I don't know what it is but man, what were you thinking and is is still tiled. the rest of the site is really coming to form. Still do not like the tiled photos in the BG. |It makes your site look unprofessional. You can do better because you have. Still like to know why the people are so thankful for the inspiration section, still cannot find one. Your fotos of the butterflys are very crisp and load fast. Keep working.


                          • #14
                            Re: Does this make sense to anyone? I need feedback!!!

                            There are some great things on your site. The slide show is amazing, but please take the time/date away from the bottom rh corner in some of the pics. That spoils it a bit and detracts from the professionalism of the photos.
                            The framed pictures on your store page are far too big and take a long time to load. Try pixresizer, and use the same dimensions - you won't notice the diffence in quality.
                            I couldn't get back to the main page (the one you listed in your original posting) via a menu option.



