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Can't Publish

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  • #16
    Re: Can't Publish

    Here are the TRAVEL sites I designed entirely (wrote, set the layouts, chose the pictures, features, etc. I just did not perform the actual work - I don't write Flash, but I made Colin at OneGraphic do thousands of miniscule changes!):

    Leisure / Vacation


    Destination Weddings

    These are all sites I did for my wife, who now is a national leader. So, I think I do know travel, and thanks to VodaHost, I can now do website design myself! My point is, the sites I have designed have proven themselves to work and do what they are suposed to....each TYPE of site needs to be carefully analyzed and planned to determine what creative distinctions you can bring to accomplish the desired results. Mosat of us are trying so hard to do our best that we fail to remember the visitor can't absorb our lifetime of knowledge in a website visit....we have only 15 seconds to 3.5 minutes to convert their curiosity into action - hopefully into an investment (emotional, monetary, spiritual, etc.) with US!
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • #17
      Re: Can't Publish

      Do NOT Stop!
      Just re-arrange what you have in a straighter line...navigation-wise....
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • #18
        Re: Can't Publish

        I don't think there is time. I have operating tours now, maybe should settle for that. I didn't realize it was that bad. So much to fix.


        • #19
          Re: Can't Publish

          Isn't linear navigation compelling readers to go through your site, page by page in an order you decide? and then reciprocal would be reverse of course. Isn't that what I did?


          • #20
            Re: Can't Publish

            hi there - don't just stop working on the site - you're doing great, i had no real problem navigating it - but I think i would put the nav buttons on the top of the page on the home page, almost didn't scroll down to them. Take a day or so off and come back to it with fresh eyes if you really don't feel like dealing with it now. ann
   - My Travel
   - Jewelry
   - Leather Art


            • #21
              Re: Can't Publish

              I enjoyed your site, especially the pictures!
              Just take a break and come back to it later and
              work on technical issues. Don't get bogged down
              in the details!
              Brad Arnold.......

              !Free Search Engine Submission!
              Talking Avatar for your web site!
              Free sound editor
              Voda Host Tutorials


              • #22
                Re: Can't Publish

                Reciprocal links are when you "share" links with another website: you may share a common theme (travel), and they link to yours as a destination, and you have a link on your site to them since they offer luggage, for instance.

                You really don't that much to re-do....just re-think your linking, and how you want the navigation to "flow".....whether or not you want to "group" things tighter or not is just another option, NOT a requirement....
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • #23
                  Re: Can't Publish

                  NO! Your site is AMAZING! Please do not give up and do not start over! Just take a break. Decide what YOU want the site to is a wonderful site full of amazing things and adventures! You will get it all tweaked eventually, but in the meantime, you have a real masterpiece on your hands! I know you feel way over your head....but just step away. When you come back, you will not feel so overwhelmed.

                  make a list of the things you want to change and the things you want to leave alone. Then start working on your change list one step at a time. You can also do a "chart" on paper and see where each page leads you and make any changes you feel are important.

                  And remember , your site will never be "finished"...meaning that it will change all the time! Your customers will let you know, your services will change, and you will get new ideas as you grown. That is what is so cool about websites and technology...if it doesn't work, you can change it!

                  You have made such wonderful progress and I know you will make it work!!!
                  still working on website!


                  • #24
                    Re: Can't Publish

                    Too late change almost everything, complete differrent look. Jus ready to put it out there so take a look I value your opinion and appreciate your support.

