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  • Tim

    I have made changes in my site how about some feed back.
    my site:

    Thank's Tim

  • #2
    Re: Tim

    nice site, your contact page seems to go off on some other direction, something about laundry and not your e-mail and contact info.


    • #3
      Re: Tim

      LOL Bill is priceless, isn't he? > He is right, though, as it has the product description rather than Contact Function.....
      "No, William, it's not SA8!!" (And you're going to have to get used to the smell of cigars: a few of us self-celebrate success with stogies!)

      Your efforts have paid off, Tim. I suppose you need to keep some of the more "informal" images and verbiage to convey your intended theme, but I might hint at trying to reduce the unecessary "clutter." Obviously you are reaching out to intelligent individuals, and I would focus on that perspective without trying to hug too large of an audience or reach for credibility when you don't need to.
      BUT....that's my take on it.
      Technically, everything seems pretty tight, so keep plodding Good Sir! Looking forward to your finished product.
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • #4
        Re: Tim

        Hi Vasili,

        Take a look at my site now I market these products and that is what I want people to look at if you go to the links at the end of each their is a form to fill and submit.



        • #5
          Re: Tim

          Technically, your pages are succeeded emotionally in making me believe through the use of color, images (love that baby!), style, and content that if i become a sales rep/distributor for your laundry soap company (amway???) I will help the environment, spend more time with my family, love God, AND get rich! The "confusing" structure forced me to read for a very long time and get really "pumped up" trying to find out what it is I had to do to acheive all the things you are promising on your main page. Click to second page and I finally find it on a button....opportunities to sell soap.

          Personally, I do not care for companies that use this sales tactic, but for the purpose of your website, it worked! ordinarily, I would not have read the whole site when someone doesn't tell me right away what your true purpose is....but that's just me. Why not just say so on the first page? I would have REALLY contacted you then!

          Just my opinion. Sorry!
          still working on website!


          • #6
            Re: Tim

            Hi Islandcrazy,
            I am sorry if you were confused I do not sell soap the Laundrypure is a machine that use no soap and hook's to your washer and the fresh air is a air purifier is Certified Space Technology by NASA if you go to the drop down Box and bring down the different links you will see we are not in the soap business but high Technology Please take a look at that and then you will be "pumped Up" Click on arrow when links click on Laundrypure & Go Thank You , Tim PS. post back to me then


            • #7
              Re: Tim

              Granted it is definitely a very valid environmentally friendly product. Still the Contact Us is confusing, and quite honestly as a user I am turned away without exploring further.

              As a colleague, I applaud your efforts and can only provide the feedback you request.


              • #8
                Re: Tim

                Hi Islandcrazy,
                I just went in my site and it was not working right I am sorry again I have it fix now so go to drop down box when you click on the arrow 4 links will be there 2 for laundrypure and 2 for fresh air if you click recuiting that will give you a better idea what we are all about.

                Thanks again


                • #9
                  Re: Tim

                  Hi Bill,
                  That is what I post for is to get other peoples feed back so I can make changes untill I get it right give me some insight on what you would do.



                  • #10
                    Re: Tim

                    Originally posted by timshaw
                    Hi Islandcrazy,
                    I am sorry if you were confused I do not sell soap the Laundrypure is a machine that use no soap and hook's to your washer and the fresh air is a air purifier is Certified Space Technology by NASA if you go to the drop down Box and bring down the different links you will see we are not in the soap business but high Technology Please take a look at that and then you will be "pumped Up" Click on arrow when links click on Laundrypure & Go Thank You , Tim PS. post back to me then
                    I think that was her entire point: all the information you replied with should be easy to find and understand on your website, or at least navigate intelligently to from your Main Page!

                    Using clever means or a "hook" generally results in frustration, a definitive "turn off".....a website is a poor substitute for personal-style marketing. And, (here it comes) any successful marketing is based on credibility of the product or service rather than any other implication or inferrence..... (Even the domain name - site name - product name relationship is confusing with regard to the product or "opportunity") > "" IS a business, isn't it?

                    Your website demonstrates your technical achievements, and there are still a few glitches that can be easily solved, so it might be better to focus on this aspect. That being said, the above comments as they relate to navigation logistics merit further consideration.

                    IMO: In My Opinion!
                    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                    * Success Is Potential Realized *


                    • #11
                      Re: Tim

                      I will have a cigar to celebrate when you've completed the site. Good luck.


                      • #12
                        Re: Tim

                        Made some changes hope this helps.

                        God Bless,


                        • #13
                          Re: Tim

                          Tim, I'm so sorry that I thought it was soap. This morning I was being a bit of a smart alec and I really apologize for my ignorance. I did not mean to sound rude to you! I will go look at your site again in a while to see your products as I really missed the boat!

                          I probably shouldn't have save said anything, but I am very sensitive to this stlye of marketing as I've had several family members affected in a negative way by it. I am also very sensitive to marketing strategies that use religion, freedom, and family values to gain my trust before they sell me their "product." I am NOT accusing you of doing those things and this is not the appropriate place to do so, so I apologize greatly

                 I said before, you have done a very good job building your site!
                          still working on website!


                          • #14
                            Re: Tim

                            Hi Vasili,
                            I was not try to do any thing clever I am 68 years old and new at marketing I have look at manysite and though I was doing it right most site I see is two pages so that is what I made to do like all others I have seen, I am an independent Dealer for this company and they are about God,Family and Country and this is what I put in my site if you would take a look at the links the company tells you all about it self I am just trying my best to be successful at what I do.

                            Thanks For The input,


                            • #15
                              Re: Tim

                              Hi Islandcrazy,
                              I did not take it that way and why I put God, Family and Country in my site because this is what this company is all about I am an independent dealer for them and the first thing they tell you is all that we do is for the Glory of God and our Familes I am 68 years old and love them all I got in the business because my wife has copd and was in the hospital all the time I purchase one of the Fresh Air Purifies and it help her so much I became a dealer she only has 30% of one lung that works and it has been a year and a half since we bought the machine and we have not been in the hospital they have help us so much and that is why I am trying to tell the rest of the world. Trying my best

                              Thank You and God Bless

