How am I doing ?

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  • le103433

    • Apr 2006
    • 17

    How am I doing ? Please offer honest cticism and suggestions .
  • beegud2
    Major General

    • Apr 2006
    • 2156

    Re: How am I doing ?

    Hi le10.,

    Ok nice site and I remember seeing it the first time and it is a great improvement over that....on your home page (i'm using netscape 8.1) there was some overlapping of the nav bar with the lines. You also need to center pages. Your links work but are a bit slow loading and I'm not sure why as you don't havea lot of images ...maybe the boxes. I like your site but something is off and I'm trying to see what it is that is bothering me...and will let you know as soon as I can place my finger on it.

    Good job and really a nice project and site and well worth all the effor you have placed into it.



    • thepurplebutterfly
      Sergeant Major

      • Aug 2006
      • 99

      Re: How am I doing ?

      I like the concept... My browser shows you page WAY off to the left. I also got kicked out of your links more often than not.

      Maybe more color?

      The Purple Butterfly


      • islandcrazy

        • Jul 2006
        • 286

        Re: How am I doing ?

        You have been very busy! I think you have a great start and a nice concept! As I read your text I wanted to know more about your company and your services.

        But i have to be totally honest....from the viewpoint of a first time surfer looking for a webdesign company.......your pages are confusing to me and I might not stick around to figure it out.......

        I think they are VERY clever....but to me, a website should be very clear very quickly...Just my opinion. When I click "enter" it takes me to a page that I just don't get? Your home page header is on top, and then a black magazine layout that I thought was a page from It is a clever design (the magazine look...I LOVE that concept!) But it was confusing to me and I wasn't sure where I was or who you were. It took me a few visits to the links to kinda understand, but I'm still not sure. SORRY!

        I'm not sure how to improve that...Maybe if you want to go with that magazine look, you could incorporate that style into the home page as well? Make All your pages follow the same format so your visitors "understand" right away and all your pages "go together?

        The other thing that I thought was different....(but I"M WEIRD!!!!!), on your home page, you are presenting yourself as a professional experienced webpage designer....but the first menu button on the left is "joke of the week". Now, I LOVE JOKES and companies with a sense of humor, but I'm not sure I would have that so prominent....It made me wonder how serious you are and would you really take me seriously as a client.

        I can't wait to see your finished site as I think you have a great concept!
        still working on website!


        • Dream Lady
          Major General

          • Feb 2006
          • 2036

          Re: How am I doing ?

          Your doing a fine job! Looks like you still have some work to do! Nav bars hanging to the right, pages aren't titled, I see a lot of verticle lines (I think) to the right.

          I am confused as to exactly what your business is. Webdesign or advertising site for Ohio? I think you need to be more specific and hightlight your main purpose for the site.

          Keep up the good work.
          Cindy Smentowski


          • wbjunior
            Staff Sergeant

            • Jul 2006
            • 49

            Re: How am I doing ?

            you gotta good start. keep up the good work, it will all come together soon
            like beegud2 said, center your pages
            1.right click on your page
            2.check center in page
            also, consider using a different background color so items may seem to blend together....this may have a more professional look

            The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.


            • beegud2
              Major General

              • Apr 2006
              • 2156

              Re: How am I doing ?

              Hi le10,

              I have to repeat the sentiments expressed by Island...I was too tired to really get it last night but she expressed what I was feeling off about. If you can work on that it might make things easier for all.

              Remember advertising on the web is not much different than on TV and the paper...people will give you 10-15 seconds to capture them and then move on if they are bored. Kepp it simple for the frirst few me it's something I still work with everyday.



