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  • #16
    Re: Tim

    Tim.. Technically your site is looking good but I am not sure how you can promote Chrisitanity, six figure earnings and American government policies all on the same page. I guess my points are all down to your site content.

    I have to elaborate because the comments above might seem a bit unfair but I really don't want a political or religous argument and I am not trying to start one....

    The USA government (and my government) claim to live by Christian morals but they fall at the very first hurdle, Turning the other cheek!

    About the six figure earnings, just seems a bit odd for a Christian organisation to be promoting such things when material belongings and comfort are not high on the agenda in that religion.

    forgive me... anybody who is angry at this post.. forgive me... I just don;t know who your site is aimed at matey.




    • #17
      Re: Tim

      Tim, Thank you for sharing your story. Again, I am sorry for rushing to judge you as a "slik" guy!!

      When I read your post know what i thought?

      Why don't you put just what you said in your post ON YOUR FIRST PAGE? A testimonial!! I would have probably bought your machine right then!! Or at least a button to "testimonials" or "why we exist"...??

      I don't know how to explain what I'm trying to say....I really thought your site was a "marketing ploy" ....hmmmm..i'm going to have to think about this before I stick my foot any further down my throat!!

      just be careful in how you present your company....your story is BEAUTIFUL ....put it front and center on your website! JUST MY OPINON...

      I misunderstood your inexperience for a marketing strategy and I 'm, again, sorry for my foolish reply.
      still working on website!


      • #18
        Re: Tim

        Originally posted by FPRob
        Tim.. Technically your site is looking good but I am not sure how you can promote Chrisitanity, six figure earnings and American government policies all on the same page. I guess my points are all down to your site content.
        I have to elaborate because the comments above might seem a bit unfair but I really don't want a political or religous argument and I am not trying to start one....
        The USA government (and my government) claim to live by Christian morals but they fall at the very first hurdle, Turning the other cheek!
        About the six figure earnings, just seems a bit odd for a Christian organisation to be promoting such things when material belongings and comfort are not high on the agenda in that religion.
        forgive me... anybody who is angry at this post.. forgive me... I just don;t know who your site is aimed at matey.:)
        (I tried to keep the perspectives skewed to technical aspects: navigation, and the conceptual incongruance of domain name-website "header"/logo-opportunity/product visuals....the domain name or BUSINESS name is usually/should be seen at the top of the site?)

        Religion, Politics, and Money are generally considered taboo topics in a Forum envoirnment, and this particular Forum is not concerned with "content" (further than spelling, syntax, or sentence structure) as long as the content complies with VodaHost Terms of Service.

        Technical Review (and accolades) are the focus of this particular Forum...
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • #19
          Re: Tim

          Hi To Every One Who Replyed to my post.

          I did not mean to cause so much misunderstanding of my site I was just looking to find any mistakes or help since I am a novice at this but here it is to try and make things better:
          My market is Air and Water quality in the home The EPA states this is one of our major problems in this country, The environment that we contiue to pollute, help people to gain financial and time freedom God never said we should not make money or have some free time with our familes if we are in business, to give people the best bussiness opportunity we can and show them we are all for healthy living company and if you would like to be a part of it, like I told Islandcrazy I am a dealer because what the machine did for my wife and me. We interview people 4 or 5 times before we accept them in the company we look for the best of the Best I have been buying leads now I am trying to get my own with my site I could go on and on but I will stop here and I will say may God Bless us all and everyone have a great night. If you want to look at the 4 links in my site and mabye this will give you all a better understanding you will see the founder in ther and his back ground in the bussiness.

          Thank You All for responding
          and I will be watching for more input.


          • #20
            Re: Tim

            That was well explained Tim, thanks :)

            I think the thing that threw me was the top banner. I guess I was (after seeing it) expecting a different kind of content. This is quite good for you from a reveiw perspective because if that mistake (assumption) has been made by one person (me) then it will probably be made by others too. Thanks for explaining it. Even though I did go a bit overboard in my post above, hopefully you can also see how not explaining the way I was thinking could have caused confusion or something worse. Elaborating on my statement was the sensible thing to do. Which brings me nicely onto....

            Technical reviews and accolades Vasili? LOL Then what is this title text all about (the title text for this section of the forum is below)? It doesn't even hint at the fact that reviews should based on technical merrit but it does say lots about the general reviewing of websites :)

            Also, I agree with you, I honestly do, on the issue of religion and politics causing arguments and being taboo on internet forums but when it comes to religious and political websites how can comments on those subjects be left out. I gave an honest opinion of what I thought. Not my fault if the subject matter is a controversial one. Maybe I did over explain a bit but only in an attempt to make the things I was talking about come across in a clearer way.

            "Are you ready to show your website to the world? Are your hyperlinks working?, Do you have any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors? How does it look? How can it be improved? Have your website reviewed and critiqued by other VodaHost Community Forum Members. DO NOT BE SHY!!! We want to see it , we are here to help each other. This is your testing ground"



            • #21
              Re: Tim

              Hi FPROB,
              Thank you for your opion but this is what happens when people jumps the gun I beleived the people on this form was to look at my site and that mean all of it and tell me what they think it is not to try and recruit them
              it is to tell me of my mistake since I am a novice and a new web builder and I do thank each and every one of you who replyed and the main thing always to remember the saying where I come from: never assume anything because the first three letters in assume is a_ _ and it makes one out of you and me.

              Again May God Bless all of You and The USA
              Thanks Very Much


              • #22
                Re: Tim

                Hi Tim,
                What a can of worms eh?
                I too was a bit confused by your home page - not really sure what the site was about...but once into the site I have a few technical comments. I am new to design as well but as a user I thought the pages looked good: clean and interesting without having too much happening at once.
                I did find it frustrating not to be able to navigate from one page to another by choice: once into the pages about recruiting/ecoquest (is there a spelling mistake on the drop downs?) you are stuck there and unable to get back "Home" on YOUR site or back to previos page. I also think that the blue arrows at the bottom of these pages is misleading as they don't "go" anywhere but I'm not sure if this is still part of your site or not.
                I think you should place more emphasis on the "Home based environmental business" bit to give people an idea of what the site is for.
                I was also looking for other pages for information when, in fact, it is the "contact" button that leads to this...I would give the option of information as well as contact.
                Hope this is helpful



                • #23
                  Re: Tim

                  Hi Helga,
                  Thank you for your input I agree the blue arrows need to be changed but the links are EcoQuest Links and I can not change them but I will talk to them tomorrow to see if they will make changes if you go to the bottom of the page there is a box there to take you to there next page in there site to get back to my site you need to click the back button at top of page so I am going to talk to them on that also because at the bottom of there page is my name,email address and phone number I want to see if the can put my URL there also to return to home.



                  • #24
                    Re: Tim

                    Originally posted by timshaw
                    Hi FPROB,
                    Thank you for your opion but this is what happens when people jumps the gun I beleived the people on this form was to look at my site and that mean all of it and tell me what they think it is not to try and recruit them
                    it is to tell me of my mistake since I am a novice and a new web builder and I do thank each and every one of you who replyed and the main thing always to remember the saying where I come from: never assume anything because the first three letters in assume is a_ _ and it makes one out of you and me.

                    Again May God Bless all of You and The USA
                    Thanks Very Much
                    Tim you have misunderstood me... Yes, maybe I did misunderstand the content a little but that is why reviews are good, it give you an idea of how your site is coming across to others. Even when the reviewer says something that you may not like. I did say in my original post that your site was looking technically good. I didn't criticise you for being a novice. I'd never do that.

                    Here's the thing though, if you are not prepared to take reviews as they come then maybe you should not post your site or ask for opinions.

                    I'm sorry I have upset you but hey, that's how reviews sometimes go. I do not really care either way how your site comes across but all reviews even bad ones should hold some kind of use for you in the way of determining future development.

                    It is also true that if one person has a particular opinion then it is a fair bet that others will see the same kinds of things within your site.

                    Hell maaaan, I am certain you would find fault with my sites too. If we can't be honest in this section then whats the point of having it?

                    Thou shalt not lie!!!!!! Except in BV's reviews section?



                    • #25
                      Re: Tim

                      Originally posted by FPRob
                      A.Here's the thing though, if you are not prepared to take reviews as they come then maybe you should not post your site or ask for opinions.

                      B. It is also true that if one person has a particular opinion then it is a fair bet that others will see the same kinds of things within your site.
                      A. I agree completely.....since the "reviewers" are pretty much in the soup themselves (designing websites), putting your site up for review allows the wonderful opportunity to gather perspectives much wider than our own, to see from the eyes of another. Often, that goes hand in hand with having what is seen understood differently as well, so "getting our of own box" once in a while can be both refreshing (revealing) and possibly even uncomfortable!

                      B. Regardless the discussion about content (although it is inherently meshed with the overall "presentation"), almost everyone has tried to "solve" the very present difficulty with the coherence/continuity of the website design and navigation therein. It seems agreed that the top banner would BEST be entitled with the actual domain name, and the "Christian" line would then best become a "tagline" or "qualifier" to the Head. In this way, the business (or "Opportunity") is "Official" and begins to be described...... first by the Tag, and then by everything underneath it, in standard fashion. If you need a structure to refer to, try thinking of it as writing a paper in school: you have your title, introductory sentence (by-line), introductory paragraph, etc. until you come to your this case it would be the compelling invitation to "drill-in" for more....

                      Whether you have 1, 2, or 1200 pages is not an issue. What IS an issue is how it is presented (flow, construct, format, etc.) and if it is navigable.

                      ** Suggestion: You should consider hyperlinking your page header image/logo to your "Main" page, as it has been a "standard" for quite some time to use this feature to navigate with. If you decide to implement this also, every page would thus have an additional return to your Main.

                      PS: I have made plenty of errors myself, so believe me when I state that I harbor no ill will toward anyone in VodaLand, and really do not intentd to come across like a "Patton"....I have become known (whether good or bad) as a "stickler" for use of language and logistical construct. Maybe because I have been not only in business for a long time, but have been a successful trainer and writer as well? Whatever! LOL
                      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                      * Success Is Potential Realized *


                      • #26
                        Re: Tim

                        Hi To All,
                        I was not upset about any thing I am thankful for your help just in one place you said your assumpton and I responed with my opinion on assuming things and did everyone go all the way through my site it take a lot more then this to upset me but if that is what you and any one else thinks so be it again thank you and ever one who responded to my site and I will be back for more input if all of you want to give me more and I will learn in time to be one of the best that is the way I am and I give every thing I do all I have to be successful.

                        May God Bless,


                        • #27
                          Re: Tim

                          Vasili said: It seems agreed that the top banner would BEST be entitled with the actual domain name, and the "Christian" line would then best become a "tagline" or "qualifier" to the Head. In this way, the business (or "Opportunity") is "Official" and begins to be described...... first by the Tag, and then by everything underneath it, in standard fashion. If you need a structure to refer to, try thinking of it as writing a paper in school: you have your title, introductory sentence (by-line), introductory paragraph, etc. until you come to your this case it would be the compelling invitation to "drill-in" for more....""

                          I think that would be a great idea! Have your logo/header more "to the point" of your company/product and then "underneath" have some sort of Christian slogan to still make a powerful statement about your faith and the mission of your company! I think it would lead to less confusion.

                          blessings to you, 2
                          still working on website!


                          • #28
                            Re: Tim

                            Hi Vasili & Islandcrazy,

                            Take a look now and what do you think am I going in the right way.




                            • #29
                              Re: Tim

                              Yes...I think you are starting to see the premise.....

                              Some simple "edits" though (shown in color - don't duplicate the color! LOL):
                              "Freedom4LifeSite" -- drop the "www." and the ".biz" (not really necessary), and set the font to bold after 'capitalizing' as shown.-non-italicized-...sets it off more, and emphasizes the importance of who you are paying attention to..
                              "A Christian Based Company" -- I would make this line italicized, significantly smaller than the "Logo" and correct the spelling as noted....or just use "A Christian Company"

                              Carry On!
                              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                              * Success Is Potential Realized *


                              • #30
                                Re: Tim

                                Hi Vasili,

                                Thanks again I think we are gaining on it look better all the time.


