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I'm new in Blue Voda, need help building my site. please contact me.
hi david
as you can see she is asking for someone to contact her, its not like shes asking a question, i hope you understand what i am saying......
There is no subject to talk about its my little opinion. Please correct me if i am wrong.....
subject = need help building my site................
(please contact me) is not the way to go about getting help in these forums.
Why do you think that most email addresses are blocked out in the forums !!
I appreciate that you are only trying to help, but vodahost himself has mentioned this before, and I would not like to see you in trouble................
well i think the first thing you have to do is fix the link to your contact us page. is should be
also you should put a comment box on your contact us page as you do not know why someone is sending you the email.
I'm not sure what type of help you need or looking for. Please let us know what you want done. I also think you can put your website building up for bids through voda bids. good luck
Voda bids no longer exists.. in the stickies are voda approved freelancers, and of course anyone can answer.. but you should get your ad in or get it approved by management. Those approved are the ones voda knows produce results.
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Voda bids no longer exists.. in the stickies are voda approved freelancers, and of course anyone can answer.. but you should get your ad in or get it approved by management. Those approved are the ones voda knows produce results.
hi karen i am sorry for my ignorance but you are saying i have to be aproved to be a freelancer?